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Yellow Rainbow.6142

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Posts posted by Yellow Rainbow.6142

  1. 2 hours ago, mindcircus.1506 said:

    I had forgotten who you were until.....

    Then I realized you have a very long history of confronting people offering salient advice with ridiculous statements like that until called out over them....at which point you tend to spew some weird incoherent "word soup" of improperly used MMO industry jargon and often going back to edit your responses several days after posting.

    Seen you do it a half dozen times now.

    I'll pass.

    what are you trying to say that people who is not good in english language shouldn't post on forum? You feel more intelligent because you know english better than me? Yeah, I have encountered many people just like you in real life as well. And, yes I don't back down from bullies.

    Here is another edit just for you. You understand my incoherent "word soup" perfectly fine and am I editing this after a year??

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  2. 2 hours ago, mindcircus.1506 said:

    or maybe you should just bring a group build for group content.

    I realize it doesnt carry nearly the same value in empty rhetoric... but it works I promise.

    You really need to lay off the idea of forcing or even suggesting people to bring optimal build for dungeon run.  I have done countless dungeon where I have seen some doing under 500 dps to over 10k dps in random pugs.

    Nobody has kicked anyone over dps in dungeon. Now, I have seen people getting kicked for their guild mate and sometime people who spoke different language and not understanding mechanics after repeating 10+ times on chat which stalled the run.

    I don't even know what to tell you except I think you are not made for pug run. Your name says "Mind over meta" ironically 🙂

    Only thing I'd suggest op to be clear on LFG. It won't hurt to mention new to dungeon or going slow or watching cut scene if that is your thing.

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  3. 6 hours ago, mindcircus.1506 said:

    This forum is replete with posts like yours that blame an unfriendly community for poor experiences in group content. The vast majority of these posts are chock full of clues as to why the problem actually occurred rather than a whitewashed narrative. 

    While I am not saying this is the case with your post, a few things do stand out to me like the above quote.


    Are you running Arc?

    Were you looking at your DPS in relation to the others on the team?

    Did you have your boon table up to measure uptime on the boons you were/are providing?


    Celestial Tempest is an objectively poor build to play for group content.

    It is an open World/Solo build.

    It does not provide competitive damage in a group setting, and it's boon output is substandard for a 5 man team where something like Harriers is a much stronger choice.
    AP and Mastery have zero to do with your build's performance in group settings. I know plenty of people who have max masteries and can't dodge. I know people who grind every festival for their AP and half of their totals are just from dailies.

    The fact you flexed them is very telling.

    Maybe I am wrong, maybe you are some kind of prodigy who plays the living hell out of Cele Tempest and has found ways to make it relevant in group play.


    If you are actually interested in examining your performance, rather than (as is the case in so many posts like these) looking for confirmation from people who don't know:

    Post a video of yourself in group play with Arc running and the boon table active.

    Post your actual build and gear rather than your AP and Mastery Level.


    Dude was playing dungeon. May be people like you should stay in Raid? Which you guys managed to kill effectively. Now, spilling all over fractal and dungeon too? lol

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  4. 34 minutes ago, Dami.5046 said:

    I'm not asking for the envoy armour to be done a different way, so no it doesn't affect me at all.  sorry.

    This I can agree. Pve Players should have a way to get legendary armor without doing any instance content. They can make even better looking armor as far as I am concerned but just like wvw, raid armor should be exclusive to the content.

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  5. It finally puts the Nail in coffin for me. I just log on to do dallies now. No incentive for defending just kills the whole fun for me.

    Even in zerg vs zerg, You basically eat each other's tail. Exp players know what to do and newb left behind tailing and zerg kills tails of each of other and rinse and repeat. There is not even true zerg vs zerg. It's basically feed your newb to us and we do the same.

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  6. Once upon a time, Chrono and Druid ruled the support class. People complained for exact same problem. Now it's Guardian + rev combo. If they fix it (nerf it), it will be something else.

    There will be always a META. Unless every class can do exactly same thing, balance will never be equal. If every class can do everything, what's the point of class anyway.

    But, hey if you are bored with playing certain class for certain role, please say so and shake up the meta. But, there will always be META.

