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Posts posted by santenal.1054

  1. On 5/26/2021 at 9:05 AM, Renny.6571 said:

     Race/character height doesn't affect nades in any way.


    In the first video you can see "Biggest Norn" throw grenades over a rock while "Smallest Asura" throws it against the rock.

    In the second video you can see that the height with which the grenades fly over the ground and angle they land on the ground differentiate greatly for the 2 characters.

    On rough terrain the lower flying grenades are more likely to hit an obstacle and explode  (compared to when there is a perfect flat ground) resulting in an explosion pattern that is more spread out (assuming not all grenades hit the obstacle ) or all grenades hitting the obstacle before reaching the selected target location (=even worse).



    • Thanks 1
  2. I have a fun memory using magnet on a commander.
    A few years ago when the guild "KISS" moved from Gunnar's Hold to Aurora glade, the Gunnar's hold server was salty beyond belief. They organized so well that they had driven the aurora Glade server into EB spawn and they kept killing everyone who tried to enter EB. While they were flexing and lauging I magnet pulled the commander of the main zerg, moa'd him and the legendary defender one shot killed him. That was quite embarassing for the commander infront of his whole server. (then all zerglings rushed into our spawn suiciding if I remember correctly). 


    also: Zergs ruin my WVW experience, please nerf...


    🤣hurr durr hurr durr

  3. In the following list I only just discovered tips (5) and (6) wich significantly improved the usability and effectiveness of these kits for me. If you have any other tips please share them.


    Use the following settings/keybinds in order to make Elite Mortar Kit and Grenade Kit most usable and effective:

    1 )Set "Ground Targeting" on "Instant"

    2 ) Disable "Autotargeting"
    3 ) Enable "Lock Ground Target at maximum Skill Range"
    4 ) Enable "Snap Ground target to Current Target" (this will make mortar shells fly to your enemy without you having to aim manually with the cursor (just select the target))
    5 ) Enable "Allow Skill Retargeting" (This will make the landing spot of ground targeted skills be determined after the initial skill animation instead of before the animation, which means that the mortar shell/grenade will land closer to a moving target) (Be wary of the delay (animation time) when you do not have a target selected and you use a ground targeted skill that you want to use on yourself, make sure your cursor is at the location where you want the skill to land. Moving the cursor away too soon will make the skill land somewhere you didn't intend. )
    6 ) Keybind "Lock Autotarget" (when you press this key you detarget whatever you have selected, which is important when you for example want to throw {{Skill|Toss Elixir S}} at your feet).

    7 ) Jumping right after you used a skill will make the grenades/mortar shells fly higher.

    8 ) Use combo finishers in the combo fields of Mortar Kit. (Wiki: combos) I personally really like leaps in the ice field (5 sec Frost Aura).


    PS: Always use the Grenadier trait when using the Grenade kit, because it makes the explosion radius bigger and increases the throw velocity (untraited too many of your grenades will miss a moving target because of the combination of the standard 120 range explosion radius and the slow throw velocity)


    • Thanks 4
  4. The goal of this post is to explain (to the Balance dev) what and why certain traits in the explosions traitline are (probably) bad and how to make Grenade Kit and Bomb Kit beter with relatively little work. (Not a PVE perspective)

    I know I am far from the best person for this task , so if you think you have superior ideas or think I’m missing the ball entirely, leave a comment and maybe I’ll adjust the list. You can also suggest replacement traits for the already existing traits that I or you think are problematic (but I wont add those suggestions to the list). I also do not know what should do how much damage , so suggestions like those are also appreciated.


    Explosive Entrance :

    Traits such as these weaponize every attack skill (as weak as they may be). People don't see it coming (no animation), it hits pretty hard (too much supplementary damage?) and the frequency it refreshes can be a little overwhelming (at the beginning of the fight and on high endurance regenerating builds).(this trait resembles the old unnerfed trait minesweeper alot (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Minesweeper )) which people also complained alot about. In the 27-3-2018 balance patch damage introducing traits such as these were all nerfed (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates/2018-03-27#Engineer ) yet the same kind of traits are again being introduced (Explosive Entrance) or buffed (Aim-Assisted Rocket). Damage preferably need to come from specific skills to which the enemy can react to, and not be done in such a sneaky or unavoidable way with traits. If you decide to keep this trait it's important to make sure that the damage output is acceptable and not overpowered (question: Is the damage overpowered?)

    Grenadier :

    All grenadier should do is increase the range of grenades +300 like it used to do before 23-6-2015. all the following have to be made baseline or removed.

    Remove Lesser grenade barrage, the damage is verry random (potentially hard hitting) so people don't know whether to dodge or not.

    The +60 explosion radius increases the surface area on which you must land your grenade to hit the enemy by a factor of 2.06, this is the reason why untraited grenades are utterly useless again moving targets (explosion radius got nerfed in 23-6-2015) (even in melee range). This radius increase has to be made baseline.


    Make the baseline range for all grenade skills 1200 (like it used to be). Because 900 is too short for zerg fights and high mobility foes ,...

