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Doctor Hide.6345

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Posts posted by Doctor Hide.6345

  1. Eh, I honestly don't see the appeal of cloaks and capes for the game. They would look shoddy and bad with most of the armor sets which were not designed with capes and cloaks in mind. If you want it for Guild Recognition, I would rather they add the Guild Symbol on the actual clothing instead. Just not as bad as the Guild Uniform one.

  2. @Vivilett.8509 said:

    @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    @Yamazuki.6073 said:Something to consider, Guild Wars 2 only seems like it is one of the best MMORPGs because almost every other MMORPG is an absolute failure, in addition to the fact the genre hasn't had many major changes despite how old it is. Most MMORPGs have been a copy/paste of older MMORPGs with a different skin, they add absolutely nothing new to the genre, and have zero long term focus for success.

    Guild Wars 2 has many areas it can improve on, but it lacks the competition in the genre to really have to improve right away. WoW has already peaked due to being too large, FFXIV isn't going to take anything from GW2 at this point, and there's no major MMORPGs being released anytime soon other than more generic Korean grinding simulators that run horribly.

    Wow and final fantasy 14 still have more active players then gw2.

    Ashes of creation is a western mmo coming out that has high hopes as it's a western game not a Korean horrible grind fest of garbage.

    AoC won't succeed. It's PvP oriented MMO, a niche within a genre. Warhammer Online was like this and failed.

    I agree with you. That is the problem with a lot of the new indie MMOs coming out which turns me off even if they have good concepts. They are all too open world PvP focused which has been proven not to work on the masses. They will all become niche games.

    Wasn't Vanilla wow open world pvp?

    On PvP servers they had it, but most of the population was on PvE servers with a few on RP servers. PvP servers population wise have never been that big with PvE servers dominating it.

  3. @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    @Yamazuki.6073 said:Something to consider, Guild Wars 2 only seems like it is one of the best MMORPGs because almost every other MMORPG is an absolute failure, in addition to the fact the genre hasn't had many major changes despite how old it is. Most MMORPGs have been a copy/paste of older MMORPGs with a different skin, they add absolutely nothing new to the genre, and have zero long term focus for success.

    Guild Wars 2 has many areas it can improve on, but it lacks the competition in the genre to really have to improve right away. WoW has already peaked due to being too large, FFXIV isn't going to take anything from GW2 at this point, and there's no major MMORPGs being released anytime soon other than more generic Korean grinding simulators that run horribly.

    Wow and final fantasy 14 still have more active players then gw2.

    Ashes of creation is a western mmo coming out that has high hopes as it's a western game not a Korean horrible grind fest of garbage.

    AoC won't succeed. It's PvP oriented MMO, a niche within a genre. Warhammer Online was like this and failed.

    I agree with you. That is the problem with a lot of the new indie MMOs coming out which turns me off even if they have good concepts. They are all too open world PvP focused which has been proven not to work on the masses. They will all become niche games.

  4. @Sylent.3165 said:

    @Yamazuki.6073 said:Something to consider, Guild Wars 2 only seems like it is one of the best MMORPGs because almost every other MMORPG is an absolute failure, in addition to the fact the genre hasn't had many major changes despite how old it is. Most MMORPGs have been a copy/paste of older MMORPGs with a different skin, they add absolutely nothing new to the genre, and have zero long term focus for success.

    Guild Wars 2 has many areas it can improve on, but it lacks the competition in the genre to really have to improve right away. WoW has already peaked due to being too large, FFXIV isn't going to take anything from GW2 at this point, and there's no major MMORPGs being released anytime soon other than more generic Korean grinding simulators that run horribly.

    Wow and final fantasy 14 still have more active players then gw2.

    Ashes of creation is a western mmo coming out that has high hopes as it's a western game not a Korean horrible grind fest of garbage.

    Yes, the problem is that is a open world PvP game from my understanding which is a major turn off for a lot of players. I know I won't be touching it since I avoid those kinds of games, and I don't think I am the only one that way. Basically, it will become a niche game because of that.

  5. @Kalibri.5861 said:What is all this, "they can't fix it now" nonsense? They can do a lot. They can reset items, they can refund gems, they can pull the adoption system, they can add individual skins to the gem shop. They just don't want to. Don't apologise for them.

