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Posts posted by GoldenPants.1870

  1. @Thornwolf.9721 said:

    • Please make shield more effective as it is the core weapon for the elite, It's a shame that its almost completely useless in its current form.
    • Turn the bubble heal into a mobile field, perhaps even make it effect those around you and increase the size to guardian level but with rev theme. Allow it to heal for all the damage absorbed and be an AOE push-back similar to how ventari's tablet works with a fusion of its basic theme of being a bastion for allies.

    This would make Heralds have 2 Get out of jail free card tho. :v Since Infusion of Light exists.

  2. @Sigmoid.7082 said:They couldnt really remove attunements so but they still wanted to change how you approach/play the class.

    Core elementalist already wants to swap a lot. Weaver wants to swap more to get more dual attacks and cycle through. Hence the 4s global attunement CD. Tempest wants to stay that extra bit longer to get the overload. Hence no change to base ele timings but the wait time for use and I creased cool down afterwards so you are more likely to rotate slower.

    You're idea kind of removes some of the focus and makes tempest more of a straight elementalist+ than it already is. It's likely on the list to get a different trade off. Customizing via traits it's fine but I wouldn't say the playstyle is passive. You need to make choices and deal with opportunity cost.

    One of the reasons I consider weaver to be better designed is due to threads asking for f5 unravel. It means they like the spec but miss something that was given up.

    I just want weavers to have more utilities that are friendly to staff users... Because all are kinda melee or defense based which is kinda annoying.

  3. @Prinzsecond.4863 said:

    That's only effective against things like warrior block that blocks attacks, not for example, Wall of Reflection, which yeets(or reflects) the projectile, doesn't matter if it unblockable or not. Same with things like Scrappers field, which deletes projectiles upon contact.

    Huh, that would be News to me

    Everytime I have used Defense Field, which is from the Bulwark Gyro the projectiles seems to always be deleted.

    In any case, the unblockable effect, as for the ranger can only be triggered by 2 skills and one trait, Call of the Wild, which is Warhorn 5, which no one uses and it also only lasts for 3 attacks. Signet of the Hunt which makes the rangers attacks unblockable for 6 seconds, and Clarion call, which gives you 2 stacks of unblockable attacks when you swap pets, all on fairly lengthy cooldowns.

    Longbow soulbeasts are fine.

    And no, I don’t play them,

  4. @Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

    @Mystic Moon Maiden.3786 said:Anet must be smoking crack in Seattle. In what universe does a long bow shoot further than a rifle? Only in the one they created. Engineers just keep getting the shaft and Anet does zip about OP long bow and super OP Soulbeast. Broken kitten like this is what makes people not want to play the game. Anet is driving away their own player base by not being in touch with the reality of what is truly happening.

    I mean... basically one projectile block negates their whole dmg, which is Rapid Fire, the only other big damage they have is Greatsword 2 + Stomp from their melded ability... sooo...

    They also have ways to make their attacks unblockable....sooo....

    That's only effective against things like warrior block that blocks attacks, not for example, Wall of Reflection, which yeets(or reflects) the projectile, doesn't matter if it unblockable or not. Same with things like Scrappers field, which deletes projectiles upon contact.

  5. @ErikTheTyrant.4527 said:(This is all speculation). We were led to believe that Kralkatorrik feared a world without him. During the end of LS4 he stated that he didn't fear death or a world without him. I'm just wondering why did he try to stop the supposed prophecy/vision he had if he didn't fear the outcome of his vision.

    He was trying to stop himself from getting you know, killed, he knew what the prophecy was, a world without him, which you know, would mean he would be dead, he wanted to stop that, and we made that prophecy come true.

  6. @Mystic Moon Maiden.3786 said:Anet must be smoking crack in Seattle. In what universe does a long bow shoot further than a rifle? Only in the one they created. Engineers just keep getting the shaft and Anet does zip about OP long bow and super OP Soulbeast. Broken kitten like this is what makes people not want to play the game. Anet is driving away their own player base by not being in touch with the reality of what is truly happening.

