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Danger Ferret.6342

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Posts posted by Danger Ferret.6342

  1. I hate WvW. It's tedious and pointless. The ONLY reason I play is to get the reward tracks, and I firmly believe ANET stuck the gift of battle in WvW because otherwise no one would play. As long as you force PvE players into WvW, WvW is going to suck because most of us don't want to be there in the first place. It's like ANET goes out of its way to breed animosity among the players, and customer service refuses to take feedback, so we're forced to deal with more hostility in these forums to get the point across. STOP MAKING US DO THIS TEDIOUS BS TO AVOID A $150 Pay per Play on legendary weapons.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
    • Confused 5
    • Sad 2
  2. Does it include a path to legendary weapons that doesn't force uninterested players into WvW, because I hit the "No. You'll play the way we TELL you to play, kitten it" pretty quickly with GW2. So far, can't find a reason to come back. EoD isn't going to do it, as nothing in the update looks even remotely interesting.


    Other than that, it just looks like Collectathon 2: Ascended Backpack Boogaloo.

    • Thanks 2
    • Confused 3
  3. 2 hours ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

    Particles should be irrelevant


    It would be incredibly stupid to transmit the movement of every particle. It would impact render speed but nothing network related.


    That is one of the biggest problems every time people talk about lag/latency. Input lag is separate from render lag(except in game engines where reading player inputs is linked to FPS) which is separate from network which is separate from server.  Trying to determine which of them is the cause can be tricky but lumping all of them together by default is not helpful either.

    I'm sorry, but this is incorrect. An overabundance of particles can absolutely cause symptoms that behave like lag. It's never a good idea to dismiss something that a user could try to see if performance improves as "irrelevant" out of hand before even trying. Might not be the solution, but until it's ruled out, why dismiss it?


    You may have misunderstood what I intended to convey, which is that particles can produce latency because having 100 particle emitters running on one's system can drastically reduce framerate.


    The problem the OP is having may very well be a network problem, but it might not be. After 3 decades as a qa analyst and dev, I've learned to pursue all avenues under my control first, allowing me to hone in on whatever is left. Your mileage may vary, of course.

  4. I've never enabled any camera or movement options other than what come as default. Though I occasionally find myself holding a kite in the middle of a battle, so I could have twitchy-fingered the wrong key, if there are keyboard bindings for camera options.


    One thing I note is that I also experience this the most often during Claw of Jormag, when there's a lot of fear-running and cascades of ice shoving players down the slope. When I regain control of my character, it's reoriented to the physics of the object to which I'm nearest, rather than an x, y or z axis.

  5. 1 hour ago, Khisanth.2948 said:


    That is actually not too difficult to explain with packet loss.


    Low latency combined with high packet loss can probably result in some very weird experiences. Such as nothing happening followed by an explosion of activity as all the previously sent data gets processed and rendered by the client .

    Yes, and particle emitters, too. Nothing slows down a game faster than particle emitters, since it's more than just UDP information being transmitted; it's code running on the user's system to generate them. Put a whole bunch of players together, and it's particle insanity. I'm pretty sure (though I'm not logged in at the moment and can't check) there is a way to disable particles in the options. Not that this is an optimal solution, but it's something a user can do to rule it out as a possible cause. A sudden surge of particles can definitely look like packet loss. Of course the problem could be packet loss as well, but it's worth checking.

  6. 9 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

    Update: It looks like it has to be during the meta event. After getting nothing all evening I managed to get both the Tadpole and the Whistle during the meta (and both within 2-3 Caches opened) but didn't have time to try for the Gear as well. I'll have to make sure next time I do the meta I go down that lane.

    Doesn't the Crystallized Iron Gear hint say "Can be found in crystallized supply caches in the SCAR lane"? Maybe it's just a matter of where not when, but it could be both.

  7. 34 minutes ago, senki.1046 said:


    Just wanted to ask, if someone spams with a bell the same buttons, is that bannable?

