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Posts posted by SoulGuardian.6203

  1. @Rubi Bayer.8493

    Dear Rubi.

    How are you?

    I would like if you or one of the other devs could clarify for the players About the use of apps that allow us to play with a gamepad?

    I use JoyToKey because I have a really bad lombar disc herniation, which doesn't allow me to be sit for long periods ot time.

    So I have to play laying down, with a controller.

    There are other apps, such as xpad, and the steam one.

    Please tell us, are these allowd?

    Because honestly, I am getting quite concerned now.

    I would never use anything that would bring me advantage.

    In fact, a gamepad is more of a disadvantage, because of the number of limited keys we can assign. 

    For instance, I can't use all mounts, open inventory, and other functions, including combat related.

    Besides, using a gamepad usually has about a second delay, especially when there's lag, and keyboard users are always much faster, in my experience. 

    But I can't do it any other way, because last time I played more than a few hours sitting on a chair, i ended up in hospital, due to my legs being paralised and in absolute agony pain.


    Please, please, tell us if it's alright and acceptable to use these apps.

    I want to continue to play guild wars 2, without fear or concern.



    • Confused 1
  2. On 5/8/2024 at 4:46 AM, Saiyan.1704 said:

    You just added a downed perk from Call of Duty lmao. Bro, your suggestions for Pistols are absolutely WILD.

    (pvp talk)
    The pistols in terms of design, are some of the most unique weapons we have. It honestly just needs some number changes to make them feel more rewarding. For PvP/WvW, Pistol#5 is only used as a knockback because that is all it is useful for; in 1v1 roaming situations, as well as blob fights. No competent Guard player would ever charge Pistol#5 over... uh, literally anything else that's available unless they're memeing.

    P5 has to be rewarding. Give it Blind + Immobilize instead of a knockback that passes through people while doing a condition damage that'll be immediately cleansed. A quick P5 can be used for a fast knockback if kiting, but a charged P5 AND detonated correctly, can be used as an engagement when roaming or during an actual rotation. It becomes a utility offhand that can be used with all 1-hander weapons. 

    I see your point.

    But the knockback it's a mere less than a second, and you can get up immediately by pressing a directional button.

    The sphere would be instant. No charge.

    Explodes on impact for massive damage and knocks back every foe within that certain range.

    It's only a short minor delay in your actions, but when used timely and correctly, you have a nuclear warhead on the palm of your hand.

    Pistol 2 really needs changing too, because it cause little damage and has short range.

    If in PVE, it's a hard skill to use as it is, then I would say it's totally useless in PVP.

    I haven't tried pistols in pvp yet.

    Might try today even.

    The symbol desperately needs changing.

    It is totally and definitely not a skill that belongs on pistols. 

    If you're meant to be always in motion.

    Guardians have a ton of symbols in utilities and other weapons.

    I really strongly believe that they should have a dual attack in slot 3 too.

    Firing a load in quick succession in off hand is not very effective and most of the time the shots go stray... if you move or lose sight of target.

    So, again, for your pvp needs, this skill is not very effective as is.

    I like the guardian pistols, has a lot of potential.

    But if the devs implement my ideas, it would work wonders with willbender, which already has a few physical attacks...

    It would make a pretty neat theme here.

    Perhaps one of the best in the entire game.

    • Confused 2
  3. I would go a little more radical than that and "cut the evil by the root" as the old saying goes.

    And make certain novelties allowed only in towns and city instances.

    Such as in Divinitys reach, black citadel, etc.

    I've came across that aviator thing myself a few times while trying to loot a chest, or use a mesmer portal.

    It's really annoying.

    Only allow items outside cities that other players cannot interact with, such as chairs, potions, kites, etc.

    They're one of those things, like fun boxes, costume brawl, etc, that are only really fun the first couple of times, but then it just becomes a nuisance. 

    I would substitute it with good old fashion Guild Wars One Fireworks, and other novelties.

    Only the player can activate it, and everybody can enjoy the victory celebration of a meta or otherwise.


    • Confused 3
  4. 4 minutes ago, Zera.9435 said:



    I'm well aware that my name is used by others, and that is ok. I've been using the name before any of those examples anyway, but I digress. We're talking about in-game names here.

    Anyway, yeah on a global scale no one can copyright a personal name. However, in the context of the game(s) where we create a character with said name, as the paying customers we own those names until we choose to delete the characters. As such, there is value in the name and distinction should be preserved. It's part of the incentive to buy these kinds of games at release or to be early adopters.

