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Doctor Hide.6345

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Posts posted by Doctor Hide.6345

  1. 3 minutes ago, Sernius Alathar.6538 said:

    Ah I must have missed the negative or it was removed, most of the comments have been relatively constructive criticism. I'll agree to disagree with the placement, but again my own view is biased because I felt the story was rushed and was expecting more, and then getting a blank wall of no future content or teasers is a bit jarring.


    All good. And I am fine with people not liking the pacing since that is more a personal thing. I guess I see it as a wedding event for when the LW of EOD comes out, so that tidbit was more a tease. I don't mind the wait I guess. /shrug

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  2. 5 minutes ago, Sernius Alathar.6538 said:



    You claim Bias, but your own opinion is Biased, you are calling people anti-LGBT because others including myself think there is a time and place for these things, not to be the bearer of bad news but my gay-butt and BF also thought this was pretty trite, and didn't fit the flow of the story, there is tonnes of ways they could of done this to have normalised the relationship and not make it so obviously "political" by having this divergent quest point. That should have been reserved for a LS teaser for what was planned to come.

    There are a few ways this would of been done to be more, I hate using the word normal, but normal, and the game has a history of doing that. When Eir had her memorial, or when they addressed Caithe and Faolain's story, the conference of world leaders, or when doing these sort of event quests that have more substance than 2m of dialogue (you yourself said they were leading upto this and don't you think it all falls a lil short if it was supposed to be as important as you claim). Personally I would of done the proposal at the end credits scene where all the character introspection was going on. Historically in GW1 the end credits had all these sort of NPC interactions at the end. 

    Nobody is saying that its bad, or they don't like the characters or any of that. Just that the pacing and placement was poor, simple as that. 


    You missed some details which I already shared with the person I was quoting. I get the timing thing which I disagree with on that bases because I think it was fine as is. My main attack on the anti-LGBT was aimed at certain people here who are opposed to it because of certain religious and political reasons which caused the thread to be shut down. My anger was directed at them.

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  3. 1 minute ago, Jaunty.6018 said:

    Sorry, but the people who like it as and try to silence the "wave of negativity" are going to run this company into the ground.  When so many people are unhappy and complaining, the company has to make changes in order to survive.  FFXIV, No Man's Sky, Cyberpunk 2077 are great examples of why constructive criticism is essential.  Those games were improved dramatically from listening to player feedback.  If you don't like that people are voicing their opinions about a largely disappointing product, all I have to say is "tough crap and get over it because that is how the world works."


    And I am fine with people voicing it. But it doesn't mean I can't fight back though and state my own opinions on it. The way you made it sound is you just wanted all negative comments with no positive because your are tired of apologist which is in fact silencing the people that like it. I refuse to make this place an echo chamber of just negative comments. Nor do I want all positive. I want both even if that means their is constant debates. That is my stance on it.

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  4. 58 minutes ago, Jaunty.6018 said:

    Yeah, if this is the new standard that Anet wants to set then I'm not interested.  It really does seem like a different studio, and unfortunately they don't know how to, or don't care to make a quality product.  And all the apologists are wearing me out.  Like...is this really what they want the game to be?  This is acceptable?  Because when they shoot down all the wealth of constructive criticism that keeps popping up, that's exactly what they're saying.

    You think you are worn out? Try dealing with all the negative people who haven't stopped since they announced the expansion. I am glad more positive people are speaking out fighting back this wave of pure negativity. Not every person who complains is very constructive either. There are some who just want it their way not caring about those who do like it as is.

    I am sorry, but that is how games work. Not everyone views things to your standards, so if people liking the expansion bugs you that much. Then all I have to say is tough crap and get over it because that is how the world works. It will always be a flow like this. And not all of us are saying the game is perfect since we know the bugs need to be fixed and such with some balance changes. But we can at least acknowledge the work the team put it even if some don't want to recognize it.

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  5. 5 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

    You like to make a lot of assumptions about total strangers when you're triggered, don't you?  Well, allow me to be perfectly clear.  I don't have any issues with LGBT characters in stories.  If I have any issues with Kas and Jory it's that they've always been the most boring characters throughout almost the entire storyline.  But Kas stepped up a bit during PoF and it was refreshing to see Marjory finally step up in EoD and not be a total snoozefest for a change.

    My issue was with the placement of this story instance, not with the content of it.  In fact, I thought it was rather well done as far as these things go.  It was sweet and sentimental, with the comic relief left to the other characters present.  It brought a tear to my eye.  But like I said, would it have been jarring if some other relationship that had been building up had been featured with its own surprise ending? 

