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  1. Would love to see a "Return To Tyria..." type of event. What is in my mind is probably more extreme than what would actually occur for a weekly event. Though perhaps elements could be pulled or used as concept. Essentially would love to see World Completion+ where we have an option to go through map completion of Core Tyria again. Maybe they award Gifts of Exploration, maybe not, maybe we can complete it multiple times and you just get a number for how many times you've rolled through it on that character. I love doing Map Completion, and only wish I could do it all again on my main character. Another facet that could be really fun is to incorporate a Veteran Mode or even Fractal Scale to World Completion to increase the challenge level of overworld monsters for that particular character. Something that could allow us to use AR for more than just Fractals. If you wanted to go next level, add in an achievement or title for doing it again without dying, sort of a pseudo-hardcore mode. In a "Return To Tyria..." type of scenario you could even have AR versions of that to trial it out. What I'm saying is I love Core Tyria so any reason to go back and revisit is something I'd love to see in the game. It doesn't even have to be anything new like invasions or ley-line anomolies (although those are great additions to keep the world alive). There is already a world here that is bursting at the seems with content, events, reknown hearts. It would be incredible to have it be a playground we could revisit.
  2. Unleashed buff between the Pet and Ranger look too similar, difficult to easily tell which one is currently active Suggestion: Mirror one so it faces the other direction.
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