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  1. The Gryphon and Skyscale are not birds. That's the first mistake. Both are creatures that put the bulk of their energy into momentum, either forward or lift: not both. It's been said that the Gryphon is a jet, while the Skyscale is a helo. I think it's great that neither can do both well, and requires actual user input to fly efficiently. With all the inbalance of other aspects of this game, I think the Dev's balanced out the mounts quite well.
  2. Logged in, did a heart, dc'ed. Re-logged, heart not done, did it again, dc'ed. Re-log, heart not done, did it a THIRD time, dc'ed. Not mad, at least I didn't just finish Teq, and lose all the loot like those above. Great patch.
  3. I had this happen in a lot of instances, usually at the end when a cut-scene is supposed to start. First thing that fixed it was updated my sound and graphics drivers, and then lowering my graphics settings a bit.
  4. Have you tried playing better? This type of comment is not helpful. Pretty sure we'd like to encourage more players, rather than losing more of the game population. Snarky my be funny in guild chat, but not to frustrated players. To the OP, try a build that can self-sustain better. There are many YouTube vids showing viable builds for PvE and Storyline modes (I like Wooden Potato's builds). There are several great sustainable builds that can make the harder Storyline instances more manageable while soloing. I'm currently running Potato's pistol/pistol Deadeye build for going thru POF Storyline again, and as long as I'm shooting, I'm healing myself. It's quite fun, and only gets hard in those huge instances with lots of mobs. I also used a Minion Master Scourge the first time through, and that was practically easy mode. Point of the matter, perhaps your current build isn't really set up right for Storyline, do a little research, and try something new. It could be fun and interesting, and you could learn a few new things while at it.
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