    • Confused 1
  7. On 11/27/2021 at 11:56 PM, Banto.8761 said:

    Guess you can be glad that you didn't play WvW back then 2012. No reward-shower from WxP, Rewardtracks nor PiPs but a hefty repair bill at the end of the day. Back then you had to pay for repairs, had to pay for upgraded keeps/towers and camps.

    After a couple hours you easily could run into 10-20g for repairing your equip and a handful gold more to upgrade a keep to t3.
    Think about that please before you start a forum tsunami. You're like that fat kiddo with a mouth full of chocolate on Halloween, holding open your sack full of candies in the expectation of getting more.
    People like you make me wish back the old times just to see folks like you suffer.

    And now enjoy your reward-shower without having any costs.
    Oh btw i haven't even spoken of Gift of Exploration. Back then you sometimes even had to wait weeks if not months to get that one last Poi in some enemies keep.
    Somestimes i spent good 100g a day for playing WvW but barely getting any loot/reward.

    back then I used to ride bicycle to get groceries now I take car and complain about traffic. May be we should all go back to horse, so, people like you don't have to hear about traffic 🙂

  8. 17 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    While it doesn't talk about specific builds/comps, I did find some non-video guides I liked on Metabattle describing the mechanics of the existing strikes; exactly how I like to learn about these things.

    I think the weird thing about this is that people assume new players will simply 'know' to look at raid builds for strikes. That's pretty presumptuous. I what I think unfortunate is that the question if such a thing exists gets treated like it was 'stupid' by some people. Par for the course though ... it's not the first time players trying to learn about instanced content are treated like this. The exclusive 'raid' club is alive an well on these forums. 

    New player shoudn't copy paste build and get kill. There is no reward in it. I remember my first VG kill 5 yrs ago? It is still one my best memory of this game.

    We were all new and trying different thing. I died so many times and didn't even know I could repair my armor at spawn. I was stripped to underpant :D.

    after many hours of tries we finally got him and I felt like we actually climbed the Everest and planted the flag. It was awesome feeling.

    As I always say, Anet needs to fix LFG system. So, new player can get that experience instead of getting carried and cheapens the whole experience.

    • Confused 3
  9. 11 hours ago, genjonah.1253 said:

    I think we’re largely on the same page. The path to acquiring Chuka and Champawat I think is the best legendary journey they’ve done (that I have done, at least)


    lots of actual content, as well as the material gathering that isn’t the lore-stretching ridiculousness of curio after curio after curio…


    again- I WANT legendaries to be ridiculously expensive. But I think the Chuka and Champawat path hit that sweet spot where you weren’t spending what felt like hours at the crafting station just hitting ‘go’ and walking away to do chores in real life while you waited for the thousands of mithril ingots to forge…

    I have not got that bow since i already had dreamer. But, Yes Astralaria and Raven Staff was one of my best experience creating legendaries.

  10. 15 hours ago, Zalavaaris.5329 said:

    Honestly I'm going to go for the pvp amulet anyway because I'm not into handout legendaries. That and the amulet has more rgb than a 14 year Olds gaming pc. 

    Not sure about handout.. This has been my worst and longest experience to achieve legendary. I don't like this style of play at all. I am not story player. You have no idea how many times I fell sleep on chair while they were talking lol.

    • Haha 1
  11. 9 hours ago, Widmo.3186 said:

    1. Youre kitten punished for making mistakes, thats how games work. So what, when you play poker and lose all your money, casino should give it back to you because you got unlucky or outskilled? Are you dumb XD?
    2. ??? With no downed state more people ACTUALLY die instead of going to downed state and being babysitted by "support" players, so you get more wxp and more rewards. And if you dont know how to tag ppl on support build, then you dont know how to play it. Again, as above XD
    3. And they should be, even without these events. Downed skills are way too unbalanced, and so were/are traits. Theres a reason why they nerfed them repeatedly during last patches, you know?
    4. Lmao what? First of all, I dont know a single game that allows you to buy more "microtransaction shop" items with in-game currency than gw2. Second, who the fk buys finishers with real money. In terms of WvW ppl spend real money to transfer between servers, finishers you get for free in sPvP or for 10g from TP. Again, as above XD

    Conclusion: I understand why some people hate and why some people love NDS weeks. But that single post is the dumbest one Ive seen so far XD

    Your post is dumb.

