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Lander G.6071

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  1. I think the extra menus for mounts, novelties and now skiffs/fishing rods are kind of dumb. Why aren't they all in one place and completely configurable for the player? If I don't care about mounts I feel like I should be able to just place different novelties (even of the same type) in something like a skillbar. Want two different skins of the same mount available? Just drag and drop them from the mount page. This gives a lot more control to the player, reduce the necessity to create new menus for all of those features. I also think that this will reduce menu fatigue in general. I know that combat is designed around weapon skills and even though I would like the ability to reorganise those weapon skills, I have accepted it as good enough. The configurability of the novelties/mounts and possibly items (like teleport Scrolls) is unfortunately not. Please reconsider these UI elements. (I assume I'm going to get so much flak for saying these things) Edit: If not what I just said, at least split the keybind for the skiff and fishing rod. Yeah I get it j looks like a hook haha funny. Please seperate them. I have to open the mastery menu, click on the skiff, spawn it and board it move to a decent spot and then again open the mastery menu and click on my fishing rod. I'm a very keyboard driven player and I don't mind setting up some parts visually if that means dragging things about. But once I'm playing the actual game I'd like to reduce as much menu crud as possible.
  2. Honestly solutions can come later, I just want them to acknowledge that there is a problem in the first place.
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