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Everything posted by Holmindeboks.3490

  1. You understand it. Many guildy’s of me think its normal to waste time on dragonstorm or leyline anomaly for 1 kitten mystic coin. (Include traveling waypoint price) Or for 2 gold. 15+ minutes minimum. Thats 900+ hours in time doing such low rewarding events just to buy ONE mount skin of 1600 gems. At this ratio its no wonder that ppl use their wallet for gems. Noone want to do 900+ hours to low effort low reward ratio events. Sure you can enjoy the event.
  2. If they say they are not mainly focussed on guildwars 2 anymore then ppl stop spending. If they say that guildwars 2 is their focus then ppl keep hope and spend money. maybe they could team up with the devs of “new world” someone said that game is ending.
  3. You just try to diss me. Things can change. It isnt that if i dont do something now that it is for the rest of my life. And i am always honest. You write like some gymnasium person. But you should also put some effort in understanding what someone write. Or you just dont want to face the reality. quitting isnt forever. Things can get better. But if ppl are sure they come back they call it a break. If ppl are not sure if a game gets better they say they quit. But if the game get improvements and they play it again… what is your problem. i already explained it. I didnt sub again because i didnt get a mount drop in those 90 days playtime. But the years before when i played it actively i have looted many mounts. Also i did the raid on a few characters and not always every week. in guildwars 2 i have looted 1 item of 880 gold in 7 YEARS. One item!! But never over 1k. the time i played wow i got much more. And that was from 2009 till 2015. I know white knights are defending guildwars 2 greed. But wow just has better rewards. Also in wow you can obtain nice skins while doing a new raid (solo because old content i missed) so new skins. The skins that cost 5+ euro each.
  4. And i dont know what issue you have on my opinion about GREED!!? i already said i am playing diablo 4. Also i have finished 1 whole zone in world of warcraft (to unlock new races) something guildwars 2 doesnt get. Its sad that they havent managed to atleast create 1 new playable race in those 11,5 years. last week. Alot of fun. The trading post gives free mounts every month (if you saved enough coins) my plan is to make a character lvl 20 and then xp stop. You can play wow for free till max lvl 20. And because they lowered lvl caps you can do alot of content at lvl 20. But first i have to buy a one time subscription to put gold on the lvl 20 char because gold cap is now 1k while i need 1500g for fishing shack lvl 3 and 5k for garrison lvl 3. But i have no access to mailbox or auction house. But if i have lvl 20 with all garrison upgrades i can just fish for mounts and pets while not paying. but paying is not a problem for me. Hobbys cost money. But then i want something in return. And thats fun and (shiny) loot drops. But if i feel i only can obtain shiny’s by using my wallet then i am against it. I dont want to be abused. i have enough fun with D4 atm. But if it gets worse i can buy wow expansion for 90 euro. also if you lvl in wow there is a chance that a common item turns epic. Had this twice on that lvl 20. That is the feeling i missing in guildwars 2. Getting something nice and special for the time spend. But all i get is garbage loot.
  5. I think anet buys their own gems because many times they say there is a SALE, let say 25% off then the gold to gems price is increased by exactly 25%. So in reality there is no sale. Atleast not for poor players. Its just a nasty tactic to make ppl buy gems. Sure they can buy more for their gems. But for ppl that want to spend gold there is no sale. And now i am thinking about this. It makes it even more unfair because the game is known for the ability to buy gemstore items with gold. So if anet keep their gem price up its just a HUGE GOLD SINK labelled as sale. Very unfair practice. yes you can say its not true. Its just what i think. Even if you dont believe this. We dont know. Only anet knows how the gems balance is going.
  6. You can just keep playing without spending money. Then its not a big problem. As long as you enjoy what you do ingame then its not a time waste. Sure your items dont carry over to next game. But you had fun. Its the same when watching some sports. You can enjoy the formula 1 race even when always the same person wins 😁 also depends of what you going for. Now its an mmorpg. But if you take assassins creed origins as example. That game has way less hours to play and less end game content. But the 100 hours you spend in gives you alot of fun. Yes you spend 60 bucks on it for 100 hours only. And then its over. In guildwars 2 there is much more to do. Only thing is, getting all upgrades cost much gold. So compared to ac origins 100 hours… 3 - 5 years is loooong.
  7. Before i made characters as small as possible so it looks that they run faster (before we had mounts)
  8. I point nothing! One miss spelled word and someone report me. Just because my main langauge is not english. And some ppl here just reply to others till they say something against the rules and then they get reported. btw nothing on the forum made sense. The only thing that make sense is guildwars 2 is going on its end for an awesome “fresh” new game called guildwars 3 with a new store. And all features ppl asked for over the years. sure i will miss my characters when servers get shut down. But they stay as good memory’s.
