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Everything posted by Holmindeboks.3490

  1. Yes. But others got already lucky but not me. I only took wow as an example compared to guildwars 2. And i dont say everything here what i think. But i will make a new example. The time i played wow actively (for around 6 years) i got 2 x thunderfury, sea turtle, headless horsemen mount, the ragnaros orb, some very rare fishing poles from bags, fiery warhorse, and many more mounts from raids. While in guildwars 2 the time i played actively around 7 years total i NEVER LOOTED an expensive super rare item. (Worth more then 1k, the winters heart i got was 880 gold, sure i was happy because i wanted winters snow shoulders very bad and when looting that infusion i was able to make what i wanted and also was able to buy a very cool mini jack-a-lope) that was the first year i started to play actively. i said in wow i didnt get something nice but that was AFTER the break to win from the afdiction. i played again after 7 years to try the game again. But because it did not gave me exactly one of the items i wanted i didnt comtinue to buy subscription. You are now comparing guildwars 2 7 years playtime with wow 90 days. Ofc i get not one of the rarest mount drops in those days. And even lower if i only play it on max 3 characters a week. While open world bosses can be killed daily if i am correct. And i just mentioned some low drops. I could list more but then i have to check warcraftmounts page. In those 90 wow days i also got 2 warglaive of azzinoth sets. Some player i met ingame farmed a Year for it. in diablo 4 i looted a low drop mount armor and a thropy a few days ago. And that game has also a shop to buy from. And no subscription. So its possible. Its just what you want to give back to the players. i forgot to say that the items in wow were not for sale but for self use. (But high value in play time to obtain them) But the idea is the same. I was after some items that i really wanted. It can count the same as confetti infusion i would use if myself. Others are for trading post. Making money in wow is not hard. Players are sometimes dumb(not good informed). I once bought an item for 400 gold while i knew it was worth over 10k. So i bought it and it tool not long to earn the huge profit.
  2. Its good that they get warned early instead of wasting time to lvl 80 and then discover that spending time is a waste of time because you dont get rewarded for time spend. Everywere drops only junk loot and the real loot is super rare. so to get a (fair) balance in effort/reward ratio afk farming is the way to go (i never did this myself thats why i so dissapointed about loot because i have spend much time on it) if you afk farm your effort/reward ratio is in balance because you do nothing and you get the same as someone who does something… also nothing. its not strange that ppl go afk farm and spend their time better instead of wasting it. Even if you would reach 100 year age its bad to waste your time on meta’s that Never reward you.
  3. Yes an undeath horse for jackal is nice. i got the lunar tiger already. Was instant buy. or a moose like in the hobbit. I asked this before. The moose we have now is not good enough for me. a balrog as skyscale would be awesome. (yes i still have some gems left from soto expansion) 😁 asked for a plated/armored skyscale like the dreadnough raptor, we got some armored skyscale so i bought it. Not exactly what i wanted but its good enough. or a skyscale with ‘ashes or alar effect’ yes we had something close, but can be better. Like luminous griffon has. ppl often said it was not in the story or original game. But in soto i saw a dwarf for the first time. That stone dwarf doesn’t count. So new races can be added. Same with soto ranger pets were added, they were not in the base game.
  4. Another person with pink glasses. A defender who cant think or imagine other ways because. Yes addiction. There is NO balance. Compare fishing too wow (i always say wow because i have never played another mmo then that besides guildwars 2) fishing is guildwars 2 takes much time. With that bar going fast its not relaxing what it should be. And the loot is garbage. No mounts. No mini’s. the loot that drop is super rare. i wont say my opion about your last sentence. But greed should not be a reason to keep a game going.
  5. Exactly, so the loot is bad so players use their wallet. And this is what i hate. No loot worth gold means no gems. But they keep showing store items while you barely make gold ingame. So 2 choices. 1 use wallet or 2 waste your life by quit the gym or other sports and no life grind guildwars 2 to be able to affort some virtual skins. By farming wow raids i meant weekly runs. and maybe i use the wrong words sometimes. But this language is not my main language. I dont have the luxury that i can talk my language everywere. And second. No luxury that we have a forum on our own language.