    Thank you

    As the last time the Mad King was present in Tryia saw at least one user going around with repeating chimes demanding a gold piece to stop, I suspect not. It really wouldn't make sense for ANet to provide things like instruments, aviator's boxes, portaling abilities, etc, then ban players for using them.


    Not only can you disable music instruments in options, you can re-enable them just as easily once the problem has been solved.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  8. 2 hours ago, titje.2745 said:

    2 gold is not rewarding, i play a support role to make an event a succes, i ress ppl the whole time, i play the objective. and when the loot chest pops up i get the middlefinger.  (as i always say, i am a player that play for loot) 


    i mean it doesn't hurt Anet if players loot nice or not aslong it's not sell able at the trading post. it hurts me while i do my very best and others showing the loot they got. 

    But the randomness of drops means that could happen any time. I try my very best at every event I attend. Other players do too. Not all of them, of course, but many. Luck decides what we get in a chest, so rewards - unless guaranteed rewards like the 2gp - are always uneven between players.


    Personally, other than noting there are some people standing around, I'm always too busy playing the game to monitor what everyone else is and isn't doing, and whether their dps/buffs/etc are equal to my own.

  9. On 6/9/2021 at 3:30 PM, Thornwolf.9721 said:

    No game mode should go without content. Period. You introduce a game mode be it at launch or otherwise, support it. A-net does anything but that.

    I think you and Vayne are both making great points. What's good for one player/group isn't going to satisfy another. It does seem to be a common complaint, though, that some modes aren't getting the support or development they need. I'm a PVE player exclusively, but I absolutely get your point here. Poorly executed/supported game modes are just going to frustrate players who prefer that style of play, while diverting dev/support resources away from the more popular game mode: in this case PvE.


    I know that, were things opposite, and GW2 were mostly a PVP or WVW-centric game with little support going to PVE content, even though it's advertised as being one of the play-as-you-like options, I'd be disappointed too. Why do these things at all if they aren't going to be done well? The problem that "well" is often so different from person to person.


    As to housing, I just started playing ESO. Since I am not at all guild-centric, having some of the benefits of a guild to use as a solo player is a great idea. Being able to place stuff from my inventory into personal storage space is about the only thing I could see adding to home instances to make a worthwhile living space for GW2. The rest is just decoration (for me). But for the more serious roleplayers, definitely having something like this would be cool.

  10. 3 hours ago, titje.2745 said:

    yes it is unfair that there are leechers, but in some way i understand it. i have done total 5 runs, as a support class (healers) and i did not get rewarded. the reward effort is very bad here, i understand if you do this event from release and do not get rewarded you start to leech. (i am not like that) i mean if you do nothing and get nothing it is balanced (and yes this is not fair for all other players which work their ... off) but it is also unfair if you play for 100% and every fight is a time waste. it would be much better if you have more chances a day for the ascended loot each account, then you do 1 day and many runs, without getting disappointed every day but 1 only day.
    they have to fix this asap. true it is ascended, but cmon. keeping content alive this way by letting ppl waste time without getting something for the work. ppl who create gemstore items also want money for their work and effort in it, so why not ingame items. 
    it doesn't hurt anyone if ppl get gift of aurene or not. the very first kill it should be a choice of reward, the sword or gift of aurene.

    Unfortunately, the easiest way (I can think of) to solve a true "leeching" problem is to introduce a timeout disconnect due to AFK activity. I think there is one for GW2, but it's set remarkably high, and I'm not sure that would solve anything anyway, since the published API and an allowance for multi-boxing seems to me it would make it fairly easy to set up some sort of script that would cause an AFK player to hit 1 every so often, or any key really, since it isn't participation in an event required to avoid AFK disconnect; just input.


    And as you point out, some of the rewards for completion are meh at best. Two gold for Dragonstorm once a day is super nice, but I can get more gold from that with less effort in the same amount of time just farming, frankly.