  9. Haha thats me. Ty 😂 i left because of greed. But stayed on the forum. Ohw i havent bought the saitung chest last week. Or this week. but i just read the best news about guildwars 2 in ages. Its going in maintenance mode and everyone have to start over again in next game 😭😭😭😂😂😂
  10. They can simple sell the old skins again with a visual upgrade. But 5 bucks discount on each skin for guildwars 2 veterans. and because its a new game players are not rich enough to buy everything with gold. And so they get more money to spend on new content.
  11. I hope the EU push them to end this practise and that for eu all bl chest items would be purchaseable. Ridiculous that company’s stay healthy because of gamble addictive ppl. Company’s should make real and good content instead of making money from gambling.
  12. True. Mmo in general is a grind. But some grinds are worth the time like skyscale. But having to kill a boss 2500 times is just an insult from the company that doenst care about someones life (time) same for the person i met on pinata. Gzzed him for the confetti infusion but he bought it after daily killing pinata for 2 whole kitten years. Ridiculous.
  13. Yes you cut the whole grind and split it in what you need or have the priority’s. Sure its a grind but you ignore parts to make the grind shorter. But thats EoD where they were out of idea’s. If you take heart of thorns as example then all mastery’s are needed. So then you cant cut on some trees. But many times (i think) everyone want max mastery’s. So its a huge grind. its the same as when you say in WoW that you only need a weapon and chest and leg piece so your character dont look nearly yes you know. A whole armor set is needed to do current content. You ignore masterys and take an expansion as example who has many useless masterys. Thats the same as grind gear from current wow expansion to do the burning crusader content. Then you have enough with only a weapon and ignore the grind for a full armor set.
  14. True. Gear is rng. But if you use looking for raid in wow then rng can be a problem. BUT if you are in a raiding guild then boss loot is shared and so they discuss wich player gets wich item for the best raid progress. I remember doing deathwing on my warrior. 8 weeks long i didnt get the 2 handed sword. So i played another character. But in a raid guild there is not those problems. And mythic gear is better then the new normal gear from raids. Atleast back then when i played. So they start with better gear then normal lvl raiders. and mastery’s. Sure its easy. But its not nice to grind xp for weeks or months after a comeback. One good thing is. You only have to do it once. both games have their pro’s and cons. But me as a loot player guildwars 2 is not the best. But i already gave my opinion on that part. and ofc if you leave wow you (can) miss something. Thats also what i hate back then. But quitting a game for years make it even more easy to ignore exclusives. But wow is made for the REAL die hard mmo players. I am not really an mmo player. I hate daily tasks. And more. I hate challenges. Thats why i would only solo old content for mounts if i would play. Enough to collect from 3 missed expansions. the thing i really wanted in guildwars 2 is legendary gear. It was a struggle. But high chance to get bored if i have the armor and quit after a month. maybe i some day i will create a ticket and ask them to mail me 500 Li. Why not? Make someones day xD
  15. Depents when you stop. If you took a break before heart of thorns then the mastery grind is huge. Xp wise. There are many important ones. Like last time at xera someone didnt have ley line glyding.
  16. Not mmo in general. Just endless grinding for nothing. When i played games when i was younger. Fps mostly. Wolfenstein enemy terrirtory or call of duty. You auto assign team. Pick a weapon and play as long as you want. Or till match ends. Todays game is grind grind grind. Battlepasses etc. I dont buy battlepasses anymore. when i played wow last year someone got one of the rarest mounts in game from sha of anger. He pinged it. I first thought i insult him. But instead i asked how many kills he made. He said 2300 boss kills. So i congratulated him. Sad part is. He probably got the mount in the time the droprate was boosted to 1% because blizzard made a HUGE mistake with the dragon flight race, the loot table contained only gold and the mount. (Because the new race had no armor drops on that boss) for other classes it was 60% chance for gold and 40% for an armor piece. If you were lucky you got a mount instead of armor. But if the class has no armor on the loot table then mount is dropping. So there was a 40% chance to get the mount. And instead of rolling back the mount droprate is increased and so not rare anymore.
  17. You probably underestimated the power of addiction. Ppl wouldnt leave a game so easy for what they have build up. Some have 10k hours in the game. Many have lots of friends ingame and a nice guild/community. And i think they would pay 10 euro monthly to keep playing the game. If they would leave then they have to search another game to play. But there are no others. As far as i know. Many other games already have a subscription or paid exclusives.
