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Posts posted by Straegen.2938

  1. The fundamental flaw is that it rewards numbers in a fight. Whenever no downstate week comes around large zergs are often whittled down when they extend beyond their WPs by smaller groups which allows for far more strategy other than win with a bigger/better comp group. In small scale fighting, skill becomes paramount as we routinely see a couple guys wreck twice or more their numbers. The downstate is a good thing in PvE but it straight sucks in WvW.

    Another huge con of the downstate is that it is absurdly unbalanced. Rangers in the water are nigh unkillable in some builds without several players hitting them since there is no underwater stomp. Mesmers are often more dangerous with Confusion when they are downed. Eles able to overplay thanks to doors and misting back into the group. If they are going to stick to the downstate, players need to instantly die in the water and they should remove/normalize all the downstate skills in WvW.

  2. @Laila Lightness.8742 said:Solution just go meele

    Melee is mostly dead in large scale. It doesn't hit enough targets and requires an absurd amount of mitigation just to close the gap. The game has shifted fully into ground target builds and support bunkers spamming Reflect, Boons, etc. The large group that wins is typically the one with the better comp. There really isn't any counter strategy any longer as they have essentially nerfed melee so hard only a masochist runs one.

  3. If you weren't around for tournaments, I can understand how this might make sense. However rewards for winning creates an obscene bandwagoning situation as we have seen in each WvW tournament. Until they can fix the bandwagon issue, competitive play with higher rewards creates far more problems than it solves.

    Oddly they would be better off creating rewards for players willing to balance out matches not rewards for stacking.

  4. Most of us have all seen the reflect meta in full swing in large scale. It is constant with near 100% up time, never ending and another escalation that removes even more diversity in the meta. Reflect needs to have a certain amount of fixed uses and then drop rather than a time limit. This would open up more counters to the ability and increase diversity since anything that doesn't ground target or AoE is pretty much useless now in large scale.

  5. We really need more skills, traits, runes and sigils that boon strip at least in small scale. The boon uptime and sharing is completely out of hand compared to the ability to remove it. Counter play now centers around ignoring boons and spiking absurd amounts of damage which creates a lot less diversity in the meta.

  6. I cannot think of another MMO that allows a player to attack and vanish a few seconds later. The GW2 stealth mechanics are the dumbest of any MMO I have ever played. I am a fan of ambush play but ambush, ambush, ambush is absurd.

  7. The zerg classes that were OP are still OP only more so. The large scale meta is slightly better than pirate ship but way worse than release. The small scale meta is on life support. They bunker'd everything and nerf'd every melee build to the point of uselessness. Every build that is effective is range or AoE. Most power skills in small scale are laughable except long range abilities. Roaming is now a joke as they basically neutered every decent roaming build.

    The worst thing they did was render an absurd number of weapons and skills near useless so the class and build diversity is practically non-existent. I pretty much never run into an oddball build that is functional.

  8. The problem with rangers vs thieves is that most won't engage without numbers. Finding a ranger willing to go toe-to-toe in equal numbers is absurdly rare. 1v1, a ranger is my prison GF. On the rare occasion I find one solo in the wild they are usually so tanky there is no point in engaging them.

  9. If a thief takes stealth or acro, they neuter their damage but yes they can run well. If they don't take these two, they die a lot. The thief class has been destroyed over the last several years. They have barely functioning weapon sets and they are pretty much only good for +1 in a fight or killing crappy players.

    Look at their weapon sets P/P dead. Staff dead. S/P dead. D/D dead. S/D on life support. P/D on life support. D/P barely functional. Rifle barely functional. Shortbow escape only.

  10. Pew Pew Ranger on a wall "wins" every time. The single target most damaging class is a ranged class that hits further away than any other class and has good escape mechanics. Not a melee class that has to soak up damage just to land a shot but a class that does its business without ever having to engage often safely from a wall.

  11. Let me sum up roaming fights: Low risk, High reward with bunker condi spam or range pew pew. Melee has essentially been deleted from the game. It is crazy that a melee thief, warrior, etc do a fraction of the damage of some idiot standing on a wall. It is a stupid design that a player can essentially rotate bunker skills while casually spamming condi and win.

    The thief has been nerfed into oblivion. Mesmer variants got mostly squashed. Warriors particularly melee are laughable now.

  12. I recently finished Ultimate Dominator and Diamond Legend. In the last year I logged over 3k wvw levels and 80k kills. That was switching to 50/50 or so zerging/roaming from mostly roaming. I run a thief 99% of the time. I wasn't in any major zerg or GvG guilds. A person focused on WvW zerging in a zerg guild with routine transfers to tier 1, can probably get there in 2-3 years with heavy play.

  13. The problem has always been that WvW rewards the laziest play possible with the most WxP. Defend a T3, almost nothing. Take a defended T3, same as an undefended paper tower. Open field war, paltry WxP and loot. Escort yaks, crap WxP. Scout... nothing.

    There is no risk vs reward in the entire game mode. I suggest a few conflict locations selected by the engine every 15 minutes that reward good loot and WxP for taking or defending. Prioritize those points toward the strongest server often encouraging 2v1 warfare against the leading server when the population is really out of whack. For example, holding Jerri and SMC against two motivated servers is extremely difficult.

  14. Keep in mind the "best" as in most effective build for Deadeye is a condi build with limited stealth and it is nigh unkillable in the right hands. Most don't run it because they cannot see past the stealth but if you figure it out, enjoy destroying most targets in 1v1 and it is a monster in a plus one scenario. Worst case it teleports away and resets the fight.

    If your plan is to run DPS, just roll a ranger because the thief class has been continually nerfed to the point of being mostly a troll class that is only good as a plus one in damage scenarios outside of handful of very specific condi builds.

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