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Posts posted by kamikharzeeh.8016

  1. On 2/4/2024 at 10:13 PM, oatsnjuices.1698 said:

    Uncatchable, un beatable, and unseeable. The deadeye is the only class where if you are good, there is virtually nothing that can beat you. 

    calling one of the most useless classes king, at least nice troll

    • Like 4
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  2. pretty pointless blabla thread ngl

    firebrands are just needed bc they are allrounders to provide options to actually survive pushes. idk why u need to cry about this. everyone should have at least a firebrand or a secondary support geared for Wvw, even if your main is some dps class

    @Random dude.5089 u are also fully wrong, groups often lack secondary supports too. or dmg, it can be anything. but without a fb per party it is obviously problematic

    the simple reason for FB beeing staple is that the meta has thousands of condispam, pulls, hard cc spam, pushes, dazes, knocks... u cannot move 500 distance without a firebrand. there are several other classes that also provide stab, like rev and chrono but it's just not focused on that

    next, you people miss out completely that the dps classes build for not generation their own stab, they build for dropping that biggest amount of dmg onto the enemy groups heads. and pretty much most other supports are yet having far better heals and cleanses than firebrand... if u would give them great acess to stab and aegis etc etc just to make FB kitten, they#d be grossly overpowered

    fb isn't really that overpowered as ppl here seem to think, and most fb's aren't even good at the class

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  3. to be fair, he talks about situations where one side has 40 people on a karmatrain blob and the outnumbered side is basically empty with 5 people or sth alike, and the random buff would be just 1 player and for a limited amount of time.
    however, you'd need the killswitch also for it: if the outnumbered is gone on tick (5min) then the buff mustn't remain either, because else it'd be abusable
    further, it won't always help. will be fun and make people happy when half time some afk dude gets it while running into a wall 😛

    like legit, this wouldn't be a bad or problematic thing, bc when you're outnumbered there's no "normal conditions" anyways anymore

    that to be said, i'm still not sure how the outN exactly procs currently. sometimes u get it when u have 15 ppl at least on the map, sometimes not even when it seems worse

  4. 14 hours ago, daimon.9876 said:

    Agreed! The way that "defenses" are registered (or rather, not registered) in WvW is entirely broken.

    Until it is repaired, may I humbly suggest removing all daily/weekly "defense" objectives from the game. I want my daily and weekly Wizard's Vault, and I don't want to have to play for 2 hours to get a single daily done.

    Pro tip for those having this problem: there's some kind of new exploit as of the most recent patches that allows people to portal directly to the Lord in any Garrison. If you just camp on the Lord and drop traps there, you'll get your "objective" and your "keep" defenses easily.

    bro u could always on many if not most keeps do a port like this with mesmer and thief... anet never fixed these things and they are not new

    the defense not triggering is oddly more common than it used to be yeah... maybe they did bind it accidently again to the wall-repair thing, killing a player often doesn't work or only randomly...

    • Sad 1
  5. 50 minutes ago, Radagast.6271 said:

    I dont understand why UW, DL and ER has same matchups 3rd week in a row and same colours. It just cant be like that. Is matchup system bugged for EU ?

    it a tie in t4, ergo nobody of t5 can rise or drop, so your t5 matchup is even more stuck than it normally is

  6. On 6/24/2023 at 6:13 PM, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

    Lol wtf, by pew pew poison cloud do u mean how every zerg fight in wvw now amounts to brainlessly spamming aoes making the whole concept of this games large battles nothing more than a ground is lava game, very fun playstyle. I'm suprised a lot more people haven't abandoned the zerg style play for smaller roaming fight so they can at least experience a semblance of skillful engaging combat, than again all about getting those sweet loots haha.

    whole balance forces yet to have similarish numbers, since 3 years. bit late to start crying now. it was more fair earlier for smaller, coordinated groups. but yeah u can never expect to win against comped voice groups with a ppt group of similar size, obviously

    and zergfights / bvbs are pretty much way more skillful than cloudfights... on large scale u coordinate movement, damage and sustain.

    on roaming it's just a jungle. roaming and clouding gets just old rather quick, but some people enjoy it, and that#s their thing w/e.

    if u care about loot / time paying off, Wvw never was your best pick

    • Haha 1
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  7. 8 hours ago, floppypuppy.5789 said:

    Nope, you missed the point completely.  Specifically the necessity of high skill Firebrands caused a large wave of people to leave gw2, not some nebulous generic issues.

    To this day far more players prefer to just log out if there is a lack of firebrands than to endure playing one.

    there isn't a necessity for high skill FBs though, they just need to be somehow understanding the class to give stab and blocks. there's not that much tryhard groups left in the game, and most quit around 2020-21~, to need very good FBs ngl

    plus, idk where exactly u get the data of how many ppl left from. there#s always some leaving, some returning, some new... queues are still around as always

    • Haha 1
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  8. 23 hours ago, Dark.1605 said:

    Ever since the last update, I can no longer see my Squad as blue dots and who is missing .

