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  1. I raided with this weapon, and I never died. Did all 7 wings with no problems. DPS was way too high though for condi. Power damage was a joke 🙂
  2. Incera GW2 - YouTube I think you should go check out these benchmark videos.
  3. Do not take these suggestions serious. I reviewed his history as well - some pretty strange suggestions all over the place.
  4. Alright, I will say it once again. M7 deadeyes cannot be allowed to be the best in slot spec for almost every weapon: Specter weapons: Scepter (condi), no power wep Daredevil weapons: Staff (power), D/D (condi) Deadeye weapons: Rifle, Staff, D/D, D/P, Axe/P (all power), Axe/D The spear is dominant in power and condi (once again) on deadeye. Is this design intended? My disappointment stays constant if Deadeye Spear superiority remains true. We already got the Axe for deadeye, and I love that weapon. But man, would it not be wonderful if Daredevil + the acrobatics traitline got some love. I am a Deadeye main and I do not want this weapon. As someone who loves to spec into daredevil from time to time though - I would love to play this weapon
  5. Would it be far fetched to suggest that the 10% dps buff from buff 4 was moved to the finisher of spear 3? I feel the spear cannot perform anyway nearly as good on other specs as the spear can on deadeye. Forcing the player to use the spear 3 finisher+stealth attack to get the dps buff would somewhat remove the opportunity to include cantrip stealths + relic of the deadeye for high dps. Thus, finally adding immersive gameplay to daredevil which finally will require the player to be at a higher skill-level than the hit one-button-smashing playstyle Daredevil currently suffers from.
  6. I can agree on the weapon feeling quite strange / lackluster in comparison as e.g. Necromancer and Mesmer.. You do know that your spear 4 is primarily used for the 10% damage boost after finishing your combo and secondly for help with CC? It is a great tool imo. I do not feel that the hybrid element of the spear fits the Thief well. The thief do already have very promising weapons for all of its specializations, to which I do not see any reason why the spear needs to be added.. Especially Deadeye. The complex Deadeye+Axe rotation is outperforming both Daredevil and Specter on condi dps. Why, for the love of all skritt, do you want another complex condi weapon targeted at the same spec as axes. It makes NO SENSE. In my humble opinion, the spear should have been power oriented to leave staff for Quickness Deadeye and let the spear shine as a power weapon which do not require you to one-button-rotation. Making the spear a hybrid weapon was a huge miss. The visuals and combat mechanics feels great tho ❤️
  7. I HATE THAT DEADEYE KEEPS BEEING ON THE TOP - BUT I LOVE THE SPEAR. First, the good: I was able to do mad damage with condi spear on Deadeye but only mediocre damage on Daredevil and Specter. The spear feels REALLY good to play with, the whole fantasy is awesome, and the rotation is refreshing since I am forced to do something else than just spamming one button. Condi damage feels good on the spear, and it would be my go to weapon moving onward for condi encounters. I see it as a good thing that your initiative is punished if you are unable to land your combos. BUT THE BIGGEST WINNER, the stealth on skill 4 does not require you to hit the target? It sure felt that way, and I love it! It is not as scuffed as on Dagger 5 - thanks! Second, the bads: And oh boy, do I fear to get disappointed. The fact that power-based spear is this weak screams danger to me. All specializations for thieves do have valid and fun condi weapons. Deadeye beeing the most rescent with axe, Daredevil having D/D which synergized perfectly with the dodge spams and Specter having Scepter. Specters do not have power traitlines, and the power spear falls off badly - plus the shroud feels weird in combination with spear... Deadeyes takes the price on dps once again on condi, it is so frustrating to watch. I play power deadeye for everything in this game, and I really wanted to get some variation... Some gameplay that does not force me to cantrip stealth constantly... It is good for rifle and axe, but for spear (WHICH IS FAST PASED) it is just kitten... Power daredevil rotation feels amazing, but the damage is lackluster. I reached 40k/s on condi deadeye on my second attempts but only 25'ish on power daredevil. The auto is too fast paced and looks weird.. ARENANET, you cannot be serious?! Are you going to force thief mains to stay on deadeye and when we want the daredevil fantasy we are forced to play staff-spam-2.. Unrewarding and no fun. And if you are going to force us into more deadeye weapons, please fix the bloody malice bugs for starters. UI bugs out and there are encounters (e.g. end boss Amnytas) which cannot be deadeye marked. This spear needs proper power damage for instanced PVE. I will literally have to leave the game in frustration if Deadeye condi spear takes the price. It was fine on axe, but adding this on top? I really believe that the weapon should have been Power OR Condi... Being a hybrid weapon almost certainly = condi always wins.
