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Posts posted by Lonecap.4105

  1. It sounds like you want actually balanced encounters. In this case, I recommend just queueing PvP with your friend.

    WvW has terrible balance. At least in PvP you will be using balanced stat amulets in even-numbered fights.

    You won’t mechanically improve much in WvW.

    • Haha 1
  2. On 4/28/2024 at 2:39 AM, willow.8209 said:

    yea, I do know that. However I'm not getting stability icon when using movement skills with staff. 

    breaking out of rooted discussion came in with Warrior's Spirit, which does not grant stab, but it should grant break immobilize. 

    I haven’t tested that particular interaction with staff movement skills (didn’t bother since brave stride is so terrible). Did you factor in the internal cool-down of the trait, I assume? If so then I guess it’s bugged as you say.

  3. On 4/26/2024 at 10:14 AM, willow.8209 said:

    Thanks but I'm not certain we have the same thing in mind. 

    Brave Stride: Movement skills grant stability when used. 

    Warrior's Spirit: Run faster while wielding melee weapons, and deal increased strike damage while you have swiftness. Movement skills break immobilization when used.

    • here I'm looking at the stunbreak--that's what is tied to a movement skill.  Does the stunbreak not work on GS either? I would think of Rush as being a movement skill too. Wiki says this should work on Rush. It doesn't list anything for staff however.
    • It could also be that immobilize is not the same as stun, so it won't work every time the character is rooted. 

    Staff 2 and Staff 3 should be affected by anything that triggers on movement skill, to my mind.

    Just to let you know, stability alone does not stunbreak, brave stride makes them grants stability on an ICD but triggering the trait won’t break you out of a stun.

    • Like 1
  4. 6 hours ago, Axelteas.7192 said:

    The last time I played ranked PvP (3v3)  had 2 bots in my team. Not to say people who afk in purpose or ragequit. That's the best aspect of the game?

    Can’t say I’ve had bots in my games in a long time, maybe a couple of times a few years ago. And the latter is pretty uncommon in my experience. This is from 8000 total games played - the supposed issues in PvP are overblown, is all I’m saying.

  5. 1 hour ago, Axelteas.7192 said:

    Do you mean those PvP nerfs? That toxic game modality that every sane person should avoid?

    PvP takes the best and most well designed aspect of this game (combat system) and makes the absolute most of it.

    Truly it’s PvE and WvW I don’t understand a sane person entering, as there are so many better PvE games out there to spend time on, and WvW is running around for half an hour to fight some mind-numbing cele duel or over-stacked blob.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 2
  6. 11 minutes ago, Verdict is Vengence.6912 said:

    But why though? Just move out of the narrow path of aoe lol. It's not like meteor shower or a necro circle. Just move left or right and you're out of it. Are they babying boon balls that stand still all the time?

    I chuckled at this. I started playing scorched earth carpet bomb back in 2020 and if you told me it would be still receiving nerfs four years later I wouldn’t believe you

  7. 6 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

    If you want to adjust Staff, only suggests things that adjust Staff.

    If you want nerfs to Spellbreaker because you played into Full Counter, just be open about it and don't hide that behind "Staff adjustments".

    Full Counter is fine as it is and the rest of Spellbreaker should see a bit of improvement.

    I have no bias, I main warrior. I think this is like condizerk all over again, where they nerfed savage instinct to try and address czerk, which was only a problem because of rabid amulet+dead or alive+adrenal health. It didn’t really hit the spot and just made power berserker worse.

    Staff sustain isn’t so obnoxious if you’re not playing spellbreaker. I wouldn’t want to see staff gutted for all of warrior just because spellbreaker enables due to the class mechanic.

    And this change makes FC have a 3 second longer cooldown (far from the end of the world). FC shouldn’t be a spam and fire ability anyway.

  8. 5 hours ago, Torq.4926 said:

    I agree with normalizing the damage on path to victory/rampart splitter, since staff isn't really meant to be a damage weapon. However, I don't know about nerfing full counter when other spellbreaker builds are generally balanced or underperforming. If staff needs further adjustments, I think it would be better to reduce the base healing on its skills while increasing the scaling with healing power, that way it remains viable on support but becomes less of a self-sustain stick for power builds. 