    I wonder if this change was intended or just coding error 
    I hope we can get it in options at least for  Squad leader to see his squad position 

    yeah it never worked in the beta weeks.

    u can however see the blue dots of people who been on your server in "normal" weeks

    and additionally u can, if out of squads, see the yellow dots of guildmembers

  9. On 6/14/2023 at 8:52 PM, Oriens.5630 said:

    Haven't played in years so this is all basically brand new to me again. I prefer running around with a large enough group to claim and take positions. How can I participate? I'm spending all my time hopping maps hoping to find Tags as they jump around and hoping w/o a mount I can catch up.

    It's not going well.

    gotta run faster, i guess

    if u don#t have the warhamster yet, get it asap, and till then equp everything that gives u more speed (superspeed, swiftness, extra movement speed like signets, dll, bannerbuffs, blinks, launches, dashes etc)

    gf hl

    • Like 1
  10. On 6/13/2023 at 8:36 PM, Yngvi.3452 said:

    Just wondering not everyone likes to run in a HUGE mindless group attacking other HUGE mindless groups.  Seems like its going to become very one dimension and when those leaders that love running about in HUGE mindless groups gets tired is there going to be anything left for the ppl that don't play that way.  Just curious whether I should continue to invest time here.  

    yes, valid intel says that the goal is to make Wvw into a turn based strategy game. you won't be allowed to attack anyone soon, before they didn't attack you 🙂

  11. 20 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

    Takes a wild guess what's wrong with this picture and the reason for it. https://i.imgur.com/ki2rLkC.jpg

    It won't be hard to figure it out.


    thanks for submitting your report to your local witch hunter.

    people with cerebral capability who don't play on desert borderlands (bc it's never home) are not allowed by § 13, 37 of the karmatrainblobwars 2 high comittee and therefore will be soon sentenced to gold fines, to prevent further damage please also send the account names of every red player that you meet in the next 72 hours.

    kind regards,

    • Haha 1
  12. On 6/13/2023 at 3:50 PM, blp.3489 said:

    I think they should test out having an option that you can check to be placed as an individual in matches entirely made up of individuals.  This would provide a nicely chaotic environment where individual players aren't just bag fodder for the organized boon balls and dedicated WWW guilds.  Keep in mind that this would be an opt-in option so that all you players who want to play with friends or in an organized guild would continue to go on with play as usual.  This would actually benefit the organized players as they would be concentrated in a smaller number of matches and playing against other organized groups.  Players who want to play with a friend or who can't motivate themselves without having a server or guild to play for clearly won't be interested but for all those players that just play for their current side it could be fun.

    I think it would add an interesting element to the game where you have to organize and cooperate with a somewhat random group of other players.  I think for a lot of newer players that are used to solo play in PVE this would be an interesting transition and learning experience before deciding if they want to get into more organized and structured play.  Players could also develop their pugmander skills and it would be less common for squads to be requiring specific builds.   Potentially these matchups could have higher overall populations by combining players from different time zones.

    I think it would be interesting to at least test whether some segment of the player base enjoyed that sort of environment.

    i mean you realize everyone is a individual anyways?

    but the idea u mention is absolutely nothing new, been discussed like years ago as well. the question about this full solo modes is, how many people really would prefer to go full alone - without friends or people they know. do u think this would make any sense? it would probably be boonballs all again, after all

    and you don't need much skill to be a pugmander, the people who run after you need skill rather
    also the different time zones mixed together isn't a new idea, but that one is good, because it would prevent downtimes,

    and it would prevent karmatrain blobs that try to play severly off hours (like let's say, germans that play till 4am their time etc) to avoid any player content as much as possible

    • Like 1
  13. 8 hours ago, floppypuppy.5789 said:

    Largest recent quit wave I can remember was a few months into PoF when it became clear that basic survival in a group was more about having a good firebrand than anything from individual agency. Firebrand was also one of the most wretched and thankless classes to play.


    wdym, that was and is still alike since the last 5 years at least.

    life and death by stability, esp once they removed the dmg form all 2ndary cc having skills, it became just a cc spam fiesta. obviously not that much enjoyable - slower messier fights, less damage across the board but you would get cc chained on and on and on and on ... till u die from some random dmg or condi, even a pet could manage that alone after all

    at least supports now get good participation, that probably helps a lot to make people not only play killparticipationscambuilds idk


    likely, the long-time-nothing-changes - issue that Wvw has, was the biggest problem and surely caused many people to quit, i would guess

    but also stuff like, weird balance patches, where it is absolutely not possible to understand what is really planned. like, the direction in where the balancings go is like superblurry


    • Confused 1
  14. 20 hours ago, avey.4201 said:

    No, the moas are an example of Anets balance, They always try to give a leg up to bad players while holding more experienced players back, their idea of balance isn't balancing classes, it's unbalancing classes/builds to balance the players.
    When Anet killed Dragon Hunter, they killed the game for me.

    wdym doggo hunter is not in the worst spot, still meta zergDps and traps even get lower cd with next "bALanCe"

    btw maybe, but some of those children are yet playing gw2 as well :9

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