  8. I wonder if Arenanet will adapt the Acrobatics traitline for Thief. I really want to play the spear on daredevil, but I fear missing out on damage if I were to swap out Deadly Arts or Critical Strikes.. Acrobatics just feels mandatory due to the +120 spear power increase. The traitline further holds initiative generation which is very promising as well! Not forcing us to go into stealth constantly - which would suck due to the animation lock which further keeps you from moving out AOE's, such as oils on Deimos.
  9. I love, I love, I love it (MOSTLY). I am not an Engineer enjoyer so I will not comment on that spear, other than it looks cool. I am however a Thief and Warrior main and I do got some concerns / thoughts in regard to the Thief spear. Keep in mind, this is subjective as hell. I am an Assassin and Monk enjoyer from the original GW and have been playing since one year after the release of prophecies. It goes without saying that the Thief hit me right in the nostalgia nerve - it is yet to be told if you missed 😉 . Animations 5/5: Amazing work. I was hoping for a more shadow magic vibe to the weapon, but this works aswel. Dagger Mastery 5/5: I love the "lead-offhand-dual" attacks are getting attention! Hybrid build 1/5: I do not fancy this one bit. I rather see you make up your mind on pick either condi or power - and personally I would prefer power. Almost every Thief weapon except Axe and to some degree Rifle, only requires you to spam 1 button in PVE. This is not great gameplay of course. But now.. If I want to play power spear, the condi attack chain is basically useless? Limiting me to a kite of 3 abilities (excluding the autos), from which one seems to be a stealth.. I would love to see if you have incorporated CC into the spear - if not here is my suggestion. Assassins in GW1 played the CC-combo an awful lot, especially in factions wars.. Why not have the Power combo (as you already designed) and add in a CC combo instead of the condi? Leaping Mantis Sting -> Jungle Strike -> Horns of the Ox. Playability on Deadeye: It seems to me that stealth attack of the spear will animation lock you. You will have to constantly stealth while as you constantly reset and regen Malice. This equals constant animation lock, which further can be compared to the bloody staff on Thief where you just spam "Staff 2". I do not foresee the spear to feel good on Deadeye if the stealth attack animation locks you. Please, make it possible to move slowly around while using this skill. Playability on Specter: Well, only the condi part of the spear is playable on specter. And yet, it is not when compared to Daredevil D/D and Deadeye Axe. Please redefine the traitline of Specter and make it so that we are not forced to bring healing traits. Make a power line for those who enjoy playing with shadow magic but just want to do flat dps. Playability on Daredevil: My only fear is that I am forced to do long chains and animations between dodges. I really hope that the power part of the spear feels fluent in-between dodges and it is just not "staff 2 spam". Holy kitten I want a multi button Thief weapon. The axe release was amazing ❤️ . AND PLEASE FIX THE VISUAL BUGS ON DEADEYE MALICE BAR 😄 . Bloody hell got visual bugged on your latest boss encounter too.
  10. ArenaNet, please do something. This have been an issue since the release of the specialization and it has yet not been fixed. There are several encounters where the Malice-UI is bugging out / changing color. It is hard enough to keep track of the appropriate red/orange colored malice bar. But for some areas (primarily in instanced PVE) the Malice-bar turns grey or blue. Here is the below encounters I have found this bug to appear: - Boneskinner - Vale Guardian - Gorseval - Bjora Marches. - Sandstorm in Dry Top - Jormag fight in Bitterfrost - Deepstone fractal Please for the love of all Deadeye mains, fix this. This cannot be that time consuming to get in order. Please guys, feel free to add in other maps that messes up the UI.
  11. Personally.. I would really LOVE to clean up my character slots. Right now I have a two rangers. One of them is very old.. I stopped playing him cause of him beeing a Sylvari, which I do not fancy i gues.. I want to delete him, !BUT!, he is maxed out in weaponsmithing and huntsman.. If I could transfer these diciplines to my other ranger, it would be awesome! Also, I want to make a new mesmer.. But my current mesmer i maxed out artificier.. I do not understand why they have not added this as a GemStore product..
  12. We welcome anyone, only time tells if you will enjoy it with us or not, so please feel free to come! Before we let people into the raids, we do like to see where they are at and what we can do to help improve with as little changes as possible to them. We don't force anyone to change, we merely make suggestions. But anyway, look forward to seeing you about, sending an invite your way! That is all fair and square! I have joined you as a proud ally - but our chances to be joining in raids seems very slim. I missed that you all was mainly Aussies. Since I am Danish, it is most unlikely that we will ever be online at the same time a raid is scheduled. DAMN IT, I was hoping to finally beeing able to learn this stuff :-). I will be sticking around though.
  13. Hello, If you are welcoming Danes, then I would love to join. I am mainly playing PVE. Constantly been working on legendary weps. I just started on the back item - I am therefore fairly new to fractals. I am ofcause going to join you on the Raids aswell! I have been looking for rookies in a while, but without any success. Kind regards, Jelloz
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