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Vinny.8146's Achievements

  1. GW2 is really a difficult game to get into because it's a MESS OF EVERYTHING in your screen. Every top notch skill need properly cast time and visual effect, like the ranger Bear that hits good amount of damage and is easily dodged if aware of it. Really something that the game need, reduce the visual noise and give better visuals to key skills.Conditions is the most cancer thing in this game, and i don't even know why this even exist in this form... Every meta has some cancer condi builds, and the bunker anti-condi builds. Thing's like this since.... aways? I don't know if it can be easily implemented, but just reworking condi cleanse to "remove X stacks of condition" instead of "remove X tiles of condition" seems REALLY a good approach for me.i.e.: The system can focus on high damage condition removal, so if you have 15 stacks of burn you can use X skill to reduce, like lets say, 10 stacks. That way, instead of using skill that cleanse only 1 tile and removing random filler condition, we can remove key damage condition. This create waaaaay more possibilities, like skills that focus o cc condis, damage, healing reduction... Going to do a big heal? Use the X skill that remove poison. Are you dying? Use the one that reduce a good amount of condition damage stacks... It's not a braindead system like using bunker builds, and will not kill condi builds...The other concepts i don't know, stealth is cancer because they can just hide everyone and do a group gang-bang, or come with a no-counter burst. Sneaky gameplay is good and that's why every game has it, maybe transform longer duration stealth in a basic camouflage that you can "almost see", and low duration ones maintain the same but interrupting stealth AFTER cast, letting ppl use boons, heals, in a safe way.
  2. rev weak to cc? are we talking about the same class?the one that can turn all the condi into healing with 30s cd uninterruptable heal? that can run with perma resist? Having perma resist consume almost all its energy.Also : Necro boon corrupt and Spellbreaker ruins it. ah so you can sometimes take damage if enemy has necro, cool. Not just Necromancer, but it's one of the most effective class at that job. Spellbreaker is also quite good.You could use a counter Mallyx Rev, but then it would have no energy left to maintain it's own Resistance permanently.Mesmer & Thief can dispel/steal boons, but less reliably and less often than those above.Sigil of Revocation is available to everyone. For the Rev to maintain permanent Resistance, he have to be surrounded by at least 3 teammates with conditions on them at all time, pick 3 non-DPS traits in 2 skill lines, and consumes 105 energy, leaving it with 20 energy total for other use in Mallyx. That's 42% of it's energy generated in 20s out of a perfect energy management, without a perfect energy management or without 1 of the trait, that's 51.22% of it's energy generated in 21s. As Pain Absorption is also its stunbreak, you can play around the Rev by stunning him at the worst time for him.If the Rev is alone, he won't have permanent Resistance.If the Rev is using all its energy to maintain Resistance, it can't really do anything else. If you see a Rev using any other skill from Mallyx, it means he won't have permanent Resistance.If the whole opposing team is grouped together, you have 2 points to capture for free (with 1 likely to be yours already).Immediately after switching out of Mallyx, it'll be unable to get Resistance back for 10 whole seconds. If you delete its Resistance at this moment, it would just have been 70 energy points wasted. There's so many options at your disposal, you don't have to stack them all to get the edge in the fight.Truly, the issue is from the unwillingness to adapt to the opponent which is the basics of a winning strategy.You just don't realized that there's more players than rev in their team.... The fact that you need to track down his animations, buff bar, AND the understanding of how energy works and (predict) that his energy is going to zero to do something, is REALLY what makes him so cancer. Rev can be a pain in the ass even using all energy to maintain resistance cuz he can do a good ammount of cc while doing good damage, and if there's room for agressive play since he can just apply pressure with condisLike some said, what makes rev OP is the fact that he's really the concept of adaptable gameplay without even changing amulet or specs, going of almost perma resistance to heavy cc and condi pressure just changing buttons that you press. That IS a problem.... Rev is the class that you see 2 out of 5 players playing him on enemy team make you think "that will be a HARD match", just tell me other class that can do it....
  3. Im pretty sure that the game only accounts the actual "game time", and not the whole time waiting ppl just hit the damn Yes to start.So... yeah, that's really a slightly less time, im playing atmost 8-9 games per 1 hour, that's about 6-7m per game (sometimes i get some fast stomps and play a bit more, maybe at high level ppl are faster with ready button and it's faster but it's not my case)Just reducing to 20-30s the readiness time and 5s the game start is a good approach.
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