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Posts posted by Vindicate.6951

  1. I am limiting my playtime in Gw2 from weekly raiding, daily fractals and daily infusion meta trains to logging in 1-2 times a week to finish the "return to" achievements.

    I was/am overly disappointed so far about what EoD is going to bring and reading that Elementalist (my absolute favorite class) is getting the most unused weapon in the game further demotivates me.

    Don't get me wrong, it might end up terrific and great, but i started to have low hopes so I don't get too disappointed if its another meh spec for the class.


    If it weren't for the "return to" achievements I probably wouldn't log in and take a break completely until maybe EoD or something else rises up on the horizon 🙂


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  2. Only thing Id love to see is some sort of progression that is not mastery levels. I can already see farming TD, pinata will remain a core thing to do if you want a chance of big money even after EoD launches and as legendary items will remain the best in slot, I just wish something else would get implemented to make it worthwhile to do other events/stuff.

  3. I am used to fast paced and fluid combat with making quick decisions, coming from Tera as a warrior main weaver was definetly my class to go cause it just plays as fluid and difficult in terms of survivability, the combination I love.

    Before this I actually played FF14 for a few years as a redmage main, which was still enjoyable for the most part (mobility and the melee combo was fun) but it feels like a resident sleeper compared to GW2 for the most part (granted savage bosses still require quick coordination).

    But I must say I miss the gear threadmill a bit in GW2. Or at least something to make it worthwhile to farm stuff except going for legendaries in this content drought, but I keep my hopes up for lost ark (if the beta launches anytime in August)

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  4. 33 minutes ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

    Fractals come to mind. You can't just repair your armor while in them so dying repeatedly lowers your changes of finishing a fractal and having to start anew.



    Probably back in the days when fractals were released, but with the singularity you get auto-repaired upon touching one, making repairing pretty much obsolete since masteries are out 😄

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  5. The only thing you can realistically do is screen all your runes and once the legendary armory drops write a ticket to the support and ask for some sort of a compensation of any kind.

    I doubt many people are in your case and maybe they will do something about it, but as far as I recall they havent mentioned anything compensation related with runes/sigils.


    @Veprovina.4876 Right forgot about the breather, so 7 it is 😄

  6. Dont you need like 6 legendary runes at most after the legendary armory drop?


    Altough you will lose materials spent on exceeding 7 runes, I doubt Anet sends out a compensation to it.

    A lot of people are potentially losing materials, even if its small values like the slumbering trinkets to the effect ones but Id pretty much class it as collateral damage for an overall greater benefit.

    • Like 1
  7. I played FF14 for almost 4 years with quite a few breaks inbetween and I always felt that the game is way too repetitive. Once an expansion drops, you know exactly which content which patch contains and if you should/should not upgrade your crafting gear etcetc. I cant say its not casual friendly cause it actually is once you are up to date with your questlog, you just do the daily dungeons and other stuff to cap your tomes out to buy max ilvl gear (not actually BiS, its usually a mix of raid/tome gear).


    But the reason I came back to GW2 after like 8 years (I started playing it on launch but my pc couldnt handle fractals back then so I had to force drop the game cause I couldnt run them) is the juicy combat speed.

    Dont get me wrong but I am used to fast paced combat (Tera Warrior for example) and FF14 made me a resident sleeper if I had to compare it to GW2. Thats probably why I love Weaver so much, its just such a fluid gameplay rotation to pull off.

    Granted GW2 has other flaws (as does every mmo) but it being super casual friendly as there is no vertical gear progression has its plus sides. I assume it makes content harder to develop cause there might be no real incentive to do future raids or other stuff once you are full legendary, but I am sure Anet will come up with something once EoD drops (hopefully).

    • Like 2
  8. Not gonna lie Aion was kinda fun back when it released and wasnt swarmed of p2w mechanics and other cash shop shenanigans.

    Thats why I gave it a try on the Aion Classic servers and it not having an EU release and you have a Battle Pass I insta deleted the crap out of it cause we all know where this leads (again).