    Using your Gift of Aurene as an example: I did Dragonstorm probably 100 times before that dropped. Still a GREAT reward to have a "free" ascended" weapon. But by that time, I'd crafted four full sets of ascended gear, and had an arsenal of ascended weapons I store in the bank because my characters are full up on those, too. For ascended weapons as a reward, completing each elite specialization collection awards an ascended weapon on completion, and other than having to finish a map in a specific area of Tyria, don't take much longer than running through Dragonstorm a few times.


    This seems like another issue that is caused by the environment: multi-boxing, an API, a long (if any) AFK timeout. All of these things have benefits that might outweigh their potential for player abuse, though, so I don't know if it would an overall benefit or penalty to change them. And, as this thread indicates, there doesn't seem to be a way forward that suits even a plurality of players.


    And you're right. It doesn't hurt me at all if someone else gets an ascended drop who may or may not have put in less effort. Them's the breaks.


    Mostly, it seems like the "what to do bout leechers" conversations are like focusing on whether or not you want a herd of cats to go to the museum or the ballpark, while missing out on the fact that first you have to ... herd cats. I think several things would have to change in the environment to even make a one-size-fits-all leecher deterrent possible, and I don't think those things are likely to change soon.


  11. 44 minutes ago, boxterduke.5269 said:

    Is it this one?


    Yes. Sorry I couldn't find that for you. I'm new. I did search, but I couldn't remember any words in the title beyond Orr.

    Glad you found it. Hope whatever is going on is fixed for everybody soon. Having everyone on the same page will probably help.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 3 hours ago, Kimmydeadso.8261 said:

    Long story short.
    I stopped playing for awhile, I let my 15yrs old cousin use my ID. He wants something real bad from black lion chest.
    So he used my credit cards for keys. Didn't get what he wanted. Throw tantrum and delete all my characters. Throw away all my stuffs.
    5 Legendary weapons, all ascended armors, trinkets EVERYTHING lost.

    So I sent a ticket. With proof of items I had. Beg Anet, the big rich company, to give me some of my 'UNTRADABLE' items back.
    Now I COULD lie that somebody hacked my ID, but something in me just sent a ticket with true full story.
    they replied back with

    "support is unable to assist with issues related to lost items due to account sharing. Character restorations are no longer a service that we provide. We're unable to provide a reimbursement regarding this matter. It is the responsibility of the owner of the account to not allow other players to gain access to their account. Doing so would constitute account sharing, which is against our terms of service. Therefore, we're unable to assist you in this matter"

    So like, if I send another ticket says that it's actually a hack, you will be able to assist me?
    What's so hard about giving me back items that I have proof about their existence.
    I'm just so frustrated, sad, depressed. All I want is to get some of my stuff back so I can at least continue playing.
    Am I 'REALLY' in the wrong here? Should I've told my 15yrs old cousin to kitten off and buy his own expansion or something?
    Now If I really need to start all over... I guess it's a goodbye.


    ArenaNet is right. Sharing your account is a security breach that compromises their intellectual property far beyond deleting the items of the person who shared the account. I'm sorry your family member was so crappy to you in response to your generosity, but ArenaNet isn't responsible.


    You're very luck your family member took out vengeance on you, rather than on the community at large. You could have found your entire account deleted to do their tantrum, had they chosen to direct it outward.


    If you let your friends crash at your house and they trashed it, you wouldn't expect to be able to report it as a break in. Your friends, your door, your key, your responsibility. Yeah, ArenaNet is a big rich company, but if they recover items due to your security breach, then they have to do it for anybody.  Then they aren't so rich anymore, having to spend their time restoring everything for everybody.


    Also, since he had your credit card (I presume you didn't give him the physical card and take it to another residence with him, or just give him all the information off the card so he could use it independently) it seems likely you let him access your account using your payment methods and your computer. Unless you're connecting via a VPN, (and potentially even if you are), it would be super easy for ANet to have proved a hacking claim to be incorrect in this case anyway.