  6. Dont know what you are trying. indeed i cant expect wow drops a mount of 1% chance to drop within 60 days playtime (or 90) i wanted invincibles reins and the new karazhan mount. But i only did the “raid” boss with max 3 characters a week. Btw i got 2 sets of warglaives that was also my goal. And i also dont play wow because it is more addictive and cost more time. But you dont understand it. Keep spending all your money. I just shared my experience about the game. And its nice to see i am not the only person who think like this. I grew up to not being greedy. Btw if you have facebook then follow guildwars 2 and wait till they give away something free and check how POSITIVE the reactions are when players get a transmute charge or a revibe orb. Ppl spend sometimes hundreds of cash for gems and if anet give away something back its very low worth (not useless) but just cheap. same for amazon prime gaming. Wow gave mounts, pets. guildwars 2 gave boosters (veterans dont need boosters) but keep bashing on me. You cant win. And keep defending the game. Have a nice day.
  7. Oke, i log in weekly for the seitung chest. For the jackpot. But without getting loot i meant i didnt het loot the last 7 years i played. With loot i meant items worth of 1k+ gold. Ofc i got some nice skins. But this were not actual drops but from bl chest or mount license or wardrobe unlocks. So doesnt count because i had to pay for some. I dont play mmo actively anymore because the drops are bad. same with trick or treat bags or wintersday bags. That one expensive item i needed to buy gems. But ofc i didnt loot it. Other from guild got it. so i meant it was in the past. instead of now. Thats why i dont play actively anymore. and in wow i meant only mount loot drops. The skins that also drop from those raids i already got. Except tusks of mannoroth with lower drop chance then 1%. and true about wow that you cant take a break. If you do then you missing many exclusive items. Every big patch when it has a raid the previous mount from the end boss would be a drop or no more obtainable. Ofc guildwars 2 has also good points. But wow is for the die hard addicted players. I hate daily’s so in wow i nearly did some. I am sure if guildwars 2 had better loot and easyer gold making i still love the game. But because i feel that i have to use my wallet for everything OR farm weeks to craft a legendary to sell its bad. A few loot drops could change my mind. But no matter which meta i do i never get rewarded. and say for yourself. It feels nice if you finally loot something nice. A mount from a licence. The 1 out of 15 that you wanted. I had this twice. Or an legendary card in hearthstone. Or a legendary bow in assassins creed origins with a nice buff on it. Or when you get a good weapon legendary or uber unique in diablo 4. this feels awesome when you FINALLY loot something nice. but in guildwars 2 i havent looted a single item worth more then 1k gold in the past 7 years. And when i do a meta i get nothing but junk loot. So thats not so weird if i am starting to hate on the loot drops. I want that nice feeling for good drops instead of a middlefinger and think if i want loot buy gems and go to the store. and then also i see many players with titles i am rich you know. And other players showing off. Or they got nice drops. Or farm all day long. Or use their wallet to often. Or play since release and had the luck with getting rich with the trading post. Or when players ping an infusion.
  8. In wow you farm a few raids a day and some dungeons. The chance to get a skin is much higher then spend the same time on guildwars 2 meta’s for a bit gold and in the end buy one skin. but to be honest. My main game genre is not mmo. Its fps. But i went to mmo to do something else cus i had no more fun in fps. But now i dont play mmo anymore. The only thing i want is nice loot. the forum is too addicted and i cant leave it. Maybe i have to ask for a ban for a month. It will give me rest. I left twitter already.
  9. so 6 or 9 months for less content, that means that they are rushing to fullfil the wishes of the players with new content instead of taking the time for better content. they also dont understand the part of mmo(rpg) because rpg means loot, but in gw2 there drop no loot, the mobs drop junk and the loot is mostly behind a paywall (or even worse, behind rng... black lion chests) i just bought my weekly seitung chest and again i got a middlefinger. i wont play the game again until i loot that 6k + worth item. i am done with wasting my time on a junk farm simulator.