    • Like 1
  9. To be fair last year I ripped open around 1,5k coffers aswell (yeah I bought them, I had no idea how awful the droprates are back then) but this year I took a whole 180 and sell every coffer at the highest price, nothing below 25s leaves my inventory 😄

    • Like 1
  10. In all those weeks/months Dragonstorm is live now, I only got 1 volcanic axe (yesterday) and Ive been doing it on a daily base.

    I am usually not the kind of people who compare mmo's but ff14 managed it pretty well with the super rare mount drops from trial bosses that you get a token after each clear and after 99 clears you can afford the mount on your own, like a pity so you arent doing it for nothing.

    I could definetly see something like that for specific metas like Dragonstorm, Tequatl or the TT wurms aswell, it wouldnt destroy anything trading post related and give people an incentive to push through rather than getting a depression after countless runs without anything.

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  11. 13 hours ago, Katary.7096 said:

    You do not have to finish all new achievements every week, they are permanent and simply rotate out of the "Bonus Events" section of the achievement panel.

    Well yeah they will remain forever but if you drop the game for 6 months and then get back to it, feel free to be overwhelmed so I prefer being up to date and stick to the game somewhat 😄

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  12. Honestly I like the idea that you have to do stuff every week for 24 weeks which will most likely end upon EoD release and for once the rewards are really worth the trouble.

    The only downside to it is that the achievements are kinda meh in general, id love a more grindier aspect or better rewards within the smaller meta achievements (granted 9 mc is big, but aside of that) but its a cool idea, maybe bad implemented 😄

  13. 10 hours ago, hugo.4705 said:

    Really hoping to see primordius and jormag. Even norn and asura celebrating. Would be strange and displaced to see another ktalkatorrik focused dragon bash.


    Consider yourself happy if there is at least 1 new reward to get cause it takes a year to invent a new item into a festival 😄

    • Haha 1
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  14. 17 minutes ago, QuirkyDM.2351 said:

    Well, this is supposed to be a legendary amulet. The requirements to get it so far have been ridiculously easy. Even the runaround jumping puzzle is fairly simple, just time consuming. I had done it twice before with mounts. With mounts now, it was trivial.


    I had been hoping to get some more interesting achievements related to the legendary amulet. Week after week of "do all these things you've done before" isn't very interesting. Giving us a new objective inside a story instance or at least something different to go after that hasn't been used before would be nice. (eg. collect 25 Lesser Nightmares during a single nightmare event)


    I think the legendary amulet has its difficulty to do all the achievements every week for 24 weeks rather than the difficulty of said achievements. I mean we are speaking 6 months of releasing achievements, I dont mind if they are easier to get done.

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  15. At this point Id love to have any form of dmg buff to weaver, either power or condi and either burst or sustain to make the class at least more relevant in cm fractals.

    As of right now, scourges or cfb are much more demanded due to their ridiculous condi dmg AND utility they provide to the team, its already a joke but a sad one.


    Even in raids you barely see weavers running around cause they offer 0 to the raid but need big uptime on alac/quickness, its in a really odd spot and I really hope Anet stops this nonsense nerfs and does something useful for once before its a dead class entirely.

  16. 19 minutes ago, Aodlop.1907 said:

    I'm kind of glad they nerfed it. Makes it feel less mandatory. I hate how boring it is to press, how boring it looks (no animation), and how powerful and obligatory it is. I want to pick more fun options, but when you can inflict 17k burning with one button, well...options become limited. 


    Not gonna lie I kinda like it cause it was one of the very very few range spells weaver had to inflict some decent damage and keeping uptime on range for a short while.

    I do agree with you that its nothing fancy or a screen exploding effect but not everything needs to be an eye-catcher in my opinion 😄

  17. Doesnt matter if its not that much one in PvE, its a nerf without any logical argument.

    First They slightly boosted condition damage to make it have better sustain than power only to next time nerf it again, I mean for real?


    And on raw paper it is a nerf, burn stacks reduced by half and duration only increased from 6 to 10, if it were doubled one could argue about it but it was unnecessary and questionable as so many weaver nerfs.

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