    The throw velocity increase has to be made baseline for~~ the #1 skill~~ so we have a reliable long range poking damage attack. The #2, #3, #4, #5 and F skills probably (?) should have the slow velocity so you have to work a little to make the hard hitters connect with the enemy, and the enemy can see them comming. (do the same for mortar kit, that is basically grenade kit without the burst damage) (also make those skills glow brightly as soon as you have activated them so enemies have at least 0.5 seconds to recognize and dodge the incomming skill) (#2=Orange, #3=White, #4=Blue, #5=Green, F=Red) (give the bombs of bomb kit also colors, not a glow but just enlarge and paint the bombs)

    Short fuse :

    We lost the original trait that made bombs explode after 0.5 seconds, now it’s always 1 second (is this fine?). The 3 second fuse on Big Ol’ Bomb (bomb kit F skill) is ridiculous for a skill that doesn’t even do damage anymore (decrease the fuse time or make it detonatable ).

    Glass Cannon :


    Steel-Packed Powder :


    Aim-Assisted Rocket + Orbital Command Strike (buffed on 25-2-2020):

    Fine or not ? The Orbital Command Strike actually seems to hit quit hard (with a large radius) on the target Golem medium (2322 armor). Uninterrupted it takes about 20-25 seconds for the trait to go full cycle while casting from father than 450 range (for the trait to work).

    The Orbital Command Strike is not something you can relly on because of the long cycle time of the trait and the Aim-assisted rockets are reflectable which is quite annoying. When reflections are present, you switch to non reflectable attacks, but your own rockets would keep triggering and attacking you .

    Explosive Temper :


    Blast Shield :

    Fine but linked to Explosive Entrance

    Shaped Charge :


    Flashbang :

    Daze (interrupts skills) and Blind are (strong) utilities that should be applied by a limited amount of skills, so people who recognize those skills know what to expect and can decide what to do (dodge or not). (Has the same refresh frequency as Explosive Entrance). Get rid of the +90% health requirement.

    Shrapnel :

    Cripple is a utility that should not be spammable (remove the cripple).Since Traitlines are thematic and the explosives traitline doesn't do much for condition damage builds, maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to add something extra to the benefit of condition damage builds that use Grenade Kit or Bomb Kit. I would suggest to make grenade explosions have a 33% chance to trigger the conditions and bomb/mortar explosions a 100% chance, also change the bleeding to 1 stack of 4 seconds and add 1 torment stack of 4 seconds. (if you do the calculations you will see that the damage numbers are verry reasonable and in line with other auto attack numbers)

    Big Boomer :


  5. Damage numbers are verry different in PVE (high), WVW (low) and PVP (low). If you want to test out a build fast and cheap, go do a PVP unranked or stronghold match. Damage numbers are not exactly the same as in WVW and the amulet system is more limited stats wise, but it gives you a good idea if a build is any good or has major weaknesses.

    note: Elixir U gives 6 seconds stability in WVW while in PVP its only 1 second.

  6. Explosive Entrance and Flashbang are fairly new traits (25-2-2020) and were not the way to buff core engineer in a respectable manner.Such traits will only lead to them being nerfed again and little to no progress to the benefit of core engineer will have been made.

  7. Cleansing field placement (Med kit #3). The field needs to be placed at your location after the cast animation is done and not at the place where you were before the cast animation started.

  8. Random changes to damage numbers, Random changes to sustain, Random changes to many things that dont even need changing, ... This way of "balancing" is much too chaotic and it serves no purpose other than to waste time and throw away any reference point one could use to do actual responsible balancing.When you take away so much and give almost nothing intresting in return ( like bug fixes, clunky mechanic fixes, ...) you'll end up angering much more people than you are pleasing.

  9. There are still going to be perma protection spam builds (some of which shouldn't exist) . Nerf the protection boon and give toughness to those who need it as compensation or get rid of it entirely and let the equiped weapon type per class determine what thoughness buffs you get. (with melee weapons giving more thoughness then range weapons).

    Everything that grants resistance should be cut down to 3 sec or less.

  10. no baseline grenadier? After 5 years of nagging by many engineers still not?What happens to the 0.5s fuse time of the "Short fuse" trait? it's just gone?incendiary powder nerfed even further after overnerf ... 1 burn stack for 4 seconds...ridiculous.The total removal of stability on "crystal configuration: eclipse" concerns me. (remove the second stability stack or increase the cooldown of corona burst instead)coolant blast already is a horrible healing skill, increasing cd from 20s to 25s makes no sense. 20s would make it competitive (and still lose out) with the other (nerfed) healing skills.

  11. Just wanting to draw attention to the existance of this skill.While I personally dont have a use for this skill, others might. A 360° block (45s cd) that is accesible while in holomode and a single target pulsing immobilize (45s cd, 900 range) That is not all that bad for a racial skill imo.

  12. @Chaith.8256 said:

    @"santenal.1054" said:Phoenix has 300 more range and returns.How that skill works is superior over Flame Blast.

    I know, what is your point? No sense in a pointless cross profession comparison - the Phoenix is more user friendly and its good that flame blast has inherited the more user friendly tech.