  10. Nothing to do? You can farm raids and dungeons solo for mounts and skins. This things have to be bought in guildwars 2 because they dont drop. So guildwars 2 is f2p but a farming simulator compared to wow. In the end its the same. Pay… in wow you pay to get access. In guildwars 2 you probably pay for gems because you dont want to grind a meta for months and wasting your life for 2 gold after a bossfight for/meta for an hour, and get bored. I often read, you have to work x hours for the money and spend it on gems. This is not the way for a f2p game while you also have to buy the expensions. But they know ppl choose the easy way (wallet) instead of grind for months. Buy 1 skin and gold gone. Except if you craft a legendary from the gold. Then you get more gold. So instead of 1 skin you get 2 or 3. If you use the gold for another legendary then its a new grind but with some starting budget. i always liked fishing in wow. Sure its rng but not useless. There you can fish up mounts and pets. In guildwars 2 its just junk loot but with a fish icon. Sure you can defend this but i am sure you wish guildwars 2 fishing also dropped mounts or minis. in wow you dont have to do current content. If you have current expansion greeny’s you can solo nearly everything. Except last/previous expansion raids
  11. Pof was only good because it brought mounts to the game. Thats a huge positive feature. But further the maps were boring. (Except the living world seasons) story was way too long. I paid 2 guildy’s 20 gold each to carry me through the story because i hate (guildwars 2 story’s) before i said i hate story’s. But assassins creed origins and diablo 4 story’s are amazing. i remember a quest for suns refuge or whats the cave called. It took me 45 minutes solo to complete. Ridiculous long. And within mind that if you disconnect you have to do all over again. This is far from relaxing. I always wanted to rush guildwars 2 story’s to claim the end reward because of chance for disconnects.
  12. (Example) If they work 4 years for an expansion without releasing something fresh/new then ppl get bored. Who wants to play a game for 4 years by doing the same over and over again? maybe old players who like atari and tetris. You say you want good content but i think you dont want to wait 4 years for that. And the dev team has to get money those 4 years. So they spread up the team, 80 % for gemstore items because thats the money they need to survive that 4 years of working. And 20% are working on the expansion. they have you to stay within the game to earn money. If you know that they need 4 years for an expansion you just take a break for those 4 years and come back when it gets released. But if many ppl like this then they have no income for those years. thats why they can better make skins for gemstore because its a fashion game as players say.
  13. Lets hope it. That maintenance mode comes soon. Not because the game. But because the community that was always hating on me and my suggestions. Then i can laugh against them for their game being at its end. For the studio i hope the best. But these toxic emoticon spammers have to get punished for always disliking players suggestions to add things to get more simple.
  14. They working hard on GEMstore skins because the more skins the more money. They ignore other things what players want (maybe because there is no budget for) new races, classes, specs, pvp, wvw (bug free), raids or what players all want. gemstore skins are just skins without to have to programming mechanics like a raid. So i think its just a fast money grab. but why should they? If the players are addicted to the game and keep spending and your business stay healthy. Then milk it. normally company’s only change when numbers of players going drastically down. If that wont happen then you keep mostly gemstore content. ppl always say stop buying the game. Like call of duty. Then it maybe gets better.
  15. I already left. My goal is to only play games that dont make me angry. Also quit call of duty and battlefield 2042. And hearthstone. Much more fun playing an arpg game. Were loot atleast drops for time spend. Instead of doing multiple bosses and meta’s and getting nothing but junk loot. I feel i am forced to spend cash to buy the loot (skins) from gemstore. Skins that would DROP from mobs in other games. This game and the forum community (most of them, not all, with their emoticons and always defending) made me angry. And this endless grind for legendary armor is insane. My idea was to play with stats and make my own builds. But i now do this in the arpg game.
  16. Wont happen. If all ppl are willing to spend hundreds of cash on the gem shop. Why would they create other content then skins in store? If you compare skins vs gameplay… there are often new skins. Mount skins, aurene weapon skins. Gemstore skins. Mounts also patterns but for a different mount. Skins from store give money. A new raid wing takes months to create. Gives nothing. And players beat it within a few days because horizontal progress. Their builds and everything is already maxed out. maybe anet must make an upgrade to legendary’s. Bigger stats. And lvl 100 armor/weapons. And then players have to craft a basic legendary. And then new other tasks for every stat to add to the gear. Not like it is now. When you create a legendary you get all possible armor stats available instantly. this way ppl have more new tasks. And ofcourse witu a HUGE gold sink. because the players are too rich in the game. they want a challenge. They can have a challenge.
