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Everything posted by GuriGashi.5617

  1. I think this coming from a Shock Aura & Invul & Heal spamming class like Tempest is borderline insane. It doesn't matter where it comes from ... it's still true. If people think FB needs buffs, they need to L2P in a hard way. Sorry, I just looked up your name on the leaderboard and it is rude and beyond cocky to tell people „L2P“ when you aren‘t even ranked in sPvP for this and weren’t ranked the last season. Also L2P is the argument people use who have literally no arguments
  2. I think this coming from a Shock Aura & Invul & Heal spamming class like Tempest is borderline insane. Sincerely hope they nerf „Wash the Pain away“ as well as your F2 heal, invul durations, Glyph of Renewal and the obnoxious Aura and Boon spam (Prot for example), that is ruining the game, into oblivion, because at the moment it is Tempest that is beyond destructive to the meta, then I will stop asking for what you call „Firebrand buffs“ when I literally said to keep everything as it is and just give our heal skill back, for the reason that it is a Mantra with 2,75 seconds cast time and is in conjunction with „Pure of Heart“ necessary to run as Firebrand to simply sustain yourself especially considering that I want the rest of the heal modifiers to stay nerfed on the spec.Being Top 35 on the European ladder and asking for the return of ONE skill that would be required to play the spec as it is intended to, is what you call „out of touch“.How about you play 10 ranked games as a Firebrand with Solace and post your results as screenshot below? I know what would happen. I played the first 2 days of the season as Core Guardian on Menders amulet, even one game with Floody and Adelante, one with Boyce and literally watched Firebrands get farmed in 3 seconds while I had no problems sustaining myself with Meditations such as Litany of Wrath
  3. Sure my man, I rather think that you should start playing PvP before making such assumptions, since picking Firebrand „daily“ over Core Guard in this enviroment isn’t really much speaking in favour of you. Also no, posting screenshots of a few top Firebrands won’t make the spec more viable for casual players, plus then how about we compare the results of teams who ran Tempest with teams who ran Firebrand during the last AT‘s? How viable would Firebrand look then to you? What is even more funny is that MightyTeapot says the exact same thing about Firebrand, literally where you got your screenshots from.Facts still stand - if you run Firebrand, you have your heal skill up once or twice at max during a teamfight and get pretty much farmed right after, since mobility on Guard is at 0, which makes effective kiting more problematic.Also I am not saying the Solace nerf happened in February, I am talking about ArenaNet’s agenda to bring all modifiers down, which started by February and I welcome. I just want our old healing skill back. I think constantly placing plat or better is enough for me to be able to talk about a weakness of the spec, alot of casual players maybe don’t see, such as this issue of basically having one bad heal through the game mechanic that Mantras come with
  4. The thing is I am okay with all the damage, tome heal and book duration nerfs Firebrand received, what I am asking for is giving us just our heal skill back, because it is one thing nerfing a spec to make it go along with the rest of the meta, but nerfing it to being unplayable, because of said Matra issues goes too far. And when we consider all the heals tempests can ditch out actively and to team mates asking for Pre February Patch Mantra of Solace while keeping all the other skills as they are just for us to be able to make it through a team fights isn‘t too much to ask for. People are still buying PoF, are happy to try out their new Firebrand spec just to see unless you play at a very high level you get absolutely destroyed isn‘t really a meta we should aspire to have
  5. February Patch nerfed every tome with exception of the Tome of Courage into uselessness for competitive play. This is why Firebrand is played less at the moment than core Guardian, despite the core variant offering less support for the team
  6. Yes, it‘s just sad to watch. It is frustrating that once we cast the final charge, we won‘t have a heal skill up until the teamfight ends and we get a peaceful moment to recast a 2,75 second cast time skill without being CC‘d. It was all okay as long as the smaller charges healed for a substantial amount, so we didn’t have to cast the final charge so early, but 299 HP heal on Menders amulet with a ~10 second cooldown forces us to do that and I consider that a really bad a joke. Of course a spec will drop icecold out of the competitive meta if it can use it‘s heal skill only once during a teamfight
  7. The title is self explainatory. First Charges: 299HP self heal + what you get from Pure Of Heart through Aegis Shatter on Menders Final Charge: 4,300HP self heal, on a 30 second cooldown with a 2,75 second cast time on Menders. It‘s a joke consindering that in most fights you as a Firebrand are considered the number 1 target. Yes kiting is a thing, but the viability of a spec shouldn‘t be open only to experienced players. This overnerfed version of our literal heal skill is the sole reason why Firebrand dropped out of the meta