    For instance, Taimi and Gorrik?  What if we cut to the Dragon Lab instead of Divinity's Reach, where Gorrik got down on one knee and produced a lovely scarab engineered to cure Taimi's illness while he professed his undying love for her boundless intellect?

    It wouldn't have been inappropriate. They've been hinting at this for awhile now in the story and it was prominent in the EoD storyline right from the start.  But would that have been the right time to do it?  I don't think so.  I think we'd be asking why this is the ending of the story of all things.

    You're welcome to disagree with that outlook, but I think you know what you can do with your ignorant accusations.  Have a nice day.


    Most of mine are not baseless since the people I was talking about even said themselves their view on it in the posts they made. And that view was very political. So, I am not adding words there. Just conveying what they said. And yes, if they did the Taimi and Gorrik thing I would be fine with that too. And yes, I do know what to do with my accusations. Double down on them, so thank you for that reminder. 🙂

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  6. 21 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

    Just noticed all the controversy over the story ending.

    I will say it felt really forced that literally the moment we finish the final battle ending the dragon cycle practically every single major character felt the need to express their love interests.  Like who spiked the punch, seriously?  Oddly, it was Logan of all people that had nothing to say on that score for once and instead wanted to go get drunk on the beach!

    I get that we want to portray these characters as having more going on in their lives than just battling elder dragons and saving the world, and I guess what better time than at the end of the dragon cycle?  But again, this felt really forced, silly, and in some places pretty cringeworthy.

    I am not anti-LGBT, but I think you do a disservice to that community when you contrive situations that put them up on a pedestal when it clearly isn't appropriate to do so.  Think about it.  Taimi and Gorrik played a significant role in the story every step of the way and their weird little gremlin love affair was prominent in the story arc involving Ankka.  But we'd all be scratching our heads if they did more than make mention of it during the story, right?  Let alone give it its own story instance as a surprise finale.  You might be trying too hard. Ease up a bit.


    I am going to be blunt here. I don't see how the ending was cringy or a disservice at all. This has been a build up for years now, or have people been blind to them dating since LWS1. I kind of expected for this to happen eventually, so it makes sense for it too happen when things are finally settled with the dragons. I don't see the issue at all. And just from the observations from a lot here on the forums for who are against it. It seems a lot of it stems from their umm politic view on it which makes it super bias in my opinion. So, forgive me if I find it hard to believe when people say they are not anti+LGBT because it seems like a lot are and don't like the fact this is how the things are now.

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  7. 9 minutes ago, Rokeb.3815 said:

    As a completely casual player - seeing your own DPS is actually quite enlightening. 

    It lets you see whether or not all the button mashing you are doing is actually working well.


    The combat log is awful.  It really doesn't tell me whether or not using a different weapon or set of traits has made much difference. It helps you learn little things like - 'hey this combo really makes a big difference!' 


    It's also really handy when you are in a big group event - say a world boss.  There is so much visual spam and clutter it's often impossible to tell where the boss actually is and whether or not my attacks are actually hitting it!

    Having arcDPS up on the screen gives me a quick way to see if I am actually hitting something worthwhile or not.

    Oh look - it's dropped to zero! Hmm the boss is invuln mode and I have to go do a mechanic of some kind! 


    All this stems from the fact that the combat log is completely worthless.  All I really need is a quick way to see damage coming in (which I can thanks to my health bar) and damage going out.  You can call it what you want - but despite that fact that 'doing damage to monsters' is a huge part of this game, it's quite tough to see how effective you are - especially in any kind of group environment. 


    Here is my thing though. I get it that is your personal take, but I have been in so many Guilds in this game with tons of people who don't care about the numbers. As long as they are seeing something on the screen and living, that is all that matters to them. I am the same way of sorts. I couldn't care less about my actual numbers because frankly I fudging hate the rotations in this game. They are not fun for me, so while I do follow the some of the metabattle builds and such. I generally don't bother with the rotations or damage number side. I know I am not the only who one who does this. Hell, I have known tons of Guildies who build for toughness instead.(Not to say I don't care about personal performance in other games. I just see causal open world stuff as just that. Casual where numbers shouldn't matter that much. Other games for me is where I actually care more because no stupid spammy rotations.)


    Like I said, I am just wondering how many still actually care about that outside the raiders and high end fractals.

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  8. Do most people even care about their own dps? I know for most games people that actually run raids or high end dungeons(fractals) care about it since the numbers matter before enrage timers kick in and wipe the party. But for here and open world? I don't know of many who even care really. As long as they live is generally the metric some live by, so even if there was a personal one. How many would actually use it?

