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Everything posted by Valgar.9576

  1. This isn't a bad idea.It would be nice to add in something that engages you more with other players you know...cause this is an mmo.
  2. Another idea would be to give people an option to enter an instance of the map where it is possible so that people who don't want any form of pvp are still protected.
  3. No i definitely think people will try and form large groups and kill everyone but I'm suggesting there are ways around it. Just off the top of my head I can think of maybe putting in a time limit until your character snaps out of it therefore preventing huge zergs from even forming. The idea behind it isn't necessarily to introduce pvp, but give some sort of dynamic and "unpredictable" nature to the story. The idea that anyone of your "comrades" could turn on you at any moment.
  4. Well what i'm suggesting is nothing like WvW. I think there are a lot of ways you could tweak it but just as a general idea I think it would be great.
  5. Like the title suggests, wouldn’t it be cool if you were able to “give in” to Jormag’s voice. For example, if you type /sleep in Bjora your character becomes a servant of Jormag and is an enemy to all other players. You could then fight other players on the map like some kind of open world pvp. Once you are defeated, you could get a debuff that prevents you from turning again for 24 hours so that people can’t continuously spam and troll events or players.I think this could really spice things up with the new content because you might get people banding together to fight off a group of “turned” players. I know it will have its down falls, but I think it would make the world so much more immersive. I had a similar idea for when HoT came out. I would have loved it if only Sylvari player characters who were playing the HoT campaign had the choice to “give in” to Mordremoth in a similar way. There’s probably better ways to implement it but I just can’t help wishing that this could happen.
  6. Yeah but you can't see animations from attacks for the weapons and I find something to feel/look different than what the preview shows
  7. Why isn't it realistic? I'm not a programmer or anything but it sounds pretty simple to implement. Or am I horribly wrong?
  8. Wouldn't it be cool if you could go into your home instance and all skins were unlocked for you to try on. You could then see how it looks when you run around. I know you can preview them but I think it would be more helpful if you can see exactly what it will look like while you play (animations included). Then when you leave your home instance, the skins you don't have become locked again. Thoughts?
  9. With all the (many) recent posts about the disaster of build templates, I want to have a positive post about the upcoming Halloween event next week. So what event are you looking forward to the most? Personally I love the clock tower. There is just something about it that makes me love doing it over and over again.
  10. Well i'm happy you shared. I like to see what other people enjoy in this game and why
  11. My all time favourite is definitely the "Tarir, The Forgotten City" soundtrack in Auric Basin. It still gives me chills every time I hear it.
  12. Well the best way to get ascended gear for me is doing the pvp league. By the time you finish all the chests, you have basically made almost 150 gold, you get plenty dyes, and you get 3 marks you can use to purchase a light, medium or heavy ascended armour. The added bonus is that the ascended armour acts as a precursor to legendary armour which is not too difficult or expensive to get in relation to the other legendaries. As you do league you can go for the league achievements which will ultimately allow you to get a legendary backpack, and if you dont want to spend your cash, you'll at least get an ascended backpack. AND you will also get rewards from whatever reward tracks you use (potential ascended rings drop from them, i've gotten like 5). The only downfall is...if you hate PvP. The ranking system is pretty broken when trying to matchmake so a lot of the time it is a lottery with your team. But anyway, that will keep you busy for a long time and make you rich quick.
  13. Cause if you are dying, then I'm sure if you set up a LFG or yell in the map chat for someone to come help, it should be easy enough
  14. Are you dying from it or is it that you can't find it?
  15. I'm just going to buy 5 a day and continue with my merry business
  16. Doesn't seeing your friends' AP suffice to indicate their activity in the game? Well sometimes they might complete a specific achievement that I haven't really heard of or seen. Total AP doesn't tell what achievements they actually got.> @"Cronospere.8143" said: Yeah, i definitely don't want every achievement popping up otherwise my chat would look like spam. > @daydreamer.3092 said: I actually forgot you could do that in WoW. I wonder how many people would actually want this?
  17. I don't know. This system was in (cough cough) WoW when I played it and it was great. Like I said, we don't need to broadcast everything. I find people to be generally passive in guild chat in most MMO's I've played and it just seems like a system that encourages communication.
  18. As in the title, I'd love to see what major achievements players in my guild are getting/doing. I'm obviously not suggesting every achievement should pop up in the guild chat but I like seeing a fellow guildie reach level 80, obtain a new mount/title, complete a raid wing etc. I think it would be simple to implement and you can toggle it off if it was something that would bother you. For me personally, it would make me aware of how active people in my guild are and a nice way to share your achievements.