  8. Again no, I am NOT talking about sPvP in ANY FORM, I don‘t get what in „I want to have a larger health pool“ or „modifiers got nerfed“ implies to you that I am talking about sPvP. World bosses can hit for 15K in PvE, that is a literal one shot on some Guard specs, where most classes could make the same mistake in walking into an attack and would survive with a slither of health. It is an idea considering the general design of Guardians, „ current sPvP performance“ has nothing to do with the low HP pool and one dimensional way of supporting others Guards have had since release Also good to know your opinion, but still I wish for barrier on GUARDians, since it would make sense logically considering the idea of the class and since Firebrand went down the drain :) pls make it happen @ArenaNet <3
  9. I don‘t know what you are saying when Firebrand got kicked out of all gamemodes both in NA and EU since the February patch and is outshined by Core Guardian in every possible way right now. Ya, but clearly elites are not designed based on 3-6 month sPvP performance. Also, I dunno how to tell you this, there are 2 other game modes in the game. And I know this might be an earth shattering surprise, PvE is the main driver here. If you are trying to sell me that FB does not have support In PvE, that is like to convince me to sell my car to you for $10. If you have issues with guardian and FB performance (I definitely agree with you) post in guardian forums or sPvP forums. Regardless, this has nothing to do with elites design. We already have support in core and in FB. Guardian does not need more support oriented stuff. Well you you went over the balancing aspect and balancing in PvE isn‘t as much of an importance as it is in PvP or WvW, because in PvE we play with each other. As long as you can clear events by picking up a random combinations of classes the overall gameplay isn‘t impacted much. And no, I am generally asking what people want to be added to certain classes for the next expansion, based on the game mode they play, not a PvP only view What guardian is lacking is mobility. An elite with mobility options, would offer a different game play. Single target damage could be also tied to it. everything else is covered by core, DH or FB. The point for performance, it does not matter for elite designs and performance itself changes overtime, so it has no impact on elite design.Guardians have also good single target damage on hammer or LB while playing DH, what GUARDians are lacking is a viable support spec at the moment. Again, Firebrand offers support but all it’s damage/heal/duration modifiers got nerfed into oblivion. It is, at this point in time, only still played in certain scenarios and Core Guardians really are in terms of support really just boon machines that heal mostly themselves alot, but don’t offer much of general support other than that. Playing Guardian really doesn‘t feel like the way it is designed to be played.Barrier would also be high in demand because of the generally low health pool Guardians have to all other classes to begin with. It would be a blessing
  10. I don‘t know what you are saying when Firebrand got kicked out of all gamemodes both in NA and EU since the February patch and is outshined by Core Guardian in every possible way right now. Ya, but clearly elites are not designed based on 3-6 month sPvP performance. Also, I dunno how to tell you this, there are 2 other game modes in the game. And I know this might be an earth shattering surprise, PvE is the main driver here. If you are trying to sell me that FB does not have support In PvE, that is like to convince me to sell my car to you for $10. If you have issues with guardian and FB performance (I definitely agree with you) post in guardian forums or sPvP forums. Regardless, this has nothing to do with elites design. We already have support in core and in FB. Guardian does not need more support oriented stuff.Well, I am generally interested in it as a fun thing to play with for all game modes. You went over the balancing aspect and balancing in PvE isn‘t as much of an importance as it is in PvP or WvW, since in PvE we play with each other and not against each other. As long as you can clear events by picking up a random combination of classes the overall gameplay isn‘t impacted much. And no, I am generally asking what people want to be added to certain classes for the next expansion, based on the game mode they play, not a PvP only view
  11. I can’t agree and tbh I don‘t know what you mean by that when Firebrand got literally kicked out of all gamemodes both in EU and NA (a little less) since the February patch, where everything across it‘s toolbar from direct damage, to heals, boon durations and burn damage got nerfed in the double digit region and is outshined by Core Guardian in every possible way right now.
