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Posts posted by santenal.1054

  1. 3 hours ago, Quench.7091 said:

    I love kits. They should revisit them. One issue that I see is that most of the kits are jack-of-all trades and master-of-none. It's why we see so many of the same kits across a wide variety of builds. They all have around two things that people want to use, but then the rest of the buttons are kind of useless until they equip a different stat set. I believe that if kits were specialized into either condi or power, not both, that we could see people enjoying kits a little more.

    I disagree, a kit should be  usefull to both power and condi builds, this results in the most amount of viable builds (currently only grenade kit is (damage wise)(edit: with shrapnel) good for both power, hybrid and condi builds) all other kits need to be buffed in one or both of the damage types. if  done right, power damage can benefit condi builds and condi damage can benefit power builds. (think of mace #2 and grenade kit#2)

  2. 18 minutes ago, Stalima.5490 said:

    you are ignoring the general updates they did to the rifle:

    This is going nowhere, I was just commenting on the invested time/effort of changing the hip shot skill/animation, not the rifle changes in it's entirety. They buffed rifle a bit which I like ( they buff, they nerf, they buff, they nerf,...the cycle of meaningless  tweaks continues), nothing major for core engineer was done though, in the end nothing major changed.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, Stalima.5490 said:

    They haven't taken anything away from it though, this is just completely buffed and for the main traitline you would want to use in a power build. It means you can run both firearms or explosives effectively with the rifle rather than neither working all that well with it, if traits don't buff your capabilities then what would be the point in having traits?

    Not saying that what they did was bad, just that they could have done alot more good with alot less effort. This if you take this trait and that trait argument is so lame, there are already too many traits too necesarry (you cant slot them all) not that the specific trait combination you pointed out is necessary for rifle builds, I just dont like that way of justifying these changes (since most people are not going to be able to afford/willing to slot that specific trait combination anyway)

  4. 10 minutes ago, Stalima.5490 said:

    This is actually massive because the rifle will now be to trigger the whole middle row of explosives line, granting perma fury, increased ferocity and possibly bleeding and slowing targets while also being to sync with sanguine array for huge might stacking and then since it is applying an additional condition, modified ammunition will become even stronger for it to, if it is a 3-shot burst then it will also be far more likely to apply sharpshooter.

    This auto change is actually sounds crazy for rifle, especially with scrapper.

    Weapons/skills should be good without being traited, traits should be a mere nice to have, not a necessity. (balance devs obviously disagree with my balancing principle) I dont know what game mode you play but inventions is a must for condi cleanses in my builds.

  5. A rifle that shoots bullets and grenades?  Instead of spending time creating a new skill, they could have done alot more good for core engineer with alot less effort, but I cant complain too much, they didn't nerf anything significant for core this time.

    • Like 1
  6. The hard CC of sky circus becomes utterly useless when combined with the ranged version of the mech arms. (sky circus being a ranged attack already makes is pretty bad on it's own)


    Also the nonsensical balance decision (25/2/2020) of "no damage on hard cc skills" affect alot of mechanist skills in competitive game modes. (Rocket Fist Prototype,  Core Reactor Shot , Sky Circus , Force Signet, Rocket punch)



  7. Make crisis zone (F2 skill/trait) a more reliable stun breaker/utility skill. The mech is too often out of range and too slow to return for it to be a reliable utility skill. This is the most important trait/skill of the whole class (together with shift signet), it decides how usable mechanist will be in PVP/WVW so dont ignore this.

    Look at this video, Im standing quite close to my mech yet just out of range. This skill can't be relied on in a player vs player situation where everyone is moving all the time. (Or is it not the range but target priority? I often get the feeling that allies recieve the stunbreaker/boons instead of me) 


    • Like 3

    If you click "Crash Down" with your cursor (instead of using your F4 keybind) the mechanist will constantly keep doing "Recall Mech"and "Crash Down" everytime they come off cooldown. (you can see that this happened only the second time I manually clicked "Crash Down" at 0:20) This loop can be interrupted by using your F4 keybind.

    • Haha 1
  9. 13 hours ago, Levetty.1279 said:

    You come into  the Mesmer forum to whine about Mechanist  and then cry when you get called out on it? Leave troll.

