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  1. you know one thing I miss from my old other non descript mmo days was machinima Id really love if you gave us an ingame chroma screen Item infinity wall what im saying is I want my player house to be a machinima studio lol @arenanet please pretty please me love you long time, a whole decade long time lol
  2. it looks like the servers are receiving insane ping at the moment one of the servers ive been able to briefly connect with was >7000 ping others seem to be idling 500-1000 ping
  3. so I went to feed my husky and when I returned I cant seem to connect? my networks fine just gw2?
  4. ive played alot of mmo's gw2 being one of my all time favorites but the community is the absolute worst, it was so bad at one point every time i joined fractals i was abused for not being a heal brand so much so i got sick of it mystic forged all my gear to be heal brand stats just to stop the abuse (i would have preferred to enjoy the game an play the way i like to play but the abuse forced me into playing a way I find kinda boring)
  5. after reading most of your comments it seems to me your just avoiding his request, when he asked for proof or a reply and man your so right though this could be said about most of the gw2 community its either one side or another.... in this game people have horrid attitudes and the greatest irony is I dont actually think casuals dont want hard content its more they dont want to get content gated behind something that needs full blown raid tier squads going for it" even with these supposed changes i keep reading about ive not seen anyone saying its doable by the average player.... I think that might be arenanets greatest issue with this game, one half of the community wants extremely dificult content to hold over "plebs" where the other half just wants shiny cause shiny is shiny, two very different crowds, since like 6 days ago now ive not played gw2 and I refuse to come back until that kitten is changed, but in that time ive been playing other games and you know i read recently this other games going to make a big change so people can play most content single player if they so choose.... its just ironic on one side you have GW2 trying to force raids onto casuals and other this otherside you have its competition just giving people options to do what ever they want dont get me wrong Ill always love guild wars 2 but I just am baffled by this complete and utter tonal shift by the dev team it really baffles me that they never learnt from triple trouble of tequatle hell barely anyone does the arah temples these days aswell cause it too much work with no reward and its that logic thats going to effect this meta in the end, I mean think about it this way even dragon stand has these period where you wont see people doing it anymore, like their is less and less people doing dragon stand and that almost a requirement for making gen 2 legendaries, I guarantee give it a few weeks when people just stop doing this meta it gets hard nerfed and all these hard core elitests wont be anywhere to be seen cause the player retention isnt the type that keeps coming back when its not rewarding and that's when i question what would you have to do to a meta to make it super rewarding that you can keep filling it with 50+ people a net sucks at making any event rewarding and to spend 1h30 min on a pachinko machine map isnt exactly my idea of rewarding... 1h on the pokies down at the rugby league club is probably more rewarding then sitting their crossing my fingers on this meta even if i lost a100 pokies haha
  6. in my opinion skip while the maps are pretty they are plagued with more bugs then i ever remember any of gw2 releases launching with, toxic meta's shoe horned into achievements for masteries and just a very down right ugly expansion it legit makes me think they were trying to clap with their di=c-k in their hands while making it. like they had so much time to get this right even cut funding to IBS for this expansion and still it feel so bad none of the elite spec feel like their game changers either if you really want something new their is better this else where that dont shoe horn you into unwanted stuff
  7. The Gryphon is not expensive you can make 250 gold in a day if you grind hard enough i had a guild member make 129 g from a couple of jizzlewoods
  8. so I counted up out of the 20 odd minutes we have to beat the boss if your extremely unlucky due to a combination of phases (green circles, tails, champions + immunity frame rng) you can lose up 11.6 minutes in battle to not even being able to dps the boss at all, the tail doesn't count to soo won hp, and every time you swap sides after an immunity frame your running this risk of your dps dropping due to boon time, cool down and all that jazz you could only get under 9 minutes to really dps the boss to zero
  9. the all at dragons end failing to do a bullduckingmanky jizzlecovered dungsmeared meta
  10. not really, most hp trains take forever people fall behind and for anyone that isnt really the commander its kinda a kitten show if you arnt familiar with the path, I never liked zanders trains specially cause while they were fast and i could keep up i always felt bad for like the massive amount of people that got lost along the way and even with my slow trains people get lost and while i try to give everyone enough time to catch up and re do hp for ticks there are always people that miss out either due to skill gaps mastery gaps or understanding of the maps , pathing and overall layout when im solo running hot maps i can get it done in just less then 45 minutes, but if im following a hp train it take more then an hour to get to the final hp, its not faster to run with 50 man squads unless your scaling down the hero points and 90% of the time when you want to do it that way people dont listen and scale it up making the champion fights unnecessarily longer and thats made even worse by those people that think its funny to bring level 20 character to the train to mooch some levels effectively taking space up for those that would make the run faster
  11. by the sheer number of trains i run nearly all of them fill up with in minutes these days meaning the demand outways the amount of people soloing them , not to mention as the same time im often runing you have zander and osano doing them aswell that 3 full squads of hp trains going 150 players . how many players do you think are soloing guano or the chak jiszle spitter in AB? while im fine soloing these I dunno if many others are
  12. I will say this much when a good 75% of the community is unable to even do hero point challenges without a HP train you gotta raise the question on if you did the right thing by making a boss about as hard as some of the challenge mode raids by kitten mechanics where you can lose up to 11.5 minutes of dps up time due to phases and immunity frames
  13. how many times have you done this boss? have you run it exclusively with extremely gate kept crowds or were you running it with average people... ive done it enough times to 1 see soo won ton switch sides 5 times in a row causing almost a 5 minute dip in dps, then factor in the tail side swap their is atleast 1 - 2 minute where your not even dps'ing the boss cause the tail doesnt count to soo won's health then their is the champion fights with 3 minute dip of absolutely no damage to soo won and then the green circle where your 100% reliant on like up to >15 people to get their kitten back just to continue the fight thats almost 11 min 5 seconds of time your not full attacking the boss and dealing any big dps
  14. every static we have had in guilds ive run with had atleast one or two pug members, often taking less important roles, some pug the guilds had held had 2 people that knew what they were doing and the rest had ever raided before and still succeeded after 5 - 7 tries, i mean hell the huge difference about this meta and a raid is if you lose people in raids and know you cant complete it you can just ./gg for a quick reset, this meta takes almost an hour before you get to a 20 minute fight thats completely pot luck on if you get less immunity frames and people know what their doing.... atleast in raids you only have a 10 man group instead of 49 other randos much easier to manage a raid and hell raids can even be done on masterworks or rare gear if the person atleast knows their class well enough, i dont think 49 people on masterworks gear could kill soo won, the gate keeping in raids is unnecessary and the reason a net gave up on raids is because its community got smaller and smaller with less and less people attempting it
  15. I dont have time to be waist on garbage meta especially if the margin of success falls into the single digits.... 22 tries is enough to say i was beyond depressed at the end and for the final to fail on 1% well im not even going to lie I was considering uninstalling the game with how sick in the stomach i felt getting that close and still failing... some people got it on their first try, this is like that 1 kid that opens a booster pack and gets that 1 yugioh card you want and your stuck opening hundreds only to never get the dam card... its shitful luck of the draw bs that should be left to loot boxes
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