    OP mentioned his/her concern and you are being rude for nothing. You don't have to agree with OP but why so much toxic.

    Having that said, I don't agree with op either except 1 point.  I do like no downstate event sometime. But, op has point, if he/she bought finishers, it completely invalidate his/her purchase. And, yes some people buy finishers with real money.

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  12. 4 hours ago, Ashturen.2561 said:

    who said its a crime to be a noob ?? 
    but when ur in a squad and the comm orders stealth , the engies do their job good and the whole squad is invis .. and then u still get wiped by the enemy cuz they see ur exact position cuz someone felt the need to have his mini following around. 

    I didn't say that anyone said it. I rather made emphasis on they "ACT" like it is a crime. And, some new people does play with mini out in game. They don't know any better.

    So instead of blaming player, may be blame game?

  13. it's BvB

    Roaming with Bot is awesome. let them kill everything and you get the credit. I spent an hour today with Bot. It was just so hilarious.

    And, they can make bot this good, why can't we have our Hero's !!! ANET make it happen.

  14. 4 hours ago, Ashturen.2561 said:

    OR if MInis are automatically disabled as soon as u enter any wvw-map! its such a pain.. yesterday morning alone I saw 8 ppl running around with Minis in EB.  
    and when u friendly whisper them why it would be better if they disable the mini they insult u instantly.  Only ONE of them replied in a friendly way. 
    and then those ppl wonder why comms kick u from the squad if u drag a mini after u.. 

    there is no better way of reveal urself as a wvw-noob then draging a mini after u.   Also these  100 % WvW-exp should be disabled, its such a pain to play wvw during those weeks.. just so annoying. 

    Why do people act like its crime to be noob?

    BTW, I play with mini out sometime and it works wonderfully to lure some desperate people looking for easy kill.

    • Haha 2
  15. 1 hour ago, DaFishBob.6518 said:

    I flat out stated I'm not pre-ordering or even buying the next expansion at full price as long as they continue making these obstructive visual effects mandatory. Even made a thread about it to see how many like minded users wanted to issue a shared statement or an "ultimatum" as I had phrased it. Most people thought I was just being negative about Anet or throwing a tantrum so obviously that never went through. Though really, the result is I'm still not spending money like they were hoping, and Anet will probably be none the wiser if  anyone else also refrained from purchasing the expansion for the same reason.

    3 account in this household. Holding it off to buy expansion until they give us option to turn visual noise off. I can barely take it as it is, I don't even know what will they do with dx11 more shinny stuff.

    I have to wear glass to play this game. Is this sad?

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  16. 4 hours ago, Vinceman.4572 said:

    Yes, I did when raids where new and the population much higher than nowadays. That's a remarkable difference! Player numbers have drastically changed for challenging content in comparison to years ago.

    Most of the people are not able (in terms of having the mechanical ability and the willing) to raid. 

    It changed drastically because Raiders went full elite and toxic. Requirement to join Raid got more and more and closed the door for new people while old raiders got bored with it and created vacuum.

    I quit raiding because I didn't want to be part of the elite club. Many times I got kicked and blocked for taking side of average Joe.

    Before you judge me, I just want to make it clear, I made multiple sets of armor (7 sets?) and few cm's title. So, I am not so noob in Raid but people were so demanding even I had trouble finding group sometime.

    I don't blame players only though, Anet is at fault as much. LFG needs some work, so same lvl of skill players can play together. When you mix it up, there will be always some sort of tension. And, no I don't have time to play on schedule time and dedicated half of my life playing lfg than game.

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  17. 6 minutes ago, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

    This doesn't seem any different than the general PvE players getting salty about how their meta failed.

    It doesn't?

    nothing to discuss then. It's not like anyone could change anyone's opinion through this forum anyway. Dueling in PVE  = I quit this game. It's that simple. Sorry to spell it out this way but It's my line that I do not cross.

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