  18. Anet should put banner advertisements ingame. And pop ups after every map change. And to disable it you have to pay an monthly subscription. Like youtube does and all others. Weird that a company stay behind with a feature like this. but not implement those options while many companys does this. They cutting on their own money for the playerbase. Its the standard now a days. Players want new and fresh content. But thats not possible without a basic income. or put exclusive items in game that can only be bought with a new currency that is only possible to pay with cash. Players are hungry for exclusives. You can say, no dont do this. But ppl already doing that for pre-orders. And battle passes in other games. Paying for exclusives. Its weird that they put hours to design items that just go away for free because a virtual currency (gold) they missing alot of money this way. They only earn from expansions and a handful ppl that buy gems with cash. imagine after this implement the company gets so big and rich that they increase their team and players get often more raids, pvp, maybe new races, professions. Expansions.
  19. In the end they are all the same. And only want our money and they dont care much about us. I have to say that guildwars 2 has the best support from all games i have played. With refunds etc. Ubisoft is the worst and cant be called a support. I havent played dragon flight. If i would play wow again i just use end game greenies and solo old expansions i missed.
  20. I dont care. You keep trying to diss me. I already said the comparison of wow versus guildwars 2. And no its not the truth. Create your own words. I already said that in wow i got more drops in the playtime of those years 2009 till 2015 while in guildwars 2 i played from 2016 till 2023 actively and got only 1 infusion of 880 gold. I said that i played wow for 90 days after a break of 7 years and if i didnt get something i wanted (one of the few low drop mounts) i wont sub again. Ofc i wont get a mount drop of 1% or lower within 90 days. On only a few runs a week. Or i would be very lucky. And i didnt. The time i played wow more i got many low drop mounts. Look at a few posts of me ago. Or my last one. I explained it. You can say what you want. But you wont win. i didnt go against my own words. I havent said the whole story in first place. I only described the 90 days. But i played wow before. Those 90 days was just a come back (try) And about that loot that i want rare valleud items and others not. Right now it is the opposide while others get nice (rare) items and i didnt. In those years played. and about praising wow drops, some wows mounts are compareble with super rare loot in guildwars 2 you wont see them much or never. BUT wow also drop skins like shaman tier 6 look a like shoulders from black temple boss. Took me 17 runs before i got them on my hunter. But in guildwars 2 there drops nothing besides an infusion, this part is the store. And thats what bothers me. The only loot is super rare and further junk loot, while the rest of the loot is paid from store. And because its super rare it counts as nothing. And ofc ppl say you can convert gold to gems, true. But before you have sold enough junk loot to be able to buy 1600 gems for a mount you are 6 months further, so the balance is unreal. And because this way ppl buy gems earlyer because for 1600 gems they only have to work a few minutes. I once had a guildy doing webdesign and bought for 100 euro gems a month because he had to work only a few hours for that. This is not a point of free to play after buying an expansion. Its just nasty practise to make an empty loot table besides 1 super rare, if there would drop a few skins it makes it different. But there drops NOTHING!! and i am sure that players who say convert gold to gems are just buying the gems with cash but say this to defend the game. While they know how hard it can be to make some gold, ofc you can craft a legendary but that gold is gone after a few upgrades and a mount. And if you put the legendary on tp you have to be lucky if you not get undercut. ofc i can go play wow and stop whining here. But i am first busy on another game and because wow has a Playtime i feel forced to play wow because 60 days count down. While without a wow sub i can just play games what i like to play. but lets end this. If you dont understand what i said thats oke.
  21. No as i said i already got some nice items and i can do the thing i always wanted in guildwars 2. Creating builds with different stats and then play with it. But i never got legendary armor. Ofc i understand that. And i said i dont actively play mmo. But there is a difference between low drops and some items that drop more often. Like a mount in wow is very low. But a nice skin is a higher chance. Guildwars 2 loot is super rare but further the boss drops nothing. But junk. You know exactly what posts i created. Now go search on forum about rare unidentified bags are no rewards. but to the posts you create. I dont like ppl like you. But there are much more ppl here that i dont like. On blizzard forum they are called white knights. Dont know what the word really means. But seems like defenders that defend everything. And ofc ppl dont like me because my opinions can hurt if i tell the truth.
  22. True. Mmo is garbage for me. Because i have more things to do. Irl. I dont start with a new mmo every. Diablo 4 is my game now. Got some nice items already.
  23. Guildwars 2 is not life. Its a virtual world. So unfairness should not excist. Sure for some ppl a virtual world us their first life.
  24. Yes some times i am. But only drops. I wont pay money on those trash. Attack or not. I am not a loser who report players for whatever they say. I can earn much. also some person was showing off all mounts i wanted. He got mount after mount. So i said i quit wow so you dont have fun for showing off. He said i would come back. Thats the reason why i didnt came back for 7 years. I didnt want that he was right. Showing off can hurt some ppl. Imagine driving a bugatti worth 3.6 million through a slum. What a bad person you are then.
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