    I'm really sorry this happened to you, but your anger is misplaced. Direct it at your nephew, and I don't mean to rub salt in your wound, at yourself for not supervising.



    • Like 1
  13. 3 minutes ago, boxterduke.5269 said:

    can you link that post please?

    I can't seem to find it now. It may have been merged with another thread or moved by mods, and I'm not sure what category it was in. But it looks like the problem has moved beyond Orr now, at any rate.

  14. 20 minutes ago, Driftpaws.2031 said:

    Thanks for the tips, friend.  I'll be sure to come back to this once I get a better footing on things in game.  I was completely unaware of the collection stuff that heart vendors give, so I'll definitely give that a second pass.  🙂

    Collections are a HUGE thing in GW2. Talk to the collections merchant in Lion's Arch to get started. He's in the Commander's Quarter (?) near the laurel merchant, identifiable by a laurel wreath on the map. The collection icon is less recognizable, but he's just nearby.


    GW2 is very subtle compared to other MMOs when it comes to discovering what's there. They'll give you hints and clues, but you have to pursue them. ESO kind of beats new players around the head and neck with new adventures. I started yesterday, for instance, and I thought I was going to go INSANE until I figure out how to move the camera without moving my character, prioritize adventures, and generally cut down on all the noise. GW2 really makes you work for things, but the collections (once you have them unlocked) and achievements you're working on are always viewable from the Hero panel in their respective tabs.


    It's just REALLY easy to miss out on features if you're used to a game being a little more aggressive in telling you how to get started. GW2 is little like: "OK, here's how you move. Figure it out from here!" Which is super fun, but if you miss that at first, you can definitely feel like there's a whole empty world where a game should be. Definitely pursue all opportunities that seem interesting. 🙂

    • Like 2
  15. 24 minutes ago, Driftpaws.2031 said:

    Just for fun I thought I'd offer the perspective of  someone who's just recently come into the game.  This late in an MMO's lifespan it can be a bit unusual to see someone's first impressions and it might prove illuminating to the devs who are undoubtedly trying to court more people into playing.


    The tl;dr is the world feels highly creative, but also impersonal; the combat's mechanically complex but overall mostly satisfying; and I can already tell inventory management is where most of the friction is going to come from.




    A bit of personal history before I start.


    I've spent the past year getting deep into Elder Scrolls Online so my opinion's going to be colored somewhat from that experience.  Before that I frequented City of Heroes.  Months ahead of the closure  I'd purchased the base game of Guild Wars 2, but didn't get very far because my computer at the time couldn't run it.  So I have the 5 character slots in GW2, but that's about my only current advantage.


    Occasionally in the intervening years I dabbled in Champions Online and Star Trek Online but neither really took.  So while I've had experience playing other MMOs before, there's no doubt it's not as comprehensive as some others here.


    The sunsetting of CoH 7 years ago is what swore me off to ever giving NCsoft any more money.  To be frank I didn't trust them to not pull the plug on another title, and was a little bitter towards the publisher.  Recently with the lack of crackdowns on fan servers I've eased up on my stance and decided to give GW2 another chance.


    As such, my perspective is from someone who joined the game without friends or a guild pressuring me to do so.  I'm currently flying solo, apart from all of you wonderful reddit folk.  Also for anyone curious I'm freely switching between my gaming rig and my phone with a Razer Kishi attached.


    With all that out of the way, the Living World giveaway is what first drew my attention to coming back.




    I'd decided to start with a Sylvari Elementalist.  Thinking that the profession was as close to a pure DPS as one might get, and thus an easy role to learn on.  I'd soon come to know this was a lot to take in for a first character.


    Along with a fair number of options that I chose with a semi-random inclination.  Honestly I've still no idea how important some of these choices are.  But steeling myself against the uncertainty I pressed on.


    Overall impressions of the character creator were quite good.  There's a seeming lack of dyes at the start, and I spent far too much time customizing the colors of the armor, only to learn that there's an entire unlockable system.  My first mistake, oof.


