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that baby stealing dingo.7

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Everything posted by that baby stealing dingo.7

  1. Ok, I didn't realize I needed a certain amount of fractal experience/levels to access different fractals. That explains it. I guess I'll start some lfg's with other newbies and start grinding.
  2. I'm trying to choose Cliffside in the menu, but it's stuck on Volcanic. I can't choose a different one, evidently. What am I missing? I just need to do a few of these for my precursor, but right off the bat I'm lost lol.
  3. The Boot Camp report:Installed Boot Camp yesterday, using a Windows 10 Home ISO. Difference is night and day. On the Mac side of the partition it's a slide show, even with everything on the lowest possible graphics settings.On the Windows side of the partition, it's smooth as butter with everything on medium and almost everything turned on. So, yeah.
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