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Everything posted by Sparky.6284

  1. I like this change. I was never a fan of people having 100 alts to log in for mystic coins and other stuff. I mean you still can but you have to play the game a little bit. And that benefits everyone.
  2. I completed the achievement last week and can confirm this. Vendor functions aren't available anymore and I have the prompt to give her the statue in my inventory again.
  3. I will preface this to say I've never used build templates or ArcDPS. I'm one of those characters that currently just plays one build, though I'm sure that will change in the future. I came back to GW2 after being incredibly disappointed with Fallout 76. Watching Bethesda destroy that game one update at a time has been honestly sad. But let's look at what ANet has done. You allowed players to use a free system to switch templates which worked well, and despite massive amounts of negative feedback implemented your own heavily monetized system with less functionality. I mean, why do you need any more feedback to ignore? What did you seriously think would happen? I am so sick of gaming companies giving into greed, then when there is a huge outcry they crap out some generic apology but still don't change anything. You did this because you wanted to make money, and I seriously hope no one buys into this. I've met and talked with many dedicated players who have no issues with spending money on this game.. much more than I ever will. They deserve better treatment than this. Another thing that always left a bad taste in my mouth is the Living World content moneygate. I preordered GW2 and installed it on the first day it released. But somehow, I now have to pay for content that was released during a time period I did not play just because I didn't log in once every few months. How do you defend that? I mean I could justify that if you were only charging newer players for that content, players who didn't pay $60 for the retail release. And is it some coincidence that these locked out maps have some of the best farming in the game? We aren't stupid. Quit treating us that way.
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