    I am not per say apologizing for them. The whole ordeal just drained me to the point I needed to take a break(Only got talking on the forums because of his reply), and I am still in fact on a break from the actual game due to the whole RNG business. I am happy for this small victory. Is it the victory I wanted where they change the adoption system? Far from it. At least for the next batch, it will not be RNG related which is all that I can hope for because I don't think they will change the current lootbox system at this point. Take your victories where you can.

  6. @atomy.3817 said:They couldn't really change the loot ticket system for the current set of 30 skins, it wouldn't be fair to the people who already got the skins they wanted (aside from doing a full cash refund to everyone who bought gems to use on skins, which would probably be infeasable). It's a bit of a disappointment but at least they aren't continuing the system in the future.

    Exactly, I can understand them not changing this one even if I personally want it to change because people have already bought it. The paperwork and legal matters involved is a major deterrent to change the current system. I am just glad MO promised to not do it again, and they will have more singles and bundles instead which is what we were asking for.

    Is it a shame I won't be getting any of the ones in the 30 pack? Sure. I can get over that though if it means the lootboxes will not be coming back to plague us.

  7. I am still against the RNG and lootboxes of the mounts being introduced with the reasons I stated when it first came out, but I will say this. I am glad it happened because that decision to introduce them made me go back to my Steam library and play some games I have forgotten about with no lootbox mentality in them. So I have to thank A-net for forcing me to take a break and play some other great games because of it.

  8. This reminds me of a dumb thing Blizzard did years ago on the WoW forums. They wanted to have your real name show on the forums when you talked there. Needless to say, it was a bad idea, and the forums exploded on them. Over 600 pages in an hour saying no, it is bad idea. I think overall it was 2000 pages of that before they closed the thread down all within a single day.

    There is hope here if enough chime in and say no this is a bad idea.

  9. @blindrage.6158 said:I would love to see a Longbow or Shortbow, and get an "Arcane Archer" theme

    Hate to burst your bubble, but that weapon would do 0 damage. It also wouldn't be taken. A-net has a history of hating ranged weapons other then the staff. They wouldn't do the LB justice, so you would be forced to use Staff or whatever again because they wouldn't buff it to where it should be.

  10. @Neko.9021 said:Why the heck do people care so much about the Weapon anyway?

    The Weapon doesn't matter in GW2. Greatswords are a Ranged weapon for Mesmers, and Staves are Melee weapons for Daredevils.

    What matters is the kit, and the role that kit is supposed to play.

    I'd be more interested in seeing what kind of role people want to see Ele fill next. Asking for what Weapon to use next seems kinda silly, since the Weapon could be anything, given the precedent GW2 has already set for us.

    I disagree with your assumption only kit and role matter. People play classes for their aesthetic, theme, and weapon choice. For example, I hate the staff look on the daredevil because I don't think it matches the medium armor sets, but I think the rifle and pistols match it better. Hence, I will never use the staff on my Thief, but I don't mind the staff on my Ele when I am not bored with it because it matches the mage archetype and the armor. I am not the only one who plays certain professions because of the weapons and how they play, so asking people for what weapon they want next can greatly affect whether they play the class or not.

  11. @lLobo.7960 said:

    @Doctor Hide.6345 said:I am going with pistol or dual pistols. I will always pick this option when given a choice because of my love for firearms in this game.

    Although dual pistols could be really fun for a fast paced ele mid range gameplay (think unload on thief, but with elemental magic), I think dual pistols (and rifles) will likely go to mesmers while eles will get the more traditional weapons...

    But yea, elemental gunslinger would be quite fun.

    I know the possibility of it happening is slim to none, but if it ever does, I would be super excited for it.

  12. Listen, I know some people want underwater content thinking if they revamp the combat it would be good, but the truth of the matter is that it won't because it's underwater content. I have played too many MMOs where they have underwater content, and they all stink. Making fun and engaging combat in a 3-d environment like underwater is not possible because of it's 3-d nature and how we attack.

    It will be a pain in the but to traverse and fight if they ever do it.

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