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  9. 50 minutes ago, raykor.6723 said:

    I was there at launch. The original appeal of GW2 for me was the casual open world PvE design with dynamic events and map-wide metas. It amazed me that all players could gather from the same nodes without having to compete. Many of you will have experienced the tricks players would do in other games to get you in combat so they could get a gathering node before you. The fact that you could just join in on a dynamic event without grouping and everybody got the same rewards. Loot wasn't a zero-sum competition. These design decisions created a cooperative community. From the very first year when they added fractals, and later raids—more recently champion and strike missions—the game started going in a direction that doesn't appeal to me. I realize many enjoy this type of content, but I suspect a significant silent majority shares my view.

    Equally important to me was the WvW concept which unfortunately receives minimal attention.

    Games are made by people and the staff changes over the years. New mangers come in and often decide to take things in what they believe is a new and better direction. To be clear, this is not a GW2 is terrible, rage-quitting post. I am simply starting to do research on other games and that's always a melancholy time when you've been playing a game for so long.


    Well, maybe that is why I like this expansion because I don't believe in the one MMO should rule your life category. I have been playing 3-5 different MMOs for years now because no MMO is perfect. Each one has different elements that I like and dislike, so for GW2 I am fine with that they added this expac because the needs I do want I can get from other MMOs as well with still enjoying this one. /shrug

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  10. 2 minutes ago, Minjin.8259 said:

    Well they also need to remember that if people can't get the turtle mount and give up they are hurting themselves in future turtle skin sales.  As for the mace, yes it's cosmetic but it's also ascended and I don't have a decent mace, so of course I wanted the one I needed for the new spec.  Sure again I can craft one.  Hmm can you craft the new ascended weapons without having to fish?  You know I am not even sure.


    If it follows all others then no. You need to get the achievement for it to craft it and the skin.

    Edit:Not craft. I meant to actually get it. It's late night typing. heh

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  11. 1 minute ago, Minjin.8259 said:

    In my humble opinion it's fine if they keep it hard and you can just choose not to do it.  But in the case of the mace, if I want it I have to catch an amber trout.  Take those requirements out of the fishing.  Don't make fishing necessary for getting items like weapons or gear.   Make the items you get cosmetic or a title or something that doesn't effect the rest of the game play.  And yes I know I can craft a different mace, but of course you want the new one, it's part of the new maps.  But don't put items like weapons or gear behind a mini game wall, and don't put the turtle behind a meta wall.


    I understand the need for fashion and such with the mace and turtle mount. So I would not complain if they removed the fishing requirements from the specialization collections and replaced it with a generic heart one again. That seems reasonable to me. And most of the fishing stuff is cosmetic anyways, so it would just add more to it.

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  12. 2 minutes ago, Minjin.8259 said:

    Well you are still squeezing the mouse.  I know people don't want it to be made easier...and I can understand and appreciate that.  But most MMO's I have played have easier or even afk fishing.  Now afk fishing is bad because then people bot.  But last night I was trying to catch an Amber Trout for the mace...and out of 25 bait I managed to get 2 fish.


    Hmm. True. I can see the finger press issue while holding mouse causing issues as well. I do sympathize with you and the pain others are feeling here. I just don't know what the solution is because I don't want afk fishing either, but I also don't want it too easy. And the design they can't do FF14 style with different skills and such since only 5 buttons. I really don't know what the solution is here to satisfy both camps.

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  13. 7 minutes ago, Minjin.8259 said:

    But what you said is exactly why.  If you have hand issues, or wrist issues....pushing the same two buttons is repetitive motion.  In a fight you are pushing lots of keys.  So you are moving your hands and arms more.  Also having an older computer at this point it's laggy and I can't keep up with the bar.


    Ah, ok. So it more has to do with the lack of movement in the hands and wrist. Not the actual presses themselves in a way. Thank you for the response. 🙂 Oh, and I get the PC issue on that. I can understand that one pretty well. I have been there before...

    Would it be easier for people then if they made it to where the mouse can also control the bar for you to keep track? Or would that cause the same repetitive issues?


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  14. 1 hour ago, Minjin.8259 said:

    On the negative:  I am super disappointed in fishing.  My computer is getting a bit old and with inflation I can't afford to buy a new one right now.  So it's really hard for me to catch fish.  Also I have hand and neck issues...so I was looking forward to something fun and relaxing.  I do not find fishing fun or relaxing and discovering that you have to catch certain fish to make some of the weapons is annoying.  Even though I understand how it works, have it leveled up a bit, and am using bait...I still can't reel in the fish most of the time.  To me fishing should be an outside activity from the main game.  If you want to give hardcore fishers special achievements or things they can catch from fishing as a bonus, fine but don't integrate it into things we need to get like ascended/legendary weapons.   Also while I like the new meta in Dragon's End, it's frustrating to spend all that time and fail repeatedly based on things you can't control like RNG or other random players.  Especially when you get nothing for a failed attempt.  I also think losing the battery charge when you change maps is unnecessary.  And I think a few more well placed anvils and a bank in Archstone would be good.


