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Posts posted by Miporin.3529

  1. 21 hours ago, Astral Projections.7320 said:

    Sale ending soon (less than 24 hours)

    1. Delicate Lace Cape 500 gems
    2. Gilded Stratus Longbow 600 gems


    20% off

    1. Braham's Wolfblood Pauldrons 240 gems
    2. Etherbound Helm 400 gems
    3. Festive Hat 120 gems  
    4. Immortal Nimbus Package 480 gems
    5. Mask of the Jubilee 320 gems
    6. Winter Antlers Set 400 gems
    7. Wintersday Earmuffs 20 gems


    Available for 7 days

    1. Bandit Sniper's Outfit 700 gems
    2. Bloody Prince's Outfit 700 gems
    3. Gem Aura Outfit 700 gems
    4. Grenth Regalia Outfit 700 gems
    5. Maid Outfit 700 gems
    6. Traveler's Outfit 700 gems
    7. Witch's Outfit 700 gems


    Hello, please bring back when is possible, the raptor and skyscale plush skins, with limited time discount price too:

    1. Plush raptort skin

    2. Plush skyscale skin

    Already bought Vulpine. Thank you.

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  2. On 5/25/2024 at 7:13 AM, Miporin.3529 said:

    Hello, plush mount skins please, expecially raptor, jackal and skyscale. If possible at 1280 gems each discount price since i will buy all 3 pieces.


    Thank you.

    Thanks to the devs for the jackal plush skin at 1280 gems, please add the skyscale and raptor too (same gem price if you can) when is possible. Thank you a lot. 👍

  3. 3 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

    Yep, you've missed a daily. Mind you you clicked confirm with all of them  checked. Not sure why you wouldn't uncheck PvP and WvW if you didn't want those dailies or at least check into it before you confirm. The weekly won't change till weekly reset.

    Didn't pay attention about this and close the GUI when the windows popped-up, but it wasn't very clear to begin with, no explanation, i just learn it here in the forum.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Dondarrion.2748 said:

    No, did you not see the checkbox which objectives you want to focus on?

    Next to tabs for "Daily", "Weekly", "Special", there is a cogwheel for settings. Make sure to check only "PvE" and you will only have objectives from PvE, not PvP or WvW.

    This objectives popup also showed up first time you opened the Wizard's Vault, so everyone was forced to make a choice before they got their first objectives.

    I did now but now i'm screwed? Daily is not an issue, but weekly, i need to wait a week to turn all of them into pve only?

    • Confused 1
  5. 12 minutes ago, Mythras.2091 said:

    The WvW and PvP potions has gone, but you get more reward track progress doing these activities. Yeah, you cant save potions for e.g. festival reward tracks, but whatever, its not that bad.

    The vault system in the other hand feels odd. Its good, that you get token for dailies and you can spend them on meaningful things, but i liked the previous approach, where you had 12 daily and you could choose any 3 to complete. Now, you have to roll on first login.

    If you dont want WvW or PvP dailies, just remove the check when you roll it on first login, thats all 🙂

    So for today i'm screwed? I unchecked them but i guess i need to wait tomorrow to have my 3 daily pve tasks back?

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  6. 6 hours ago, Daddicus.6128 said:

    Did they seriously remove most incentives to log in daily if you don't purchase the new expansion?

    Seems the case, no more jumping puzzle, no more gathering, no more vista view, no more events is xxxxxx map, how you are forced to do 1 pvp, 1 www and 1 pve,  at least let us choose what to do, i do not like to waste my time in pvp and www, i want to do my 3 daily pve achievements, my 2 gold reward and such.

    I will never do pvp and www tasks, is  a waste of time.


    For what i understand, i need to wait tomorrow to remove the pvp and www tasks and have 3 daily pve tasks? i just uncheck pvp and www in the wizard vault but nothing happened so i guess need to wait tomorrow reset? Anyone can confirm this

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  7. 22 minutes ago, danielhahn.8654 said:

    Also very disappointed by the new system. With the old system you could always select some efficient mix of PvE and WvW daily activities that would have you complete the daily achievement within 10-20 minutes for that early morning GW² kick. This kept me motivated for years.

