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Everything posted by bjwhiteda.7645

  1. another less anger filled suggestion.... allow us to exclude banked items at the mystic forge (toliet). This new thing where it shows everything in inventory and bank is very cluttered on screen and we have no option to exclude or hide things from the bank.
  2. Heres a suggestion for you... STop it with the jumping puzzles!!! Not everyone likes them and not everyone can do them!!! We are seriously missing out on content and achievements because someone on the dev team thinks we all want jumping puzzles. ONce again I cannot do an achievement (Someone in Need) because its got so many jumping puzzles!!!!!! Whats ironic is this is part of the Extra Life 2022 content and yet the jumping puzzles are virtually impossible for those with disabilities involving their hands or perceptions!!!! Really Anet....come off the jumping puzzles!!! I and i know alot of others would love to be able to complete evvetns and achievements !!
  3. I cant seem to find how to start Skyscale Lost. Maybe i am just tired tonight and am missing it?
  4. So i was told by a support dev to post this here so the game devs have a better chance to see it so here goes. I now have three mount skins that are usless to me...and all three came at the cost of gems which to me is the equivilent of &15 us dollars worth of uslessness. I do not and have no desire to get the warclaw nor the skyescale. The reason is because I have a physical disability with my hands that make jumping puzzles and trying to survive pvp/wvw virtually impossible. while I did start both, I had to abandon the quest for them because my hands cannot take the stress of pvp and jumping puzzles. Its hard to explain why my disability limits my ability to do these so I hope you will just understand that as much as I have tried, I simply cant. And before you say to just get a mezmer to port me up, I have had great difficulty finding one willing while I am online. My suggestion for the game devs is this... when using a mount licence, please only allow it to unlock for the mounts you DO have. While I could use a select a mount license, I feel they are priced a bit too high. Another option would be to allow another roll for a mount skin whenever the rng gives you a skin for a mount you dont have. Anyhow thats all i wanna say. I probably ticked off someone with it so I have my fireproof pants on and ready. Hope everyone reading this has a good day!!
  5. I would use my turtle if I could freaking get it. I been 10days now trying to get the saddle part from the strike mission with no luck. In those ten days, I only found ONE team that actually went in (LFG) and thee that dumped you if you didnt have legendary gear. Its a mount that was highly advertised and touted for months before launch....no reason to make getting it dependant on strike missions!! Hey Anet...guess what...not everyone likes strike missons or jumping puzzles. How about giving us a break and stop gating mounts and 99% of achievements behind them!!! Ugh...sorry for this rant but Im just so frustrated right now. There shoulda been some alternative for the turtle mount...like paying gold as an option instead of doing the bloody strike missions. I admit that part of my issues is that a handicap with my right hand slows me down significantly to the point I will likely never finish the pvp/wvw needed to get the warclaw or the jumping puzzles to get pretty much any achievements requirig them. I really really wanted the turtle but unless the strike mission requirement is removed or another option given for the parts, I will miss out on a huge part of what convinced me to pre-order EoD.
  6. Ok so i need to get a part from the strike mission in order to make my turtle saddle. I personally HATE strike missions. Yes I have tried them..yes some arent too hard but in most cases, I find it hard to find a team to get on or i sit in the lobby for so long its not funny. I just dont understand why Anet has to force a strike mission on us to get a part for a saddle. So I decide to suck it up and just to to the strike mission only ti find out I cannot even enter the lobby cause I have to have a 10 man raid team??? Seriously Anet??? I couldnt do the skyscale cause I have a handicap that makes it impossible to do some of the jumping puzzle that requires. And please dont say hire a mesmer. There is never one around when I need one . Yes I am fussy cause I really wanted that turtle and Anet made it unnecessarily hard to get it. Come on Anet...give a girl a break!!
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