  19. What would that even look like? Like they can jump higher or move faster or something?
  20. A lot of people are interested in seeing new things or changes in the near future of this game (such as new elite specializations, home instance changes,new races, etc. ) What would be the dumbest, most pointless or worst thing Anet could implement or introduce in the future? Personally I think underwater legendary weapons with no upgrade to underwater combat? Or introducing a playable Choya race XD
  21. I started playing this game approximately 5 years ago. In that time I have had many ups and downs and have scattered my gameplay to about 1500 hours. I just wanted to make this post about my experiences and feelings over the 5 years i have been playing, to hopefully share the memories this mmo has brought and thank the Devs and Anet for this gem of a game. Entering the game 5 years ago I was a free server WoW "refugee". The subscription based model mmo was just a bit too much for my pocket and the free servers were as broken and toxic as I can remember. A friend of mine recommended I should give this cool looking new MMO that was at the time, extremely pretty, and had quite a fluid and quick combat system. That's where it all started. Creating my first Norn Guardian Character and exploring this amazing new world was quite the experience. I enjoyed the renown hearts system (I'm crazy I know), loved the basic meta events, took in my surroundings with vistas and I even enjoyed the annoying JPs. Hoelbrak became my home away from all the action and levelling was such an enjoyable experience for me. I still remember just going along, doing some basic renown heart when I suddenly saw a mass of players gathering. I was curious so I decided to stick around to see what all the fuss was about. All of a sudden, a massive black creature spawns (Shadow Behemoth) and I was like "what the heeeeeeell is thaaaaaaat!!!!!" We killed it, massive chest appears, players leave. Im left standing there trying to process what just happened while looking at all my new shinies. This was the beginning of world boss events and gw2temple being my best friend. Don't even get me started on my first experience of Tequatl. Anyway, I had started the game in season 1 round about the Twisted Marionette cluster of an event and man was that something. Working together with tons of players in the world on a crazy "Boss" that was not an instance was something I had never experienced before. I think it was 5 lanes, each with it's own strategy and every section needed to be finished to successfully complete the event (not that you guys don't know). But this way of playing blew me away, something we are so used to by now. I remember hearing about Ley-lines and being so confused as to what the hell was going on, and of course meeting my favourite character, Taimi. Also this was before the mega-server existed so you had to make sure you were there 15min before the event started or you wouldnt have a full group. Being half way through the event, only to dc and come back on an empty map made me want to punch the wall. oh and also no mentor tags, think about that... Then came one of the most "traumatic" events to this day. The destruction of Lion's Arch!!! This made the Living Story actually feel real and impactful to the environment around me. I know a lot of people hate the new Lion's Arch but the fact that some people still feel like we lost something was the whole point in my opinion. Scarlet is still my favourite villian (Fight me!). That epic last fight was great and the idea that a dragon had been woken after the battle was extremely exciting. Other than the Living Story, one problem I had noticed at the time was how easy most of the open world content was (personal story especially). I was a Guardian and I finished pretty much everything with...a sceptor. Traits didn't feel like they did that much and was obviously not as complicated or as important as WoW. Then came the amazing Crown Pavilion arena. Still my favourite event to this day. I remember finally having to gear my guardian properly and changing my traits to be able to complete certain bosses. After dying 237 times, wanting to pull my eyes out or throwing my keyboard across the room, I finally defeated Liadri (I was still a noob ok). Still the most joy I have ever felt completing something (even more than SAB tribulation mode). I still show her as my mini and my Blazing Light title to this day. Anyway, I followed and played through Season 2 and my main memory from that was Silverwastes. Once I decided I wanted the legendary sword Twilight, I spent many many many hours farming that place for mats and gold. The whole meta of that event was great and the increase in difficulty was very welcome. The news of an expansion made me leap for joy (not literally) and I had no idea what to expect. At this time I was trying to get into fractals (Remember having to do 4 in a row) and really enjoying Wintersday and Halloween. I wont go into detail about those events. I then stopped playing for a long time. Real life needed my time so I put the game in the background hoping I would one day return. By the time LS 4 dropped, I finally had the time to invest in the game again. I entered HoT and wow...the map was insane. Multiple layers, a mastery system and gliding!!! This is what I call an expansion. VB was insane. The open world difficulty was ramped up so much that if you didn't pay attention you were dead (damn pocket raptors). Gliding was incredible and I couldn't believe amazing it felt to just fly through the sky. Then the meta-events. It made you feel like you were a part of a war, trying to survive snares of the forest. It felt like a foreign land that you didn't belong in and it didn't like you being there. At this point I decided that I really needed to immerse myself in this world and its lore. I read tons of wiki pages on the main characters in the game and finally understood why and how they were there helping or opposing me. This honestly changed the game for me, I was hooked, I needed to keep going. the tragedies that awaited me in the story and the new revelations felt more impactful and the final meta boss battle with Mordremoth felt epic. It was a real fight and grind (Nothing like Zhaitan lol). After HoT, season 3 had me at the edge of my seat, wondering who was the next major enemy. Honestly this was where I was most into the story. And then i hit PoF...mind blown again. Another new world outside Tyria, but a semi civilised one with their own political issues. More masteries, and of course....mounts...they finally did it...mounts (obviously i had seen other people on them when playing in HoT but still). My first raptor mount felt so fluid and easy to manoeuvre. I was also really impressed with the maps. I mean the crystal desert is stunning, with Amnoon being my favourite place. Again the story had gripped me. The only issues here was that I felt that the meta events were quite poorly attended. They didn't seem to have the same amount of importance as HoT maps and was sort of in the back of my mind the whole time. But anyway, I carried on my journey, exploring every inch of the maps, playing along with the story and getting each mount as I went along. By this time I had finally finished my legendary weapon so I was high on that accomplishment while smashing sand sharks and hydras and then running away because they hit hard. But again, GW2 had me enjoying my whole experience. Long story short, I am now on LS 4 and coming to the next climax of the story and thinking about all the experiences I have had up to this point and I just want to say THANK YOU GW2/Anet. I have not regretted a single moment of playing this game. There are many more experiences I have left out but I just want to say I appreciate everything this game has brought. Is it perfect? Of course not! Is there a lot Anet could have done and still do to improve the game? Obviously! I am no veteran by any standards and I don't speak for the entirety of this community and I don't claim that guild wars 2 is better than any other game but I will say it has been my favourite MMO experience and one I will always remember. Also thank you GW2 players that have made this game an amazing experience. I am so proud to be a part of this community :)
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