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Everything posted by Fritaspt.3290

  1. So why everyone complains about balance? Just wait for the devs to dodge/cleanse/kill, play for you.
  2. Uau, rly helpfull advise.... Dodge...The question is that it's the most op condition in the game atm and should be a little bit nerfed for sure. In a teamfight with no cleanses, CDs, no dodges there's nothing u can do. 1v1 ok u kill them, but in teamfights it's impossible to clean/dodge so much burn.
  3. Why dont i see a single post about this? It's just stupid to put a trap on the node, leave, and shred half of the HP to who steps on that. The most unskilled and unpunishing build atm?
  4. @Dave.6819 Probably u played Spiritmaster on aion and fearlock everyone, because aion rly had balance problems too or do you played templar and killed anyone?? Balance issues always will exist in every MMO.
  5. I dont think we demand nothing really impossible.This game could have been a lot more if they gave a little bit of effort into the pvp community. It could be serious competition for WOW. But no, we're basically a joke on their eyes...But there is no better alternatives, gw2 set a high bar for sure.I tried to get back to WOW but it doesn't feel the same after gw2.I tried to replace it with ESO, not even close...Guild wars 2 is a sexy game.
  6. It's suposed to do no dmg at all? And it only happens on pvp areas...on open world the values of damage are standard, nothing awkward like that.
  7. So, skill 5 from GS and Reaper Shroud says in description "damage: 8" and literally they do just 8 damage. Sometimes i get to see a crit 18 damage ? this just happened on heart of mists and arenas until now. What to do?
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