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Rynslet.1672's Achievements

  1. I'd like it if we could mute all items from other players. Someone mentioned two of these things above, but I have something to add The new jade bot mini, all the currently available skins make noise. Which get annoying when you're in a place like mistlock sanctuary and six people around you all have various skins of that mini. Especially the new ghost skin. The giggling sound is cute, but not when all six minis play it on a loop at different times around you. The candy corn gobbler also makes super annoying noises. I've had to listen as people use it every five seconds to build up their buff. Which has made me super aware just how much noise I'm making for the people around me every time I use it. The Super Adventure Box minis also make the noises they make in SAB, and it would be great if they didn't. I've also been led to believe that Pet Dog Whsitle: Basenji's Howl noise when given the Speak command can be heard by other players. But I cannot confirm this myself, as I never bothered learning the tricks. ALL of these should be covered by "Other Players' Unique Item Sounds", and I cannot believe that they aren't, especially considering how old those SAB minis are. Minis should be muted for everyone but their owner by default, and the candy corn gobbler has been needing a rework for years. It should act like the snowflake or zaitan gobbler, where it's effectively a store transaction, and it should make no noise.
  2. Seriously. I can't believe it pops up at all. I figured it would only be different during the usual animations, and that was it. Instead they made it basically another Otter. Just pops out. But I cannot fathom why they gave it a noise. It's a cute sound when it's by itself, but I don't want to keep hearing it. Especially when I'm sitting in mistlock organizing my bank and six people around me all have it, and they all keep playing noises over and over. And it ignores the "Other Players' Unique Item Sounds" option completely. The poster above wasn't wrong. You had one job. EDIT: Oh. It's a mini now. That's why it's in the world. That's somehow so much worse than I was expecting. PLEASE give us an option to mute other people's minis. Or just all minis.
  3. Doesn't help that a lot of shileds look downright ugly. Please let us hide them.
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