    I am curious on something, and I don't mean any offense when I ask this. I just have been wondering on why people fail the fishing a lot. My brain doesn't get the meter reasoning and keeping track because combat involves more button presses and spam than the minigame does. So, I don't really see how it is harder then normal combat. Again, not trying to be rude here since my brain really does not get that reasoning. I am genuinely curious.

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  15. 10 minutes ago, Ruru.1302 said:


    My gripe is not about the mainstay characters, it's more about the newly introduced characters. There is little to no development for them so it's really hard to care about them. Also, it's awesome that you enjoyed the story and all, but that still doesn't excuse the fact that EoD is pretty much just Endwalker in the guild wars 2 universe, and also a quarter of the length of it's FFXIV counterpart. I know I'm not the only one with this sentiment.


    I am not saying you are wrong for feeling that way along with some others. I guess my problem mainly and not with you. Is how some bring up their complaints like only theirs matters, and it is objective fact that all must abide by this view. When as you know, there are people like me who enjoy the story, enjoy the maps, enjoy the metas etc... That is my main problem with people complaining. Not recognizing the other side.

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  16. 2 minutes ago, Ruru.1302 said:

    I agree, the writing is quite bad. For those of you who have played FFXIV's endwalker, end of dragons really feels like a knockoff dollar store version of it.


    Umm. I actually have played it. I have played FF14 since 2.0, but I still enjoyed the story. So, in my opinion it does not feel that way at all. The main characters have been in development since LWS1, so to me, I got emotional with the end because I have grown attached to them like I did with my FF14 counterparts.

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  17. 7 minutes ago, Tarami.9124 said:

    Well, fishing has to be interactive in some way and WoW-style "click the bobber every 20 seconds" feels just a little *too* archaic to me.


    It's also inflexible, in the sense that you can't subtly tweak the rules to, for example, make different fish feel different to catch. If a halibut used a different pattern of symbols than a carp, you'd eventually learn to recognize them and could decide whether to keep trying to catch it, or let it go because it wasn't the kind of fish you were looking for.


    I am going to be honest here. I doubt they are going to listen to your suggestion and change the system just because some don't like it to a completely new one from scratch. I personally like the mini game they have now. Could it use a few tweaks in speed? sure. But I seriously doubt they are going to scrap it all like some want because there are those who enjoy it like me. You need to take that into account as well.

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  18. 9 hours ago, Jaunty.6018 said:

    I know this post will be absolutely crapped on by most everyone in this forum, and that's fine.  Many of you are happy that we're even getting new content at all.  I get that, and I'm not here to ruin your fun.  I'm not going to try to tell you that the fun you are having right now is not, in fact, fun.  I want you to have fun.  In this covid-infested war-ridden world, we all need a little escapism.  In the grand scheme of things, it's pretty silly to complain so much about a video game. 


    I am just going to highlight this and say at least you acknowledge that their are other views out there beside your own on this. I personally am enjoying New Kaineng and all the stuff they added with this expansion. Could some things be improved? Sure. But the basic core is there for them to work on it to start improving it. I also like the fishing. I know some wanted something else for this expansion, but the world doesn't work that way. So, some are going to have to accept the expansion as is or move on.  Not directing this at you OP directly. Just more in general to people who think the whole thing should change just to fit their whims while ignoring those who like the expansion like me and others.

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  19. 4 minutes ago, KurokouNekoki.7891 said:

    You get the boat by finishing the Heart in Shing Jea.

    The Mastery for the Jade Bot allows you to get the recipes for Higher Tiers of the bots, which increase the bot Vitality (up to 235 extra points 1,235), which is I think only used when using the Down Revival Skill (last Mastery). The Arrays is just extra perks, allowing your Skiff to use the boost faster, increasing your mount ability gauge, being able to manually updraft higher, finding treasures around you and upspeeding teh bot recovery skill when you are downed, the others just gathering and recycling into more mats "addons" to the jade bots.


    The ship thing was a typo. So my bad. lolz I meant chip. 3:30 am typing and all.


    Ah, ok. So really just utility stuff then. I don't know if that is worth my time or not if I am to be honest. lolz  But, I thank you for the explanation. 🙂

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