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  1. Just make dungeons public instances, similar to DR missions. With an option to have a private instance for you and your party. And stop making new maps. Instead move the story and new content the core / existing maps. Make it worth-wile revisiting. Spend time on quality over quantity content. Reduce filler and maintain focus on the delivery. Cheers!
  2. True, and sustinance is one aspect of civilization. They can have different social structures and different resources they consume. I mean... why are bears sleeping in beds.. Margonites, Mursaat, Tormented, Exalted all were kind of tangent races when it came to social, economic, political structures. We don't know how they slept, what they ate and what were their jobs in time of peace. And that is fine. Player doesn't need to know every single thing of a race by following the main story. Thats my opinion at least.
  3. Any chance of sharing the rotation and utilities you are using? Don't need exact 4-3-5-2, but what has priorities and stuff.
  4. To OP's point, nearly every race is humanized. Putting nearly in brackets, because there are definetly proper unique races like Choyas or Skritt that still feel authentic. Kodan apparently live the same exact lives as humans. They have farms, they fish, and prepare dried fish for winter. And they talk soo much. I am guessing that most players need to associate with the races and characters both good, evil and neutral. I remember reading somwehere that Transformers movies didn't do so well because the average viewer couldn't identify as a Robot from space. And Hasbro needed to make them more human in their chatter, appearance and behaviours. pretty lame, but they need to sell copies.
  5. Depending on your play-style it might be a good idea to join some newb friendly guild. That will be important to answer all your burning questions (like how do I level up my char, where do i get leather for crafting, what to do with champion bags etc.). Secondly, don't get tied up to your first race/profession combo. Races are nearly meaningless outside of looks. And professions are.. well you will understand what play-styles you prefer as the time goes by. I would somewhat advise against Revenant as your first profession, as it has some gimicky energy management and unique utility skills. Elementalist and Engineer are also somewhat more complex. Warrior or Guardian are very safe bets for Heavy armored toons. Lastly, this is a social game. If you cant get past a veteran enemy use map chat to get help. Or just run past it 😉 Don't be shy to join some world events in your area to experience some epic pve combat. Have fun!
  6. Yeah, kind of like the recent armors - Sanctum, Woad, Oneiros. They are all cool armor sets. Only thing I am missing with these new sets. Is that Sylvari armor is glowing in the same way your charater is. Imho it is the peak cultural armor & character co-design.
  7. yeah.. well.. I was on the fence about the story of JW and was living in some oddly fond memories of story up to these new expacs. But now as im doing the Seasons of Dragons for the Legendary Amulet. My GOOOOOOOSH, the story is a DRAAAAAAAAG. It is nothing new. Im in the Episode 2, and the delivery is so bad. Shame on us who thought that JW was just a slip by the devs. No, the story development is just meeeh. I can't even think of a game with duller story instances than GW2. Also just killed Mordrem Tergriff in 'Tracking the Aspect Masters'. How slow can you make a boss fight. I literally stood in the corner for a minute and waited for that steroid filled plant griffin calms down for 15 secs. Rinse and repeat. There is just soo much filler that it becomes incredibly boring.
  8. My gosh. Get me out of these story missions.. Im in Hidden Arcana - Domain of light. There is this freaking part with purple goo on the floor. And with some white space you can get Crystaline coating if you sync with the color. Im red, i have synced, still cant get over that goo. Im all the time in combat and cant change my skills.
  9. While I didn't see it on the wiki page, are you implying DR is active only for core-maps? @Quasidivine.2591 congratulations you have been caught in botting safety net. If you want to continue farming - have several characters and switch them every 15 minutes or so. Also, I see that wiki says that you should farm slower. So either switch chars or slow down 😉
  10. yeah, you are right. It is not forced. But if you want to do half-decent in end-game you should probably use some of the meta builds. For perspective - I have never gotten above 20k dmg on any build/rotation that I have made myself 😄 aaand with 20k on golem for a dps class in todays raid market, - you are just a dead weight. Sure, you can get carried. But if everyone is running same for-fun, unoptimized builds the squad is bound to fail. And the dps treshold is forced on player with boss timers on them.
