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Posts posted by GoldenPants.1870

  1. 3 hours ago, Leo.5829 said:

    No, no, Ranger had to be nerfed it was way too strong. The nerf was a good thing. It was so strong you couldn't join a squad in WvW unless you played damage Soulbeast or damage Untamed. You just got kicked unless you played those. They were too strong. They were top damage, top strips, top cc and top utility. Game breakingly strong. It made all the other classes futile. And don't forget in roaming it just was unkillable and defeated every other class together in a 1 v 8.

    So true honestly. 🙏

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  2. 15 hours ago, HawaiianDreads.5473 said:

    Don't even want to imagine how WvW is now as a untamed. >.<

    Oh it's great as celestial, seems its the only thing Anet wants roamers to play.


    Charr forbid you get useful power builds...

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  3. I mean if they want us to play Cele there are builds that rangers can run that gives no one fun, even worse than cele harb, but if anets wants us to play that, then fine.

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  4. WHY Anet, why are you nerfing this trait so badly ? Untamed was already bad for roaming, with let loose barely making it playable, and now you remove fury from Let Loose ? What the actual kitten ? This entirely removes it giving us opening strike, which cuts a huge deal of our damage.


    NOT ONLY THAT, but you nerf OWP in THE SAME patch ?!


    Do you want us rangers to only play cele or something ? 


    Absolutely so let down by the changes.

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  5. On 7/24/2023 at 6:04 PM, ilMasa.2546 said:

    He's using reverse psychology: if something doesn't work Anet does nothing. BUT on the other hand if you say that it is working perfectly Anet will surely get their hands on it.

    No this is very serious, I mean it.

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  6. I said it, it had to be said, I'm sorry, but celestial gear is balanced, your stats doesn't reach as big as three or four stat sets, I think the issue no one wants to learn how to play and counter builds that uses celestial, if it wasn't balanced then no one would run anything but celestial. It's balanced, people just need to learn to play around it.


    I have died several times on celestial harbinger, and people say celestial is unkillable, people just need to stop overreacting.

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  7. On 4/20/2022 at 10:44 AM, bluberblasen.9684 said:

    Harbinger and specter need big nerfs in wvw.

    No, neither does tbh, Have you ever tried power harb or power spectre ? 


    Both are miserable compared to the condition versions.

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  8. 2 minutes ago, ArjukKagrim.6049 said:

    Today's patch hardly fixed the crushing blow of last patch. The dps still is trash compared to all other classes. That compared with the nonexisting utility is the final nail in the coffin and the spec won't be use for any instanced pve-content...

    Catalyst is fine, just because it's not overperforming anymore doesn't mean it's bad.

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  9. On 3/22/2022 at 6:53 PM, Xenesis.6389 said:

    Shockingly Eredon Terrace has switched population rank places with SBI from medium to high! will they stay with TC for the 3rd straight relink and finally get the ppt boost to t1 again? (nope!)


    I hope not, nothing against ET players but I do not want to play with them for a 3rd time in a row.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Erise.5614 said:

    But if you want more visibility explicitly to GoE you are more than welcome to create that! 

    Personally I don’t even care either way, I do both GoB and GoE without much problem, okay, well, one problem, the stupid ash stealth heart in Blazeridge, I think it is.. I hate that heart, and it should be reworked.



    But yeah I have like 20 GoB that I have absolutley no use for, so trading them in for like, GoEs would be pretty kitten nice.

    • Like 4
  11. 1 minute ago, Erise.5614 said:

    Can we please just stop with that bs whataboutism? 

    That is not a whataboutism, it’s literally relevant to the topic.


    1 minute ago, Erise.5614 said:

    This isn't some petty "we want our way but if you suffer that'd be neat!"

    Literally no one who argues for alternative GoB methods has a problem with an alternative to GoE.

    Then people should advocate for both, and not just 1 side of the coin, simple as that, honestly.

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  12. On 3/22/2022 at 6:11 PM, Caliboom.3218 said:

    Can't have another way to obtain the GoB, nope, gotta go through a gamemode you dislike to obtain it, no alternatives allowed, even if they take longer, after all, how else are WvW players supposed to get easy kills? Gotta farm PvE players going for the GoB, obviously!

    If PvE players want another way to get a GoB, then GoE also have to recieve the same treatment.

  13. 11 hours ago, Bladezephyr.5714 said:

    No it doesn't... that's completely asinine. If you have to farm airship parts (or whatever other currency) it's NOT zero cost.  Every currency in the game is the same: it's just a representation of your time.

    But you were complaining about gold, not about time. So, it would still be 0 ish gold cost, with more time invested.

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