    In other games where I joined later after the game's release and my name was already in use, I simply used another name.  Sure, I would prefer to keep using my name, but someone else used it first and they now own that name, in that game, as the paying customer. It is their right and we can't always get what we want. Tough kitten.

    Your idea of having the account name identifier attached to the character name could work to enable duplicate names, as would simply appending a (number) to duplicated names only, as I suggested. I'm not saying no one else should have the privilege of using a name already in use, but the creator of the name in the game should keep the distinction as being the first use of the name.

    Some of us are particularly attached to our name and would prefer not to be seen as just another copy, or worse: an imposter. Any of those known content creators with established names would agree with me that imposters could actually pose a problem. Even then, a content creator could simply do what the rest of us already do when a particular name is unavailable: they use another name and notify others if they intend to identify them specifically. It's the same thing when we create an email account, or any other name for any other service.

    Whatever your reasons are for wanting to be Lara Croft, they are just as valid as me wanting to keep my name unaltered, especially when I paid for the privilege early on to get it.

    I do understand your point of view.

    I do.

    As I said. When I first started GW2, and decided to recreate my original ten from gw1.

    I would be absolutely p*d off, if those names were already taken. 

    Especially when I didn't create most of them till later. Some, even much later.

    I started with my ranger, and elementalist... which funny enough, mind, I recently changed the ranger name in gw2 first, then went back to gw1, deleted it to give it the same name as gw2... not without a slight touch of irony in all this.

    But yeah. I do understand your pov.

    My request is mostly with RP characters in mind, that are used a lot.

    Almost none of my rp character names were available. 

    They have like 20 different variations of the name, using special letters, such as a, á, â, ã, ä, and some even go to lenghts to swap some letters around.

    For a hard-core Roleplayer like me, this can be infuriating.

    To know that some dude in some remote island, created a free account, used the character's name, then never played GW2 again, and the name is just sitting there... and you have to come up with some otherworldly imagination to make the name as close to the original character as possible, otherwise it's not the character you want.

    Squall Leonhart from FF8 was one of the characters I had more difficulty in getting it.

    Yuna, from FFX was another one.

    Lara Croft, and many others.

    I have around, 30+ characters, if my memory doesn't fail me. Half of them are Uniquely named, including my ten crew from gw1.

    The other half are recreations from other games.

    I don't know which took more time; coming up with unique names, or trying different variations of RP characters, which names were already taken.



    • Confused 3
  5. 5 hours ago, Kiof.5710 said:





    And there are many more in a simple Google search.  I came up with the name Kiof in the summer of 1980 as the name of my first D&D character.  I've used the name many times throughout the ensuing decades.  While I've never seen the name Kiof in any game that I didn't create it in (GW1/2 and STO) and offline games, it's almost, but not quite unique as I've seen a few other uses over the years.  Most notably the Kenya Institute Of Farming (KIOF).  As unique and special as we try to make our "original" names, it's almost impossible to do so.

    Haha 😄 

    Very good.

    And don't forget:



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  6. 10 hours ago, Zera.9435 said:

    I'm THE original, have been for over 25 years now.

    You wish. 😆 

    10 hours ago, Zera.9435 said:

    Anyway, name uniqueness is important for various reasons. Sorry you can't be more  original in your RP ideas, but perhaps  the devs might one day implement a way to enable duplicate names while maintaining distinction from the first use of the name. It's not right to ride the coattails of others.

    I just told you before I have many characters with original names. And also RP, aswel as.

    But you either not paying attention to what I'm typing, or you are choosing to ignore it completely. 

    You have been contradicting yourself at every turn, but still insist in trying to make a valid point, when you got none.

    Before you reply, go read everything again, if you are not aware, you have lost every single argument against me because you simply cannot come up with a logical excuse as to why you're opposed to it.

    You were even agreeing with me at some point, but had a change of heart yet again.

    I'm not going to repeat myself again over very good reasons as to why adding our unique account 4 digit number after our characters in game names should be a thing.

    FYI. You cannot monopolise nor patent names.

    If they already exist for thousands of years, they are not yours to claim.

    There was probably some Egyptian lady with that name... and probably thousands more throughout the years.

    If you want to feel unique, there are many ways of doing it besides names. Such as buying outfits from gem store, get legendaries, some special infusions.

    Now you want to feel unique over trying to monopolise a name and then probably, most likely go around town with exotics, looking like a peasant... shouting at people "how dare you copy my name"?