  17. An infusion wouldnt help because its super rare. So that dont make a change for 99,8% of the players.
  18. If all these players keep throwing away money for less effort why should they put in more effort? If you can sell double the skins for half effort compared to much effort and less money. Easy choice for them. Their marketing team does an amazing job. 😃👍🏻 but you should be happy you got atleast legendary armor. For me it was my last goal. But then i have to raid for a whole year.
  19. look at the sims, 20 euro for a accesoires pack and 40 for an expansion pack, but they are often on discount and look how many skins (objects you get for your money) sure the sims games stay high priced, but after years the base game is free like gw2 is. but no restrictions. i took a break from this forum and will do more often.
  20. Yes i see i typed that. Srry. And with a few days i mean weeks. If you solo some mythic raids there is some really good gold drop. If you grind 2 weeks of the 60 days play time you can maybe buy a wow token. Also if you solo raids for mounts you get some gold. and yes mmo is about rng. But there is a difference with actual getting something and never get something worth gold. i dont play mmo anymore. I logged in for lunar but annual is too annoying. Slowly i skip everything and then quit. Not easy if you build something nice. And guildwars 2 has also good things i didnt mention
  21. I never said wow is f2p. And about that 3 days was not me who said that.
  22. True. I tried wow for 60 days and i said if i dont loot atleast 1 mount that i want i dont sub again. And i didn’t. But i didnt do the runs weekly and only on a few characters. But i got 2 sets of warglaives that i never got before so that was a nice accomplishment. Or how its spelled. Further i want invincible but cant expect it do drop in 60 days with just a few characters. But wow is too addicted so also a reason i didn’t sub. but there is another reason what i dont like in guildwars 2. And thats the raid community. My last goal legendary raid armor got interrupted. If i only do 12 bosses a week i have to grind ONE YEAR for just 2 legendary sets. But getting in a group is too much stuggle. I dont want this huge frustration and time wasting weekly to get in a group. if i know i have a group every weekend to do all the raids then its fine. But making My own group or pugs is not do able. if anet mail me 600 Li i am sure my love for the game comes back. Because then they take away a huge struggle from me and then i can finally do what i really want. Making and testing my own builds. And dont say ascended armor.
  23. So farming simulator instead of gaming? Normally ppl play a game for the gameplay. But in guildwars 2 you have 2 options, spend cash on gems for skins and do what you like. Or cut trees for months to achieve the same gold for a skin while not enjoying what you like. i understand that they need players to buy gems for cash to stay healthy. But imo there should be a balance. And if i take EoD as example then there is no balance at all. Every meta has junk loot. Maybe the backpiece from 3th map meta is nice. Then further soo-won infusion and the raccoon from fishing. But further only junk loot. if you look at wow, you solo a raid and you have a bag full of new transmog skins. maybe my interest will come back for guildwars 2. If they finished new weapons for professions. also i know if you work a few hours you can buy gems. But thats a bad way. Sure they have also to get paid for their work on skins. But atleast put some on the loot table. And thats the problem. Everything is behind cash. Not some free.
  24. I play for loot (skins) mostly. In an mmorpg. Can be skins, mount skins or pets. i have 900 gold but what can i buy for it? A few skins and my gold is gone. Its a fashion game. That 900 gold took me months to get. And that for a few skins. While i also need gold for vision and other legendary items. Skins dont drop, they can be bought. And to be able to buy them i need gems. And gold to gems is much work/effort for a few skins.
  25. The topic is called useless drops. That means bad loot, trash loot, junk loot. Sure if you farm 100k meta’s with junk loot you get rich. But who want to go this way to get enought gold to be able to affort one gemstore shop? Not me. So they choice is use wallet or no life grind. the company is lucky that there are many ppl that love the game and want to support them to spend even more. I am not like that. Imo if i spend 100 euro or 80 euro on the most expensive expansion i expect to have fun and also nice loot drops and not spend more and more for skins from a shop that normally should drop. i waited very long for guildwars 2 to have fishing in it. I liked fishing in wow very much. When i was tired i just go fish and try obtain some pets or a mount. But when this game got fishing finally its just fish (basically just normal drops from open world but same worth price but just with a fish icon) no mini’s. No mounts. So besides a title its pretty useless to fish in guildwars 2. If they just add some rewards to the fishing loot table makes a big difference. Maybe the gemshop fish mini. Or the stone. Nope nothing. and confuse what you want. I grew up not being greedy so i hate if others are.
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