    The new system is restricting the player, you need to go PvE and WvW and some of the activities are a much bigger time investment. Why not just carry over all previous PvE and WvW daily activities?

    First morning in years that I am demotivated by the game.

    So, to complete the 3 dailies tasks now i'm forced to do pvp, www and pve?

    Unless i misunderstand the new wizard system, even uncheck pvp and www task, nothing change, still need to do them to complete the 3 daily tasks.

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  8. Sorry to ask but, where are old daily achivements? Like jumping puzzle, the vista viewer, daily gathering, daily xxxxx zone event? They appear override with new Wizard Vault objectives.

    But in the Wizrd Vault i see only 3 bars, 1 pve, 1 pvp and 1 www, but if i want to do only pve? Forced to do www and pvp to complete the 3 daily steps?

    I'm a bit confused.

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  9. 5 hours ago, Arcael.3497 said:

    My game, with DX11, still crashes with the Error message "GW2 has encountered an unrecoverable graphics error". Anet support told me to do a lot of things. I did all of them. Nothing's stopping the crash. I have a good gaming laptop with every software updates and optimized. I haven't seen any other mmo I play crashing this much and I play almost everything except New World and Lost Ark.

    Guess I'm not not buying the next expansion and moving away from this game as well.

    I wrote some days ago to anet support too, but is already the third time i did it  about DX11 issues in the last 3-4 years, nothing was done then, nothing will be done now. Because they have to fix the core engine of the game to fix the issue, and is probably too much work.

    Always, when i contact the support, they tell me to send them dxdiag, then they tell me to update to the last drivers and resend dxdiag, fin ally, when they realize that the issue came from their bugged game engine, they reply that they will fix it, and this is the same reply i got 3-4 years ago. Ticket closed.

    End of the story, DX11 full screen and v-synch issues will be never fixed, so we have to play the game as it is now. Still, make zero sense to me that they removed the old DX9 renderer, the game was created using this renderer back in 2012, it was flawlessy and worked perfecly in any machine and os.

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  10. Removing modules that working perfectly for everyone and not related to the OS you use is beyond me and make no sense. Moreover, forcing DX11 that have known full screen and v-synch unresolved bugs without fixing the issues before is not a very smart move.

    Now i'm forced to play in borderless full screen because DX11 full screen do not work anymore with tearing on the screen because v.synch do not work even if i enable it in the options. Is years that there is this bug, never resolved and now we have to play the game with it orcompletely change OS.

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  11. On 4/21/2023 at 7:59 AM, KrHome.1920 said:

    ANet is using BGFX for DX11. They published a news where they explained this a few months ago. I am not sure how it exacty works but in fact exclusive fullscreen works like borderless window. It makes no difference what you select in the options menu.

    What I do not experience is the corrupted visuals people mention in this thread. DX11 looks pretty much the same as DX9 did before. If I had to guess I would also say that this is either a driver issue or people use some kind of injector/3rd party program that is incompatible with the game in its latest release.


    Overview — bgfx 1.118.8367 documentation (bkaradzic.github.io)

    Yes, full screen mode do not work under DX11, the game is forced in borderless with annoying screen tearing (v-synch is broken).

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  12. On 4/19/2023 at 8:42 AM, Fueki.4753 said:

    And fix the disconnect issues that come with DX11.

    Or, at the very least give us an option to make the game look like it did with dx9. DX11 looks too dark and way too glossy.

    100% agree, fix the DX11 full screen mode before get rid of DX9, but i really do not get it, DX9 work flawlessy because the game was build to work in DX9 to begin it, DX11 is still broken today even after so many years and was never fixed.

    Please bring back DX9 support where the game work properly, do not matter what OS you use.

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  13. Yes, -dx9 crashes immediately the game upon you press the start button.

    The problem with DX11 is that i lose the full screen mode, is bugged even if i force the game to run in full screen mode.

    At least fix DX11 before get rid of DX9.

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  14. 3 hours ago, Luthan.5236 said:

    I can confirm that it now works without the "-usecoherent" paramater. After the recent patch.. I am on Win 7 as well. After logging in I tried to check the trading post / gem store (afaik the only other main thing ingame that should be affected).

