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Captain the Fourth.1476

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Everything posted by Captain the Fourth.1476

  1. One one hand, I get that it's a personal homestead, and I can see and understand the mentality of the group gathering of resources is meant for the guild, but it's on the individual to gather the resources for their own homestead. However I personally thought it was awesome to be able to join my mom in her homestead, and craft some extra decorations for her. I made a sitting area where we and our friends could just sit and hang out. I thought this was intentional. While I didn't know for certain who the decorations were going to, I assumed they were going to hers cause I was in her homestead. I agree with the original poster. Please reimplement the option to craft decorations for others, but add a warning message for players to make it clear. This would also help players who want to help friends who don't have the same amount of time to play as they do.
  2. Having read most of the comments here and failed the meta a handful of times, I think the two tweaks that would make it most barrable (in my opinion), are to add just a single minute, and decrease how often she does the side change attack, half of my runs failed due to not being able to do any damage to her for about a minute multiple times during the fight, because She would constantly be switching which side of the field she's on. Everyone would charge to her head just in time to have to run back to the other side again. My first run would have succeeded had we had just a single minute more.
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