    I mean... basically one projectile block negates their whole dmg, which is Rapid Fire, the only other big damage they have is Greatsword 2 + Stomp from their melded ability... sooo...

  7. @Brother.1504 said:

    @GoldenPants.1870 said:Hello ! I used to WvW a lot before, but I took a break right before they put in the warclaw, and not so long ago I returned, but what I find now happening is that I can't keep up with the zerg at all, everyone just mounts up and move on before I can catch up due to not having warclaw, does anyone have a tip on how to get it fast ? Or how to keep up without the claw ?

    “Impossible “. Come on now. At least try and problem solve before you give up. If you want to achieve goals if requires some effort, even in a virtual environment. It may take several days but you can do it.

    I never said it was impossible, I just said that I have a hard time to keep up with the Zerg to be able to do these objectives, because I am a really bad solo player, I am not going to lie to you there.

    Also.. that's why I kinda asked for tips you know, how to actually do it.. To try to solve the problem.

  8. @LetoII.3782 said:

    @Strider Pj.2193 said:So... as I explained in the other thread, there are very vocal trolls in WvW, but the majority are helpful.

    Part of what you are getting here is that this thread has been started no fewer than 10 times in the last 2 months. It helps to use the forum search function whaling would have solutions to your problem.

    Well I mean, that is still not a reason to be rude, I am rather new to these forums. :/

    If you think PJ is rude you might be new to the interweebs

    I didn't say that he was rude, if you saw who I replied to first. :v Just above his post, as his post was actually helpful.

    @Strider Pj.2193 said:

    @Strider Pj.2193 said:So... as I explained in the other thread, there are very vocal trolls in WvW, but the majority are helpful.

    Part of what you are getting here is that this thread has been started no fewer than 10 times in the last 2 months. It helps to use the forum search function whaling would have solutions to your problem.

    Well I mean, that is still not a reason to be rude, I am rather new to these forums. :/

    And I didn’t say is was a valid reason. It does get old though again, that being said, it’s not super hard to get, despite it appearing daunting at the start.

    Perhaps so, I just have a habit of attracting like... 50 different deadeyes, all of which uh, you know, kinda kill me dead before I can react. :v So that is why I feel like it is a pain to try to do the Warclaw alone.

  9. @Strider Pj.2193 said:So... as I explained in the other thread, there are very vocal trolls in WvW, but the majority are helpful.

    Part of what you are getting here is that this thread has been started no fewer than 10 times in the last 2 months. It helps to use the forum search function whaling would have solutions to your problem.

    Well I mean, that is still not a reason to be rude, I am rather new to these forums. :/

  10. @Offair.2563 said:

    @GoldenPants.1870 said:Hello ! I used to WvW a lot before, but I took a break right before they put in the warclaw, and not so long ago I returned, but what I find now happening is that I can't keep up with the zerg at all, everyone just mounts up and move on before I can catch up due to not having warclaw, does anyone have a tip on how to get it fast ? Or how to keep up without the claw ?

    Welcome to the group of discarded players. Enjoy your stay AFKing at spawn.

    Or you could, I don't know, take some guards out, take some camps out, escort some dolyaks and actually play and get the reward track that way. Just a thought.

    That's an evil thought in this spoonfed-era.

    Why do you have to be so rude ? I asked a genuine question. No need to be rude towards people.

  11. Hello ! I used to WvW a lot before, but I took a break right before they put in the warclaw, and not so long ago I returned, but what I find now happening is that I can't keep up with the zerg at all, everyone just mounts up and move on before I can catch up due to not having warclaw, does anyone have a tip on how to get it fast ? Or how to keep up without the claw ?

  12. @Ziggityzog.7389 said:They had to make condition spam like mirage, fb, and scourge so the newbs can see big numbers on the screen. Then they get happy and buy cash based skins and the next expansion with spammy kitten.

    But even core necro can spam condis. :v

    Which I am guilty of, cause I love core necro. And also core ranger.. And core guardian.. :v

    Which all happens to be... Condi :sweat_smile:

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