    The thing is, staff is pretty balanced on power berserker… it’s only so good on spellbreaker, because full counter eliminates the “downtime” between staff skills and stance CDs.

    • Like 1
  9. First, nerf Path to Victory co-efficient to 0.9 and buff Rampart Splitter to 0.8.

    Secondly - the sustain on staff isn't actually too high, you can see this for yourself if you fight a staff warrior that isn't using spellbreaker. The problem with staff sustain is because of Full Counter, it helps eliminate downtime between staff sustain and stance skills. People have asked for a longer cooldown on FC for a while - I think this is the time to make FC unaffected by Versatile Power, so the cooldown is no longer reduced.


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
    • Confused 4
  10. 7 hours ago, Jzaku.9765 said:


    I did say a small “rework”, and it is small - the main animation doesn’t change, the root doesn’t change - all that’s added is some projectiles and FX to accommodate, the rest are just number tweaks. It’s really no different to how they added projectiles to gunsaber skills, which I assume was relatively easy.

  11. 1 minute ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    Even with the 2.5s cast time you'd need the quickness and a CC to get that reward for most of our CCs.

    The mixed range/melee component would give more flexibility and opens up kick->100B as a viable option or Throw Bolas from range -> 100B from 600 or less range.

    I think if we went all the way down to 2.5 cast time, the cumulative coefficient could remain unchanged, it might be a bit too much to bring the cast down so much whilst also increasing the current damage - which is totally fine and might be the better way to go now that you’ve suggested it, since it makes quickness less all-out mandatory for the skill. I’d still bring the final strike coeff up to about 1.0 though.

    • Like 1
  12. 8 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    Don't be concerned. Reducing it to 2.5s is to get the whole thing within a typical 2s stun or immob while under the effects of quickness, there would still be a stun or immob required with that quickness to get the whole thing in. Part of why it isn't worth using over the AA chain is that the coefficients are too small relative to their cast time. I'd be more warry over buffing the coefficients than reducing the cast time myself.

    All that said, this animation rework wouldn't be that hard for them to do. All they would need to do is grab the projectiles from Zealot's Defense and put a yellow tint to them and call it a day. 

    I’m definitely open to fine tuning the cast time and coefficient so it feels right, those were just some small bumps I felt were fair - but you might be right of course, it’s hard to see how it would feel.

    I still want the skill to be extra rewarded for getting that CC and cast off in melee range, but hopefully the range can add some flexibility so you can cast it from root without the CC’d enemy being a hard condition of landing it.

  13. 17 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    Okay, but make the cast time 2.5s instead of 3s.

    It might get a little crazy with quickness if we reduce it too much was my concern, and these changes would already be quite profound with a half second shaved off, damage ramped up, and then range added. I guess if it were up to me I’d see how all that felt first before going harder with the buffs.

  14. So at this point, after so long without seeing a change, I think Hundred Blades remains as a root skill because it’s too much of a time investment for the devs to make the animation work while the character moving.

    And so I propose a small rework to the skill that would only need small visual FX added and would bring the skill into 2024:

    First, increase the total cumulative coefficient (in competitive) to 3.5, increase the final hit coefficient to 1.2

    Second, increase the animation speed so the cast time is a flat 3 seconds.

    Third, split the damage packets in half. Hundred Blades is now a hybrid 600 range frontal cone attack, with non-projectile aerial shockwaves (as indicated by newly added visual effects) that travel 600 range ahead of the warrior. 

    The melee component will still exist, and whoever is in melee will be hit by both the sword swings and the shockwaves, eating the full coefficient of the attack. Those who are outside of 130 range will only be hit by the aerial shockwaves, and in this instance, they would take effectively half of the attacks damage.

    • Like 4
  15. 51 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

    This is rampant growth.

    Rampant Growth - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)

    Less damage (by over half), less healing, no regen, and same immob as Rampart Splitter.  

    As for staff in general, ranger staff does zero damage outside of the auto-attack.  

    But keep on trauma dumping your Warrior experiences 

    The coefficient in competitive for Rampart Splitter is 0.5 now.

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