    Get yourself some legendary gear and infusions from Trading Post. Spice up your appearence.

    There's your uniqueness right there.


    • Thanks 1
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  7. 2 hours ago, Zera.9435 said:

    You'd be surprised. There is more than one account that has characters with the first name of Zera and a surname. I see them every once in a while,

    Well then.

    You're not so original after all.

    So what's the difference?

    one more reason to add my idea.

    After all this, you made my case easy.

    We both agree.


    2 hours ago, Zera.9435 said:

    and I usually say hi to them, because they have at least some good taste in names. I, however, have the distinct privilege of having the name Zera as my main character with no surname. Perks of starting from launch

    Ponders and shrugs.

    2 hours ago, Zera.9435 said:


    Anyway, I'm not totally against your proposal.

    Oh good.

    We both agree then.

    2 hours ago, Zera.9435 said:

    If you want to name your character after an established character from other games then go for it. The square brackets idea may help,

    It will help.

    We both know it makes sense.

    2 hours ago, Zera.9435 said:

    but one thing that may be an issue is that guild tags are already square brackets.  The simplest implementation would be to just append a number to the name, so you can get something  like Lara Croft(37) to indicate that you are the 37th copy of the name.

    Alternatively, why not?

    Would be better than nothing.

    But it seems youryou're pushing your idea to show that you were the first person who thought of that name.

    just speculating.

    but wouldn't it be better to just have your bound unique 4 digit number?

    2 hours ago, Zera.9435 said:

    That way, it could work like it does with file names and it would be a little less cumbersome than the square brackets. At this point I'm just throwing ideas out for the devs in case they are considering adding some way of allowing duplicate names.

    It has been discussed before.

    I am surprised this isn't actually a thing yet.

    2 hours ago, Zera.9435 said:

    There could also be some underlying reason in the game's code as to why player names have to be unique that would be too problematic to change. There's no way to know for sure.

    In the meantime, you can just do what has always been done and just add Xs or other letters so you too can be XxXxLara CroftxXxX. You'd still be calling yourself Lara Croft. First come first serve is not an invalid way of doing things, especially in settings like games.

    Jeez. But Xx just ruin a name so much.

    Well, at least they're not as bad as this:



    You find these a lot in pvp.




    Deep breath of relief.

    Add x member to ignore list.

    Best thing ever. 😄 

    • Confused 4
  8. 11 hours ago, Zera.9435 said:

    I can only support this idea if the people who want to borrow a name  already in use are required to have the [] and only the original player who created the name is the one without the square brackets. I come up with distinct names for my characters, and I don't want to be seen as an imposter of my own name. There can be only one Zera, and that's me. For your request to be implemented, there must be a way to preserve the distinction between the original name creator and the imposters.

    Your request is already in effect for account names, just leave it at that. Otherwise, what's the point in naming your character at all? At that point just have your character's name show up as your account display name for all your characters like Last Epoch does.

    Either that or come up with your own names (it's easy and much more rewarding), or add a bunch of Xs or other characters to a name you want.

    The problem is not coming up with original names.

    I have plenty of those, and imagination is something that thankfully i have plenty of.

    The problem is when you want to recreate some characters from other games... and yes, I like to Cosplay characters... for instance Squall from final fantasy.

    That name is used so many times in this game already that I was lucky to manage to use an á in lionhárt like so.

    All other combinations were taken.

    The idea is not to create an "impostor" as you so personally describe.

    I doubt anybody would want to use your character's name on the first place.

    The issue is that someone who have may named those characters squall leonhart in many different ways, may even be free accounts who probably haven't played in years, and some probably for just a few hours.

    Adding the unique account number to this would always guarantee the name to be available just as the player wants.

    I have loads of unique names.

    10 of them are my original gw1 crew.

    Now, I would be absolutely bunkers, if those gw1 names were already taken in gw2.

    Fortunately, they were not.

    But what if they were?

    I would have liked a way, to name those characters just like I did in gw1.

    But also just proves to you that the likelihood of someone else coming up with the same original names is very scarce.

    All my original character names were still free even after years of having those characters deleted.

    I remade 4 more recently i had years ago anf the names were still free. 

    So you see that you got little to none to worry about your"originality"

    The issue is mostly about Roleplaying characters.

    Famous character names that people use,  and probably most accounts haven't been active for years.

    I have a Lara Tombraider, which originally wanted to be Lara croft.

    All the possible combinations were taken.