  11. Hi! Not going to go into much discussion. Just want to hear your thoughts. What are your top5 most difficult Specializations/builds for PVE (OW and InstanceS) to pull off (and optionally why). I am regularly playing only few classes but it would go: 1. Untamed - Ive given it a few hours and the unleashing mechanic has not stuck to me. I end up just randomly mashing buttons. Quite a change from SoulBeast 2. Firebrand - the amount of skills is quite much, unless following a rotation, its difficult to pull off. 3. Deadeye - difficult getting used to being stationary. 4. Herald - can't get trough the whole stance mechanic lol. Constant change in utility skills is messing with my mind, also skills with double casts in Dragon.. 5. Chronomancer - lots of unique profession skills, that have unique effects and have to know the mechanics quite well to pull the continuum split. Hoping to get some replies. Would be interesting to see what you guys consider difficult to learn, play, execute etc. Cheers
  12. I'd be all up for simpler rotations, less damage and more class identity. Now, most of the weapons are used in close range anyway. Axes feel like maces, maces feel like swords, and swords feel like scepters. The target area is mostly the same, and you swing them the same way. Game is going into a bit different direction. And I guess its fine, as everyone is praising games combat. To me, most specs, i don't see the identity. Maybe simpler skills would do the trick.
  13. I have just finished the story and can provide my take on the expac that noone asked for. I voted good. The two main reasons why it didn't reach Very Good: 1. Homesteads - I have 0 interest in decorating and I HOPE HOPE HOPE that this will be just a gimmick where players can sink some gold and hours into. But not integral part for item aquisition (crafting, leggies, skins, QOL items etc.) 2. Story - I have lost faith in GW2 storytelling long time ago. I don't like the dialogue system and the way it is presented. I was trying to be invested in the story of JW, but I still don't understand why we did half the things we did. To me it was poor delivery. The animation team should make more story in a video format instead of standing/jumping around waiting for the dialogue to finish. and a small 3. would be awesome if we get a short-bow for a necro 😛 Things I liked in no particular order: - The maps - i really like that there was ground on maps unlike in SOTO. The setting is cool, I like the enemies, events, and even hearts don't feel like a chore. Excellent work. I like that they seem to be a bit more chill, and turn up the intensity with the events going on. somehow Anet stuck a very nice Ballance here. - Spear - i really like the weapon. With the two classes I played with - Mes and Guardian I think its really fun - Music - Music was awesome in this expac. Although it is often very good with GW2. - Clutter - i think for the first time there aren't sh*tton of inventory management required for key or collection items. Thanks! - The price - I appreciate the affordability of this game. Trully. There is a lot of content behind the fee. Some Neutral views: - Skins - none of the skins of this new expansion are particularly of interest for me. - Instanced content - i have been away from game for a moment. I wasn't missing out on new instanced content. I haven't followed up on all of it since SOTO - pre-order skin for shoulders was kind of lame - the Tyrian mobile phone is ruining immersion. Im just listening to soundtrack while exploring, and all of a sudden some random voice message pops up. In any case - Thanks Arena Net. This was a nice expansion pack, I enjoyed most of it. Please give Short-Bow to Necros 🙂 Cheers!
  14. In this case it is not the players, it is the developers. GW2 is not a role playing game - it is a graphic novel. In the story sense (which is what everyone is arguing about) - your choices don't matter, your actions don't matter, your character does not matter (it barely gets acknowledged). There are countless of instances where you can literally go afk and your NPC's progress the story. You don't develop your character. There are handful of instances where you can chose what to answer to a question. All of them lead to exactly the same outcome. You couldn't even chose whether you'd be called Commander or Wayfinder when talking with Kodans. What you can do, is dress up your character and load new profession skills. Now also build a home. That is only a sliver of RPG. Unless we consider Need For Speed as role-playing game as well. DPS, Condi, ALAC HEAL, Hand Kiter are also roles to play. They don't do much for story development though.
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