    So off we go to kill a tree dragon.


    Dodging, no global cooldown, weapon swapping.  Okay, all pretty digestible.


    Even though it does all come at you pretty quickly.  I couldn't help but feel that I was missing and overlooking a ton of information.  The overly detailed tooltips were something I wish I could par down to their concise core elements.  If the interface defaulted to simple tooltips, which you could then change manually after you got a better feel for the skills it'd have made life for my green-friend a lot easier.


    Maybe even with a bindable toggle if some kind dev was feeling generous.


    The first big plus, there's a cat in the starting area.  Okay, I can work with this.  He's pretty cute; the termites and grubs decidedly less so.  But the world is shiny and gorgeous and that's enough to keep my attention.  And I'm reminded of the fact that the game released at the height of a trend where designers cranked their bloom to ridiculous amounts.  Why create highly detailed textures when you can just blind your audience?  Brilliant.  Note for later, I might need to install reshade to tone some of this down.


    Anyway, I'd have to worry about a proper rotation later, for now keeping things off cooldown would be the best I could manage.  Hopefully this will be a little more forgiving than Dark Souls.  And it is, but still... as soon as I get comfortable with the skills, they change on me!


    What I'd not known before jumping into the game should be obvious to all of you.  Weapons change your skills.  But there was a gap in my knowledge, it doesn't make intuitive sense for a dagger to change skills based off of elemental magic.


    Hmm, maybe I should rethink the logic of having a flammable plant be a pyromancer.  But I quickly place that thought aside realizing that people are flammable too.

    I appreciate the depth and complexity of the system, but if I'm just getting my feet wet that's a little much to throw at a player.  If the devs staggered that information over more time, it'd have felt like more of an achievement unlocking that level of progression.


    Each new weapon feels like a new way to play.  Yet each time my bar swapped it felt like backtracking.  The entire experience let me hesitant to explore new gear apart from simple stat boosts.  And ultimately, exhausted.


    Exploring the valley was a visual delight.  Rescuing some plant dogs from spiders went fairly well.  What is it with fantasy games and spiders anyway?  Visions of Skyrim briefly cross my memory, and I wonder with amusement if I'll get some frostbite venom.


    Keep in mind at this point I'd never even heard of a Norn.  


    Capping my first Vista was an unexpected treat.  It's surprising how the little things can be their own reward.  In other games movement is considered empowering.  So it doesn't take long to gain the ability to fly or run at superspeed.  But rarely did I feel accomplished just by being somewhere.  Moving, sure.  But just standing and taking in the sights, rarely if ever.


    That said, man I really miss having a mount.  Someone else is riding a dinosaur or something, there's a flying manta-ray, I'm totally ready!  Where's the stablemaster?  Oh wait...


    So that's a bust.


    It's probably for the best.  I might have been tempted to drop a few gems towards one.




    Around level 9 I have to reassess things.  It's a nice enough world, but it's a bit lonely.  The NPCs only have barks, and they don't even ask me directly for help.  Heart quests just feel kinda there.  And my impact with their story doesn't exist.


    Even if I didn't help someone else would.  I can't shake the feeling that they're quest-givers, not people with their own lives and their own stories.  That lack of connection makes it hard to care.

    Is that all this game is?


    It's not made clear that the tutorial encompasses the first 10 levels.  And the Personal Story essentially starts shortly thereafter.


    Clearly narrative isn't going to be a huge draw, but I do appreciate the general worldbuilding in the most ubiquitous sense of the word.  I truly believe someone somewhere wrote a history of the setting, and there's a lovely charm to it all.


    Time to put this salad aside.  Time to roll someone new.  Stepping aside and doing a bit of research for myself I decide that the class that will tax my control scheme the most is a Mezmer.  If I can tackle that with a controller it should hold up to anything.


    I decide on a human this time for a different flavor.  Oh she's fine, I love seeing clones and causing them to explode on cue.  It's just the world is so dull!