    You asked for a "ground targeted blast with roll-through damage", but the roll-through damage path is so narrow it hardly even mathers it exists when used against moving targets (unlike with phoenix ). I just wanted to point that out because maybe you didn't notice that fact. (I'm trying to say that mechanics should be reasonably usable and I dont think that is currently the case with this portion of the skill).Because the skill is now ground targeted , it would be reasonable that they would increase the width to make it more usable or just add the damage to the explosion. (increasing the width is the beter option if you want to reward beter gameplay)

    You said :

    exactly the way Elementalist's Phoenix is.I (wrongfully) interpreted that as you saying that flame blast works exactly how Phoenix works.

    How quick to forget the old flame blast was being absorbed into walls and all the detonating bugsThat bug didn't bother me much and besides, bugs can be fixed (in most cases). I dont ask for the old skill back, I just make suggestions to improve (imo) the current one.

  13. @"Chaith.8256" said:I've been suggesting for years to make Flame Blast the way it is now, a ground targeted blast with roll-through damage, exactly the way Elementalist's Phoenix is.

    I'm a fan, I don't see a lot wrong here. It doesn't have to have a long-range chase or power damage to be 'fixed!'

    Phoenix has 300 more range and returns. The roll through path is also quite a bit wider on Phoenix (more likely to hit) (the camera angle isn't the same, but I Think the footage shows that what I am claiming is true, no?). How that skill works is significantly superior over Flame Blast. If flame blast worked like that, then I could get over the fact that I can't manually detonate anymore.

  14. @"Obtena.7952" said:you should probably stop using this in PVP ... because even if they fix the things you think are broken, you're just going to complain about how you kill yourself on someone's retaliation ... and then ask for basically a whole new weapon.

    Attack me on what I have written, not on what you think I might write in the future.I played with flamethrower for a long time and never complained about retal. But I fully respect and understand the people who request that flame jet has its damage spread over a smaller amount of damage procs and that the burning condition would be spread out instead of only being applied on the last proc. It is a reasonable request.

    FT isn't a great PVP weapon ... and that's OK.

    How do you determine what is and isn't OK? Are you trying to tell me to just BE OK with how things are?

    If you consider the theme, you're ideas don't actually make much sense.

    The "theme" wouldn't change at all (it being a short to mid range flamethrower weapon), but if you mean that the mechanics I suggest dont make much sense when compared to what is possible in real life you might have a point, but if that is the goal, anet can start deleting a whole lot of skills in this fantasy game. ( If you mean something else with "theme" please elaborate, instead of being all mysterious about it while talking down on me).

    You just want a weapon that works exactly for what you want to use it for. Not compelling reasons for change.

    I want the kit to be more usefull in small scale player vs player fights so more people can start using it again and start having fun with it. That is not exactly an unimportant aspect of the game imo.

  15. @"Dawdler.8521" said:Do revs even exist?

    But do go on saying that core engie is worthless, need to fly under the radar uhum.

    Mind sharing your build?

    This build is what im currently trying out since this week, the damage output is pretty horrible (survivability is good, but only because of the existence of superior rune of Speed ).http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PegAo6lZwuYdMPmKWyPdLTA-z1QYsIBzjCWZkZB0bCY3BJI2AvFz8tA-w

    But I doubt many other core engi roaming builds would beat it (assuming I was more mechanically skilled with it than I currently am) unless its some yolo condi build. I probably shouldn't be speculating like this, because the only core engies I have fought were zerglings with their backs pointed towards me :p

  16. @"Skotlex.7580" said:I think there was a greater number of people that approved the change to skill 2. Before it was pretty twitchy as one had to pretty much double press 2 every 5 seconds, the new version is much more relaxing. Granted, it may make targeting harder in some scenarios.

    Non of my complaints is against the change to ground targeting, but ground targeting needs a farther range to maintain its "chasing" capability and the removal of manual detonation was unnecessary and a step back. Look at thief shortbow #2 it has 900 range, is ground targeted and has manual detonation capability, that is how flame blast should work like imo.

  17. Just started playing around with flamethrower since a long time ago.My observations/complaints about FLAME BLAST.

    Give it more range!Compared to the old version the ground targeting makes this skill lose forwards travel distance ( 200-300 range) while running forwards , making this skill quite useless when chasing someone (this is because the final location is determined before the cast animation begins while previously the max distance would be determined after the initial cast animation was done)

    The loss of manual detonation makes this skill clunky and slow to use.In the past you could just double click the skill and you had near instant damage and a blast finisher. Now you have to first position your cursor correctly (takes time) and hope you have chosen the right location (the correct location is determined by the direction you are traveling in and the speed you are traveling with) The farther you are off, the longer the skill takes to detonate. Time you often just don’t have in a fight.

    Give it back proper power damage !
    So power oriented builds can start using this kit again.

    EDIT:4th complaint:Now that this skill does not track the enemy anymore the "damage by rolling through the enemy " portion should just be added to the damage on explosion because making it roll through an enemy is not reasonably achievable with such a slow ground targeted projectile against moving enemies.

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