  12. I thought they would stop with new legendary weapons after Gen 2
  13. I can‘t be the only one who thinks it doesn‘t make any logical sense whatsoever for Guardians to not have barrier. I hope the next Guardian Elite Spec gets access to barrier for the team like a proper support class which got even named after the role it is meant to fulfill. A new elite spec trait that grants barrier through symbol ticks or aegis breaks would be a way that would offer great synergy and would make PvE, WvW and PvP a new game experience for players of the class, considering Guardians have had one disadvantage since release - little HP What are some of your ideas for new elite specs for certain classes you would love to get from the next expansion?
  14. It would inflate all Black Statuette items and make them instantly worthless. They would lose alot of prestige
  15. Firebrand can outheal everthing lmaoFirebrands got kicked out of the competetive meta and ruined with the February patch to the point where core Guardian is a more viable spec to play. I see alot of people being mad at condition Mirages though
  16. I play mostly PvP so I understand your concerns. If something like that happens there should be a setting available which offers competetive players an option to disable these visual changes. In addition to that the designers definitely shouldn‘t add the most extreme animation changes, maybe just some small details people could choose to change like color, adding sparkles etc
  17. I had a debate with a friend today about possible new mechanics for the future. He told me about visual skill customization. First I was not very convinced by that idea, but technically it has some potential to become the new big aesthetic game mechanic after the release of unique mounts skins in PoF.Some MMO‘s already utilize unique skins for individual skills or color customization, like for example changing the typical „blue“ in Guardian skills, the „green“ in Necro skills or the „purple“ in Mesmer skills to „red“ or adding animations of different animals when using skills like „Bulls Charge“ on a Warrior or „Maul“ on GS Ranger.Is there any demand for it? I can imagine it being something fun to play with as a Guardian who rather likes to run red than blue on his armor and I think, in all honesty, it would be really cool, if my animations were red too.However, I can also imagine that it would create alot of confusion, there would need to be a setting in place for people to be able to disable these customized animations if they don‘t like or get confused by them for example in competetive play. I am kind of torn on this one.If you think visual customization for skills has a low probability/doesn’t make sense to be implemented or have maybe some own ideas, what do you think will be the next big game mechanic added to Guild Wars 2, if any?
  18. Well the first idea was to make them not „account bound“ permanently and was addressed to all legendary equipment, which, I realized then, would have a few negative side effects on the economy. This thread is talking simply about adding trinkets only (5 slots) as Anniversary Surprise Event to the gem store for a fixed price and a short time
  19. Since you could easily farm the necessary amount of gold for the Gem Exhange while staying in your favorite game mode. That is the whole point
  20. Then why could people get Legendary Weapons (through gold), Legendary Armor and a Legendary Backpack while playing their favorite mode before trinkets were released?