    Farms, fields, and little fishing villages as far as the eye can see.  It's so rural.  Where's the political intrigue, the cutthroat backstabbery.  I long for the macabre while trapped in the shire.  The Sylvari had an alluring alien aesthetic, this is just rote generic township #17.


    At level 7 I've had enough.  Screw it, if the game wants to keep my attention it'll have to do better.  Maybe one of the higher leveled zones will flex and impress.


    Oh wait, I can actually go through the gate to the giant city?  It's not locked?  Hmm.


    Holy smokes, this is what I'm talking about!  Over the next hour or two I just walk around like an abandoned kid on the Las Vegas strip.


    There's circuses and arenas, aquariums and arboretums.  Kids chasing and playing with one another; something so rarely seen from bethesda.  There's neighborhoods on the walls.  On the walls!

    For the first time I feel a little bit of that magic you find when visiting a new exotic country.  I wish I could take in the scent of the spices at the marketplaces, and I'm so thankful I can't smell the sewage that comes from medieval cities.


    So many people.  So many players! And they all look so creative.  There's an unrestrained-ness to them.  I see an immodest woman made of starlight.  A cat person with a pet golem in toe.  There's music playing on the bridge.  Wait, I know that melody.


    It's Jurassic Park!  How the hell is someone playing the theme to Jurassic Park?  This city doesn't just have bards that strum emotes, it has buskers.  How amazingly creative and cool is that.


    And that's when I know... My wallet's going to hurt soon.




    There's a decision to be made.  Games like this, that is to say free to play MMOs, have a reputation of being designed to be inconvenient.  Already I'm reaching the limits of my modest little bag, and inventory space will surely be a problem soon.


    I could and I should look into fixing that as soon as possible, if at a reasonable price.


    On the other hand, buying the expansions will cost about as much.  New lands to explore and the level boost would open up a quick way to reach endgame.


    But here's the rub, I know myself.  And in the hours I've sunk into this, half have been working on the UI.  The truth is, I'm still a scrub at playing.  At this rate I'd probably be a liability to team fights.  And although it pains me to admit it, getting to 80 the long way is probably the smart move.


    So I break down and get 4000 gems.  1400 go to 2 shared inventory slots.  1000 goes to the Passkey to the mist-station.  800 to the Copper-O-Matic.  Which leaves just enough for glasses and cat ear cosmetics.  Because cat ears.  Come on, I'm not a monster.


    Instantly I am rich and poor in equal measure.  The last 99 gems get exchanged directly to gold in what I can only assume is a bad deal.


    Yes, it's not a good look, but it nets me around 25 gold to play with on the market.  And oh boy, I'm ready to spend.

    By now I have a full roster of toons.  For anyone keeping score that's a new Sylvari Ranger girl that I've decided to keep as my main, an Asuran male engineer, a little Norn who has some serious Kitara vibes, and the two you already know.  And you know what?  They're all looking kind of darb.


    The most expensive dye I get is Celestial white, but everything else is quite reasonable.  Even the blackest blacks are only 1 gold each.  Yes, I know paying market rate instead of properly waiting for a deal is a good way to get ripped off.  But whatever, these aren't for resale.  And some seller's going to make bank so everybody wins.


    At the end of my shopping spree I'm left with around 14 gold to expand the inventory on everyone.  That knocks me down to earth again with 55 silver.  Less than what I started with at the beginning of all this.


    Well, easy come easy go.


    I chat up a few kind veterans and they let me know the easiest way to get gold is to work on your dailies.  Sage advice if I weren't under leveled by 65.  It might as well be 65 thousand.  But I file it away like a taco; food for thought later.


    And I stay there high above the world for a while.  Just watching people come and go.  There's an active community here.  All manner of beast, shape, and creed.  Everyone with an opinion and

    somewhere to be.  A monster with their name on it, a craft that needs crafting, or the call to explore.


    I decide I like Guild Wars 2.


    Sure it might not be everything I want.  What I look for in a game can be very persnickety.  But clearly there is something here that people love.