    And why should I not have a Lara Croft?

    Just because a bunch of people took all possible combinations first.

    I have to give up my desire to roleplay lara croft because some fancy pants decides they are the only ones who can?

    What an entitlement.

    So it ended up being tombraider instead of croft, but even then i think i had to put an í instead of an average i.

    The unique account number added to the ingame character name would solve many problems.



    • Confused 6
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  9. Guild 1.

    Soul Temple Guardians [Soul]

    Level 41

    300+ members /500

    Hall: Isle of Reflection 

    Most Upgrades Complete 

    Recruiting mostly for WvW. 

    Prefer members which will represent while in WvW and PvP.

    Need Commanders.

    (If you have a commander tag, do wvw, condider yourself promoted to commander immediately)


    Guild 2.

    Final Fantasy Omniverse [Omni]

    Level 1

    2 members 

    Hall: Gilded Hollow

    Recruiting anyone, old, new, veteran, rookies.

    Not limited to, but intended to be focused on PvE, Roleplaying, helping new players, and doing tutorials to show newbies the ropes.


    You may join both guilds if you want, or just the one that suits you best.


    Reply here, or mail/pm ingame.


    See you there.


  10. 58 minutes ago, SanguinE.9435 said:

    Pistol 5 is the thing that needs some QoL improvements tbh. Right now that skill is just not fun to use, and it doesn't FEEL really powerful either.

    Could to tweaking. 

    Should be faster and more powerful. 

    As you said.


    Shoot a light sphere so powerful that knocks you back.

    The sphere explodes on impact causing massive damage, and you can continue shooting whilst on the ground.

    Get up by pressing any directional button.

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  11. 4 hours ago, willow.8209 said:

    as far as rep goes, I don't understand any guild asking for rep. Rep has no function anymore except like to help you find guild mates.

    You need to rep while talking to a guild bank or guild NPC of course, just for game mechanics. But otherwise, there's not any game need. 

    I only kick people from my guild who have been inactive for a very long time and had not contributed at all.

    I often check how people have contributed and raise their rank so they become immune from kicking.

    Got a whole website explaining how my system works.

    But it's hard to get people motivated to participate in guild missions and other events.

    My two best contributors and highest ranks have gone.

    One moved to america derver, and the other one account's seem to have been deleted, as there is no info on it, as well as being inactive for one and half year.

    It's hard to find good guild members these days.

    Most just want freebies.

    You know what's funny, a third top contributor, who admittedly was really good in gathering people and motivate them, left because of decorations... dispute, despite me telling him from the beginning that i didn't want the hall looking like a circus. 

    One day i go to the hall, and there's super adventure decos crap everywhere.

    So I removed his permition to decorate.

    Then he left a message in the guild vault for people to report my guild.

    He left because he wanted to, i never kicked him the first time.

    Wanted to comeback, and started with the same decor problem again for the second time.

    I never used vault gold nor materials for personal gain.

    Always invested in the guild.

    So much so, that many times I didn't buy things i wanted with my own gold, just to invest in the guild.

    But there ya go.

    As a guild leader you must make it clear from the start how you run things to avoid people like these.

    In mine, i never pressure anyone to rep.

    You're free to do what you want.

    But if after a while you have no purpose, then you're just another useless number. 

    Not a valuable member.

    But each to their own.

    • Haha 1
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  12. I have a request for the dual pistols.

    Skill 2. Peacekeeper

    Not sure what this skill is meant to do here..

    Change to a fast single shot that explodes on impact, and calls down a ray of light.

    Alternatively, change it to a kick combo.

    Kicking 4 times from low to high kicks, and end with a spinning kick that knocks back targets.

    Skill 3. Symbol of ignition.

    Why does every guardian weapon must have a ground symbol or whell of some kind?

    Change it to a 2x 360° spins shooting bullets in all directions while spinning. 

    Skill 4. Hail of justice.

    Actually can you move this skill to slot 3 and make it a dual attack.

    Remove the ammo and instead give it a speed press sensitive mechanic. So no cooldown needed.

    The character shoots one bullet each pistol alternate. The faster you press the button, the faster it shoots from both pistols in alternate fashion.


    Please, please, consider this.

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 8
  13. There's a possibility that the guild leader might have deleted the guild.

    Support won't do anything.

    They say it themselves, they don't meddle with guild affairs.

    I accidentally left my main guild once, and they said in support they can't do anything.

    I was lucky that one of my best members and friend added me and reinstated my ownership.