    Got an "ERR_ABORTED" at the first try. Closing it and trying again it worked though. Seems to load the previews a bit faster for me + the listing when selling/buying in the tp. Feels smoother.

    Edit: The "initzializing" when starting the launcher ... seems to take longer than with the coherent though.

    Same, now it work without using the -usecoherent , but as you said the old framework is more fast aven if the memory usage seems close to each other. Still continue to use the old one since i have the option to do so.

    • Sad 1
  15. On 4/18/2023 at 9:07 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

    Hey all, I just want to let you know that we are looking into these issues now. Thank you for flagging the problems and sharing specifics. We are keeping a close eye on this thread, so keep the info coming--dxdiag information will especially be useful as we keep investigating. Thanks for being patient as we work on this!

    Thank you, anyway is not a huge deal since i'm using the previous framework thanks to the commend line you provided, that work flawlessy.
    Please do not remove the support of DX9 via command line, the game work very good under DX9 with my system. DX11 work but for an unknow reason i can't use full screen mode and the engine refuse the vsync causing massive screen tearing. Thank again.

    • Confused 1
  16. On 3/21/2023 at 9:02 PM, thoriangun.5692 said:

    I have made a thread but to those that keep an eye on this, no matter what settings are used turned off or on, this is my DX11 experience

    I do not get this in DX9 so kinda forced to run it, installed all possible updates, running a Nvidia 3070ti.

    This is the same issue i get but under win 7, for an unknow reason the game do not work in full screen mode even if you chose this option, is forced into borderless mode, so tearing appear like the game do no use vsynch. Switching to "-dx9" in command line solve this issue.

    • Thanks 1
  17. 8 hours ago, anxnox.9027 said:

    I'm now on Skylake which was the last processor "allowed" by Intel/Microsoft to install Win7. When the time comes I'm moving to Linux (I was using FreeBSD/Unix long time ago, but will try KDE Neon). I'll just stop playing when forced to use newest versions of Windows. Which will be sad, as I have 8,2k hours. 😉

    Indeed, anyway Win 7 is supported uffocially till the 9th gen, i have a 9400F and a B365 mainboard and i'm perfectly run win 7 x64 with official drivers. For 10th gen and above you need modded third party drivers .

    Hopefully the support of win 7 will continue, the game run very smooth on this os, i appreciate the fact that thank to command line we can have alternative ways to restore the old UI, DX and remove the problematic framework like chromium that cause this bug.

  18. 11 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

    I don't care what your reason for still using it is.

    I'm curious what your plan for the future is because it's something I am having a difficult time understanding.  Usually people keep an older system around if they have a work or hobby-related need for it and then have a newer system for other things that no longer work on the older system.

    Anet isn't interpreting your purchases as buying support for your older system, btw.

    Stop derailing this thread about what os people use, is not your business, this thread is about a chromium bug under a supported os.

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  19. 1 hour ago, Chaba.5410 said:

    That's not true.  Been Win10 users also reporting issues here.

    Also, still wondering what your plan is for when Win7 no longer becomes an option?  Not many stores still have hitching posts for customers to park their horses at either because the number of horse riders is way, way down.

    I have my reasons to use win 7 exdpecially for working, i wont explain again and nor you should care about what os i use, I'm still playing because win 7 is still supported, i paid for the game and i continue to support developers for this reason paying also for some in game fascion items.

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  20. 1 hour ago, Raider Jones.5120 said:

    From what I can read, Windows 7 is still supported. The only change they have made to the minimum requirements is the need for DX11.

    About Windows 7, I remember that the developers wrote a letter explaining why they decided to use DX11 instead of DX12, and one of the reasons (among many others), was to allow Windows 7 users to continue playing the game.

    For now, the only solution for the error in the launcher is to use the command -usecoherent.

    Exact, i don't get why win 10 users  are here in the first place since such change didn't affect them at all.
    Anyway dx9 still working if you use the -dx9 parameter fortunately, because dx11 do not work properly in my system and full screen do not work.

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