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Everything posted by gashen.3874

  1. i am trying to fish for the first time,but have a problem with how to go about it. i am in my skiff and attempt to fish but a message saying that while i am transformed or mounted i cannot fish. i have no idea what this all about, any help would be welcome.
  2. i have tried this twice and both times i have been lest on my own on the map at this point i am asked by anet if i would like to move to a more populated map, twice i have done this and both times i have been moved to a new map that has,nt even started the meta. what is going on or is this normal practise
  3. this morning i signed in and went to wvw . i was delighted to see NO whiteside ridge and joined the fun like you do, after about an hour i thought something was,nt quite right and then i realized what it was. whiteside ridge had split into 3 groups, 1 was the original wsr, 2 they had renamed themselves desolation, and the third group they called augury rock. so what ever happens you can,t escape the organized mobs.
  4. it,s a complete joke. what are anet thinking of. shambles
  5. i,ve just entered the eternal battlegrounds and it,s a nightmare. whiteside ridge and augury rock together a fate worse than death[ where,s the vallium]and the scotch, i think i,ll go to bed for a week.
  6. how many players have they got
  7. here we go again,server change over same old story. last week it was augury rock now it,s whiteside ridge, two dodgy mobs. all they ever do is outnumber other teams and walk all over them. it,s about time some sort of cap is placed on teams like these two so we all get a fair crack of the whip. it,s becoming totally pointless playing this fiasco. there just is,nt any balance
  8. what is going on in wvw, utter chaos, i.ve no idea what is happening but it needs binning right now. it was bad enough last week with whiteside ridge but this is ridiculous. time to kick this pointless fiasco. AMEN
  9. the trouble is that a few teams have a vast numerical advantage that the gameplay suffers. examples are whiteside ridge,another is augury rock to name but two. it becomes boring in the end,like pissing in the wind, but it,s always been like this and i can,t see it changing any time soon.
  10. how do you get the boat defying the laws of the universe to appear. i have seen videos of it but it just is,nt there and cannot complete the quest.
  11. eternal battlegrounds,way beyond a joke
  12. how on earth is this beta supposed to level things up, it,s worse than ever. stick with the system we,ve got , at least you knew who you are supposed to be playing with. this new system you,ve no idea who, after years of being with sea farers rest i am now apparently with gunnars hold???????????
  13. what is whiteside ridge intelligence and which server are they on
  14. how many servers are actually playing right now using underworld as a front ? more than one i suspect
  15. a complete waste of time,riddled with cheats,more cheats and even more cheats don,t waste your time do something positive like knocking nails in to your head
  16. i have just discovered the same happening with underworld valley. the trouble with this lot is that if you kill one,a thousand come to the funeral
  17. if you killed 1,000,000 people in far shiverpeaks overlook,how many would they have left [1,000,000,000] give or take a few
  18. as the title suggests, whathave you done to wvw
  19. thanks for your help i,ll try on the next meta
  20. when trying to get to the cache keepers in drizzlewood meta how do you use choppers to get from one keeper to the next,by the time i get to a keeper they,re already killed
  21. the only way to go is as follows. first kick thiefs,mesmers and rangers, second scrap all condition damage[stupid], no movement impairing conditions,how on earth are conditions applied to you through a wall or a gate. direct damage only. get rid of all the cheats and conmen,then we might get somewhere. FAT CHANCE but we live in hope
  22. what are these beasts that have started to appear in wvw
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