    I really almost soiled myself.

    So right after that, I created another account and made the character top rank, just in case.

    I now have a second guild with hall, but no upgrades yet.

    If you wish, and are in Europe, I can make you top rank, after me, and you may lead that guild.

    I bought the hall, but the party that helped cap didn't want to stay.

    Let me know if you want.

    My main guild is hard enough to manage as it is.


    • Like 1
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    I'd like to request the following, please:


    1. Siege turtle to be added to WvW.

    Also add a new mount quest for WvW.

    The Siege Devourer.

    In this quest, you have to travel to Charr Homelands aswel as complete achievements in WvW. 

    This will motivate people to play Icebrood Saga aswel as End Of Dragons. Could potentially bring more players to buy EoD.


    2. Update and improve classes visuals, and mechanics.

    A few examples:

    A: Make engineer bow a weapon kit, and give it an off-hand mace that works loke a stun weapon and flare.

    Also make turrets like mini bots that can follow you around.

    Allow us to buy mech pieces from gem store to upgrade our jade mech look into a unique one, such as adding jet wings, and legs, and change colours. 

    More gemstore money. Which is good.

    B. Revenants could actually become the legend they summon, visually. 

    C. Soulbeast could have a mode to become the animal they fuse with.


    3. Naming characters.

    Please consider adding and extra couple letters to names.

    Also, add a [] which contain their account unique 4 digit number by their name.

    This way, it's always guaranteed the name they want for the character to be available.

    Players can choose to either didplay or hide that account unique 4 digit number from ingame names.


    4. Sidekicks for Personal instances.

    Add a gemstore sidekick character slots item.

    Once bought, it will appear in character select screen.

    We then have the ability to assign to each playable character a sidekick from our roster.

    For instance, I click on Mario, then I click on sidekick slot.

    Then will be prompted to select the character we want.

    Let's say I click Luigi, then confirm. 

    From that moment on, everytime you play with Mario, then Luigi will always appear in private instances as sidekick.

    You can do that with any and every character individually. 


    5. Increase wizard's vault currency cap to at least 1500.

    Also, add black lion statuettes to the items.


    That's all for now.

    Thank you.

    • Confused 8
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  15. I hardly ever, ever comment on other people's concept ideas.

    I like to respect other players above all.

    The same way I like to be respected. 

    But I gotta say with all honesty that I did not read one single change in this whole thread that would positively benefit the game in any way, shape, or form.

    You did get close to some actual good changes for WvW, but yet not... quite there.

    I believe that what WvW needs is to merge every single team into a bigger one.

    For instance. Grab the most wvw populated team and merge with the least populated team, and keep it permanently. 

    Which is what I think the devs are already in the process of doing. 

    I'm not sure.

    Then, bring wvw into the future.

    I mean, we already had asura and charr tech from the start.

    Now we have jade tech too.

    Why are we still using catapults and trebuchets?

    What we need, is new tech, and more exciting ways to fight.

    Now, some rules should be changed. Yes.

    Mostly in eternal battlegrounds.

    Stone myst castle should have a much longer period of invulnerability. 

    I find it quite frustrating that one team may capture smc, then 10 minutes later has changed colour already.

    Players focus way too much around it, and the rest of the map is almost empty.

    This period of time should be extended to much longer,  so players move on to other buildings, and other maps.

    This is why wvw is not that exciting anymore.

    They have done a few changes recently which just deteriorated the experience rather than enhancing it.

    We also need more siege mounts.

    Siege turtle and siege devour are way long overdue in wvw.

    It will give more mobility, dynamic, freedom, and fun.

    I Don't know why the devs can't see this.

    These are just some of the ideas I've been requesting them for years now.

    But WvW, despite being one of the player's favourite modes, is set aside, like that nonsense task you know you should do, but don't really want to.

    • Confused 2
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  16. On 12/31/2023 at 2:11 AM, spiteekins.3150 said:

    Using steam for third party software, for now. Open to anything that works lol

    Joy to key.

    Just make sure you don't assign more than one action per key press.


    For instance, on button 1 in JtK, you assign jump.

    That's it. One action.

    If you put jump+skill 1, that's classed as cheating and is against the game's policy.


    Google JoyToKey.


    But remember. 

    One action per button.

    It doesn't matter if it's even, jump+collect loot around you, or something that may seem benign or harmless, not an advantage.


    So far it's best i found.

    There's another one called XPadder or something, but i believe that one is designed gor xbox controllers. Not sure.

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