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Everything posted by MasterDeere.3417

  1. You guys can try to defend thieves as much as you want, the fact of the matter is that RIGHT NOW, as you are reading this, there is a thief trolling an entire zerg and keeping a keep contested for whatever amount of time he please. No need to go in detail and think like madmen, its not rocket science, the result in action is the best proof. I dont know if its intended by developpers, but its hard to take this game seriously when you have unballanced stuff like that.
  2. elementals have a lack of synergy. ex: interrupt from shocking aura that you put on your elemental wont proc the dammage on stun effect from trait or interrupt effect from sigil. the only synergy i found so far that might be usefull is with air elemental, they give switness, you can transform that swiftness into regen and then into condi removal with trait from weaver and water.
  3. Too much access to chill. When I read that I see a reaper build with bleed and vulnerability on chill, with rune that adds chills to the shout, and shout everywhere + well that chill and blind + ring that fear since fear chill with reaper. dude chill.Indeed, that dude chill
  4. Too much access to chill. When I read that I see a reaper build with bleed and vulnerability on chill, with rune that adds chills to the shout, and shout everywhere + well that chill and blind + ring that fear since fear chill with reaper.
  5. @ShadowCatz.8437 I was thinking about doing it, but it mean find a tool to record, do the editing etc, stuff I never did before. Also while I was thinking that there was a lot of complains in the map chat about this. I was not the only one who was freaking out. I was also aware that they were rules for the forum for this kind of stuff but didnt know the details of those rules. I therefore prefered to take no chances since I dont want to get banned. I just wanted the Devs to be aware and to keep an eye open. Its easier to find the problem and fix it when you are aware that a problem exist and have a little clue where to start looking.
  6. For the past few days we see more and more of those thieves who have infinite energy. I mean reallly infinite, for example I saw hearthseeker all away across half the map, or repeater non stop for more than 2 min. I dont have video to prove it but I am pretty sure soon enough someone will come up with a video since its not a rare occurance anymore.
  7. Some people here would say: thats because he was good, need skill to play like a golem.
  8. I 1v1 ranger in wvw..... I usually win vs ranger with my ele, its not even a challenge. But that ranger.......He had ALLL the buff full stack PERMA, was turning invisible each time I was getting a little fighting advantage, was removing condition non stop, dammage on him was very very very low, he was impossible to CC or cripple or paralyse and was interrupting me non stop. But also he was doing more dammage than full berserker ranger I fought so many times. So my questions is: What are all others rangers doing, that build should be the only build, it is the most OP build I saw this year BY FAR.
  9. Yasai, take a chill pilll. The OP never said he was the best, he just posted a video. For my part I am more annoyed by the insane mobility the thief have.
  10. What Anput said deserve some reflexion. I agree that dammage nerf on all class will affect downstate a lot. But guess what, dont expect the game to be balanced after that patch, that also mean dont take stuff to seriously untill they balance the game. Its gonna take a lot of iteration after that big patch to get to a decent balance.
  11. I want to give you my money.... We need the gem store to work on server Jade Quarry please.... my money burns, I need to give it!
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