  21. If gold was the issue, alot of people would run around in a complete set of legendaries, since especially people who play since release had enough time to accumulate several thousands of gold through playing and Gem Exchange. The problem aren‘t some of the other currencies either meaning T6 mats or Mystic Clovers, the problem is that some of the required materials like Legendary Divination for Coalesence which you get through playing raids or the Emblem Of Victory for Transcendence which you get for winning 120 ranked PvP matches in a season are highly game mode specific. While I for example have easy access to the latter, getting access to 125 Legendary Divination isn‘t just something I could or even would want to invest time in, for some it is maybe the other way around. I have also seen several people complain in the forum about issues with Conflux resulting from the heavy lag they experience while playing the mode. This is why I am simply asking for an Gem Store option with less „legendary“ visual effects, so that people can farm gold while playing their favorite mode and exchange them for gems or straight up invest via Credit Card
  22. Yes, but exactly that is the point. How is it healthy to play a few days, farm ascended armor, then finally test it and realize „Settler‘s“ stats are bad for a build? 4 days of work just to test if something works is exactly why we have ended up in a game where everyone runs Berserker gear. And I don’t care so much about ascended weapons and armor, since you can change their stats at the MF, but with trinkets it is another thing. Enabling those for a wider range of people would open alot of doors not only for the people playing, but also for ArenaNet in form of profits
  23. That is by far the most unproductive and most invalid argument I have read on here. I can understand that some people, and that surely includes you, have hours and hours daily on hand to play 4 hours PvP, 6 hours of WvW and 2 hours of WvW, but most simply don‘t. They get online after work, play 2-3 hours PvE, PvE OR WvW and should be able to get something as unspectacular as stat customization considering the hours they have put into a specific game mode. I have over 30K hours on my account since release, but I invested them in PvP which won‘t get people really far reaching mostly Plat, sometimes Legendary rank, so implying laziness is mad. „If you like it - grind it“ also won‘t happen since you can‘t simply pull up and start winning Raids out of the go. Good luck trying to find a group, because what you describe as „grind it“ is people selling raids for gold just so that people can get some stat customizable trinkets. I rather „grind it“ the few hours that I got after work with my team in the HoM doing what I like most rather than spending hours fighting NPC‘s and am simply proposing letting those players pay with another currency, while offering them the possibility to stay in their game mode. People could even not pay at all, grind several 100‘s of hours, collect several 1000‘s of gold and exchange them for gems while doing what they like most (for example PvP).All players who jump on the wagon saying „I would love to see good content too“, but then go into a blind rage once ArenaNet capitalizes on something (as it was with mounts) and use PW2 in the same derogatory way you do, are exactly the reason why we have lost Esports and had to wait 2 expansions for a complete set of 2nd gen legendary weapons, because it is exactly these P2W people who keep this games servers running.Also your definition of what is „legendary“ is quite different from what ArenaNet describes them as - as great visual updates that don‘t offer competetive advantages. People can keep their fancy globs swirling around them, who in the world cares about them, but being against other people having access to stat customizable equipment ONLY in form of trinkets sends a strong smell of elitist behavior and fear to get destroyed by others once it becomes a thing. Alone for the reason, that I want to see a wider range of people play something other than full Berserker gear and because I want some cash in ArenaNets pockets to bring at least 2 more expansions, I won‘t stop asking for them
  24. The whole process of enabling free build customization for your account in form of acquiring Legendary Trinkets is extremely frustrating for the amount of effort you have to get through to obtain something as simple as that & tedious as you are forced to play areas of the game that you simply aren‘t interested in. Legendary Weapons at least you can complete next to the story and Legendary Armor/Backpack can be obtained by playing your favorite area of the game. At this point in time alot of players are highly specialized in PvE, PvP or WvW and also would like to continue to do what they like most.ArenaNet always said Legendary Equipment is mostly meant as aesthetically pleasing equipment with nice visual effects, but which doesn‘t offer any competitive advantages for players. Well, stat customization is a big competitive advantage and it should be more accessible for a wider range of players. As people are starting to own most of their favorite Gem Store related items (Gliders, Mounts, Tools, Bank Slots etc) ArenaNet will eventually have to find more ways of income between expansions to produce the best content possible. I know it is alot to ask for, but I would love to see ArenaNet selling Legendary Trinkets with small visual effects for a high price at the Gem Store (maybe as an „one time Anniversary Special“? :) ). 5000 gems for an amulet, 4000 gems for accessories/rings. It would be a great opportunity to cash in for ArenaNet, since alot of players that I know (mostly Plat PvP Players that never even heard of something like „Legendary Divination“) would purchase them immediately just to be able to switch builds easily when having fun in WvW. I feel a huge part of that „fun“ in a game goes down the drain when everyone is running Berserker Armor and has to invest to simply test or mix attribute combinations. I wish you all a great day fellas and already can see the „PW2“ insults being flung at me lol
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