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Pinkunicorn of Dethecus.32

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  1. When selecting the new 'only show locked' option, it returns 'no items match this filter' when you try to sort by lowest price. Highest price works, but seeing every legendary in the game isn't very helpful to find out what I still have locked 😉
  2. I really enjoyed banners, honestly. Maybe I'm in the minority, but being able to hand out my boons, in a predictable way, was pretty satisfying. I was having a good time buffing up my friend who was new to the game, making her feel like she was really contributing to fights. Plus, I could have access to Quickness for Out-of-Combat uses (harvesting, using objects, randomly buffing passers-by, etc.). Now, not only is all of that utility taken away, but even with my char having nearly full Diviner's gear plus Concentration Sigils (just missing neck, a ring and accessories,), I still can't pump out Quickness on training golem to keep up decent quick on allies, let alone in the actual world. Again, I might be in the minority here, but I've lost solid utility and predictability for quickness that only works if I am standing on top of the people I'm granting it to, which seems significantly worse. Am I missing something obvious here? I'm kind of at a loss for words at how obtuse this feels.
  3. I've now been on 3 separate pug groups that have all failed because one person chose not to accept queue and troll the other 4. To boot, the game doesn't even tell me who the problem is, so that I can make sure they aren't in my groups in the future. I have to assume anyone I don't recognize, or isn't a 'problem player' is blocked and noted, but obviously I have no idea. I don't really have a solution to this, other than that maybe having a single 'monthly' really screws anyone who is trolled or isn't available that weekend, and to at least tell us who hasn't accepted queue yet. In an ideal world, I'd know everyone in my group, but that isn't feasible for everyone for any number of reasons. I do know that it doesn't exactly entice me to bother with mAT, when one person can ruin it for 4 others.
  4. or you could get familiar enough with the skill animations by playing each class in pve/wvw/unranked that you dodge the stuff that can kill you. This definitely is NOT a insta-kill fiesta meta Yea it makes perfect sence that i had to learn ALL classes in order to play 1 so i can carry bots from silver to goldNOT a 1 second insta-kill fiesta but a 3 seconds insta kill meta wow big difference.Yes, you need to know what your opponents are capable of in order to succeed. Do you think anyone's half decent at starcraft or LoL or literally any other competitive game, when they have no clue what their opponents can do?
  5. or you could get familiar enough with the skill animations by playing each class in pve/wvw/unranked that you dodge the stuff that can kill you. This definitely is NOT a insta-kill fiesta meta
  6. Literally every competitive game has an at least somewhat toxic portion of its playerbase. There are plenty of youtube videos that will give you the basics of rotation and others that give in-depth build guides. You also need to be at least rank20 to queue into ranked, and even then, if you aren't good, you'll get other low-ranked players. If none of that is good enough, find a guild with players that will teach you how to play the game. The 'Block' function exists. If that still isn't good enough, you can toggle 'Offline' on your Contacts & LFG tab
  7. I am more than happy that I am eating crow, and while it didn't hit everything I would have hoped, it's a great step in the right direction. Thank you, Balance Team.
  8. I would like to also note that there hasn't even been a preview yet for what they plan to do, so unless they surprise-drop it on us (something they haven't been doing lately, hooray for things getting better in this regard), that means that we're at least another 3+ weeks out from fixes. How long, exactly, are you comfortable with things being broken after the giant nuke patch? Because they assured us that they would do their best to get things back to normal asap and normalize things with their new vision of balance. Well, save for addressing 2v2 outliers, they haven't done that, and they haven't even begun the communication for fixes, so how long exactly are you comfortable waiting? Not trying to be abstract, legit question: How long would you, personally, wait before you were forced to conclude that their prior talk of 'streamlined process' and 'iterative balance' were just buzzwords that they have no interest in following up on? Not that Anet would ever "build the foundations for x" and not follow through. Absolutely no history of that whatsoever. Would be a great argument if team members (Lindsey Murdock's Mat Storage rework was the first one that came to mind, also I believe Josh Foreman worked from home a bunch) said that there have been times they've worked from home a bunch--therefore, it must be a relatively streamlined process for them to be set up at home. I will grant you, not everyone has 4 monitors up, and a slowdown is possible. In spite of them, yet again, not communicating.
  9. did you miss the 8 times in that press release that they are still working, and that things are progressing as expected? And if they weren't, they'd inform the playerbase? And that since balance is them having meetings about how to address outliers more than anything, which, surprise, you can in fact do over the internet? Can I fit another question in here? Dare I push two? I shouldn't have dared. Bad things happen when you start to ask too many questions.
  10. How before the huge nuke balance patch, they said they were now more streamlined to push updates faster where they were needed, and that they were constantly evaluating things to address them quickly? OH man, I actually fell for it. My fault I guess for not learning from the past 7.5 years of dealing with Anet speak.
  11. surprised that the 2x burst mes 2x pp thief weaver comp you got into me on Capricorn didn't make it into this, what a monkey aids fest that was
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