    I didn't just "come into  the Mesmer forum" I was lured to this forum section (I normally never visit) by a person quoting my thread and saying something I didn't agree with.
    Then I responded once (now twice) to the dumb responses you typed. (please stop typing dumb  responses to me, so I do not have to respond anymore and can leave this forum section for good) (all this was not trollish behaviour)

    • Confused 2
  10. 10 hours ago, Levetty.1279 said:

    You got one of the only two Elite specs that had actual effort put into it and you still cry because it isn't OP in every game mode. No your complaints aren't valid and we don't care.


    Go back to your own forums unless you have something to say about Virtuoso.

    Sure they put some effort in mechanist, but they didn't think the design through (mechanist can't use 24 core engineer skills, even the heal of one of our healing skills). Nobody asked for an OP spec in any game mode, just for changes in the design. (Everything will get nerfed anyway) why do you people here keep acting like the performance of untuned first beta specs is an indication of future performance?

    PS: arguing with forum warriors like you is a waste of my time, so please refrain from making really dumb responses like you just did. (type something sensible if you really want to respond, that would decrease the urge for me to respond (on this thread about a spec I dont even care about).)

    • Like 1
  11. 13 hours ago, mortrialus.3062 said:

    Imagine getting Mechanist, with a mech that was literally soloing players and auto attacking for 6k in PvP with 900 range, and crying about how great Virtuoso has it compared to engineer. 




    But please, go on about how great Virtuoso actually is. 

    Are our complaints about mechanist not valid because first beta jade mech overperformed in a particular game mode? What was the point of linking my thread?

  12. Mechanist has only 4 (active) stunbreaker options

    Core Engineer has 6 (active) stunbreaker options

    Scrapper has 7 (active) stunbreaker options

    Holosmith has 7 (active) stunbreaker options

    Similar story for condition cleanses
    Similar story for general defensive utilities

    Surely you can see the problem, the removal of Toolbelt causes? 

    • Like 10
  13. Mech melts away real fast in group fights, making the entire elite spec quite useless to me and many others. Give back toolbelt skills so we can be more self reliant and this elite spec doesn't become near unused once people get bored of the shiny new toy (and realize how horrible the mech is and the mechanist's build diversity). 

    • Like 3
  14. Id prefer the mech to be weak ( and immortal?) and mechanist to have its toolbelt skills (shifting the balance of power to the player instead of the AI), this way you have more build options because you dont have to slot utilities  to keep your mech alive. (small groups of people will kill the mech real fast anyway)

    An other option would be to just make the mech strong and immortal, but not giving the mechanist his toolbelt skills (not so intresting for build diversity and it has its problems)

    • Confused 1
  15. 15 minutes ago, azarhal.3086 said:

    The tooltips says +1% recharge rate per 1% of health missing, but it doesn't act as if the base cooldown is 10 seconds. 

    It looks more like it's doing +1 second per 1% health missing added to 10 seconds capping at 100 seconds. We should put that up as a bug once beta start, because either the tooltip is wrong or how it is implemented is.

    I think it means:

    100-90% remaining health => 10 second cooldown

    90%-0% remaining health => cooldown (s) = (100-remaining health percentage) 

  16. 1 minute ago, iKeostuKen.2738 said:

    Why wouldnt you trait overshield if you either have to go condi damage or shield? Not taking it is a huge waste since it gives you easy access to cleanse, protection uptime and huge increase to survivability for you, your party and your pet. It's actually insane how good mech will make engineer shield.


    Mech doesnt have to even dodge attacks, put on its ranged auto if your finding it to hard to keep it up close range, they either have to attack you or your pet which is also dpsing them down. Create distance between you and your pet if they are aoe condi bursting. If they chase your pet, shadowstep it away, cleanse it and repeat.

    Spending the shield skills for cleanses is the sacrifice, they are your defensive skills (its not always the right thing to do). Traiting Over Shield is a good choice, Automated Medical response is also pretty good but not as good when using shield. 


    You dont have to teach me positioning lol. We will soon enough see what punishment the mech can take, and whether you can keep it alive. 

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