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Everything posted by DeathPanel.8362

  1. I already addressed it. I pointed out it's not a simple shift because the new relic slot allows for flexibility in builds not seen before. That's different than simply shifting the stats to a different slot and making you pay to get back to where you were. Some if not most builds would not be where they were because they'd use potentially more effective rune/relic combos. Big balance patches in every MMO tend to result in players having to regear some of their equipment. People like you seem to have a problem with that. I recommend a different genre because this is a norm in MMOs and it won't change.
  2. It's not a simple shift. You're now able to mix and match the best possible stat and effect combo for your build. If it were just a simple shift where you had to just buy new gear to get the same exact old results I'd lean more towards your argument, but that's not how things are.
  3. You claim the difference is meaningful but you haven't actually demonstrated how or why.
  4. Nitpicking over differences in subcategories doesn't change the fundamental point. Fried Chicken and Grilled Chicken are still both Chicken.
  5. I said "stats and effects are shifted all the time" in nerfs. Now realize you did a translation in your own head and straw manned again. I noticed this is the biggest problem with your arguments.
  6. A game mechanic is decreased in effectiveness by removing effects from it that it used to have. That's the definition of a nerf. What you did is call it by another label. Labels are taxonomical. Changing the label doesn't change the thing it points to.
  7. Nerf balance patches are part of every MMO ever created. The problem isn't that runes are getting nerfed. The problem is that people are framing it as if it was a broken promise by ANET when ANET promised no such thing implicitly or explicitly.
  8. I'm not sure I understand your statement. Are you saying his logic is flawed or are you saying my response to his logic is flawed? The net gain is flexibility. If you need the effect of Rune of the Trooper but rather have DPS stats then you can combine Runes of the Scholar with Relic of the Trooper for example. The effect will no longer be tied to stats meaning there can be more optimal combinations leading to more overall build power in certain builds.
  9. The context of the discussion was about legendary runes. It doesn't matter what the best rune is after the release because legendary rune users will still be able to customize it at will. Depending on what the new meta is non-legendary rune users might have to get new runes.
  10. There's no implicit promise there either. Promising ascended and legendaries will be the highest tier of equipment and the level cap will remain at 80 does not imply that no new gear slots will be created. The problem with people like you is you mentally translate whatever you hear into whatever you want to hear and then get disappointed when your headcanon doesn't become reality.
  11. The context of that statement was in talking about gear tiers like ascended and legendary and level cap of 80. That's not an implicit or explicit promise that they'll never implement new gear slots. Your level 80 ascended gear or legendary gear will still be the best in slot in stats after the expansion releases.
  12. Nothing said here contradicted what I said. All he did was promise not to raise the level cap and said legendaries would be best for the gear slot. Relics are not runes. This again shows what I said many times to be true. Regardless of what people like you were told you translate it in your mind into what you want to hear and then you hold ANET to those headcanon promises rather than what was actually promised and get disgruntled when it doesn't materialize.
  13. Nowhere have they promised gear grind will be horizontal only. Feel free to cite it and I'll correct myself.
  14. No matter how many times you win a debate against your own strawman it doesn't change the reality of the situation. ANET never explicitly or implicitly promised that Legendary runes gave you immunity from the potential costs of other gear slots in the future.
  15. No, it's not. Legendary Runes were never an implicit promise of never having to spend currency on another gear slot.
  16. Using your strawman definition you mean. I have already on multiple occasions clarified what my meaning is. You just can't accept it because it doesn't suit your narrative.
  17. Announcing an expansion and taking pre-orders is an implicit promise of continued service. How hard is this to understand?
  18. No, I keep refuting other people's incorrect attempts at framing what a legendary rune is. A legendary Rune is NOT a guarantee of no longer needing to spend currency on any unspecified OTHER gear slot implementations.
  19. Apparently, you don't get tired of being wrong. I played since release and have 32 characters. I'll leave it up to people's imagination as to how many legendaries I have.
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