    I might not stay, I might not even stay long.  But I'm glad that I came.


    Imagine my delight when I return the following day and am rewarded with actual story.  Even a campaign!  At this moment all I can write is my excitement.  The details will come in their own time, but it's something to be appreciated in the now.


    All I can really say is good fortune to you and good luck in your own journey going forward.




    Story and gameplay are one thing.  Support problems fall into their own category and I don't mean  to bore you with the less interesting minutia.  This is more for any developer who might happen upon the post.


    --Floating numbers work well on large screens, but are horribly distracting on smaller devices.  I don't need to see a flood of 3s to know I'm doing damage.

    --Even less important than combat floaters, are experience floaters.  They're just more visual noise that keep me from seeing the action.

    --This is only made more of a problem with scaling issues.  To show menus properly on a tiny phone/tablet screen the elements need to be scaled to their largest which consequently makes the numbers huge as well.



    --There's no bind for Journal.  A fantasy game where your quest log is buried?  That's unwelcome.

    --There's no keybinds for any tab!  Some of that I can understand like on the guild window.  But for more common actions like Dyes and Achievements?  Really, achievements?

    --Admittedly this is more of an issue on mobile as controlling a mouse cursor is less precise than on a desktop.  Typically you'd be forced to use radial pie menus and other controller based solutions.  And honestly I wouldn't ask you for that.  Middleware like steam link works just fine in handling the details, so long as I could directly pull up tabs with a keypress.

    --You can't toggle the music or the sound on and off with a keypress.  Not many games do this, but MMOs are grindy and users often play while watching other media.  Having a quick assignable option is just another way of making things convenient, as these actions will probably have to be repeated a few times during each extra long session.


    UI Elements:

    -The chat box background should automatically fade after a period of inactivity.  It really does help with immersion and to a smaller extent situational awareness.  Togglable would be good since some people dislike this feature.

    --The map is going to take some getting used to.  It's not clear what services exist at certain levels of elevation in some of the cities.

    --Being able to toggle certain services and landmarks off and on is more useful than you'd think.  A blinking icon is far easier to find than a static one.

    --The fog of war is a very cool effect, but it's also slightly confusing.  I'm not sure how I feel about it.

    --The compass is fine.  Just fine.  Not great or terrible.  Having an option to center that bit on the upper part of the screen would be a nice QoL thing but I'm not shedding any tears over it.


    Gem Store:

    --Something that's not communicated well is that a Total Makeover pass grants the player cosmetic options that are previously unavailable to them at their inception.  For quite a while I didn't know there even were other hair styles and colors!

    --Fix your payment options.  I had to go to Amazon for gem keys.  Twice.



    --The action bar's excellent.  Clearly laid out, easy to read.  No complaints there.

    --There's no crazy typefaces.  Simple can be good, and I'm cool with that.

    --The main menu fading at the start screen is a nice touch.  I wish more elements did this.

    --Showing what professions you have on each toon at the start screen is fantastic.  That's some wonderful foresight.

    The dye unlocking system seems to function similarly to ESO. The nice part about skinning and dying in GW2 which I find far superior to ESO is that you don't have to go to any station. You can apply skins and dyes at any time and at any place.


    Here's a tip about unlocking things like dyes quickly: In the trading post, you can buy a stack of unidentified dyes fairly cheaply (I think a stack of 250 costs about 11 gp. You surely don't have to buy that many at once if you're still working on increasing wealth.). Then you just keep clicking on that stack and it will identify new dyes (each time you do, it takes a separate inventory slot). If you want the dye, consume it to unlock it for your entire account. If you don't, you can sell the dye back to the TP (most aren't very valuable, but if you're lucky you might find you've unlocked dyes worth 6 or 8 gp a pop, even upwards.) You will get a lot of duplicate dyes, so the ability to sell them back if nice. You can ALSO throw duplicates into the mystic forge, and it will combine four dyes into a new one (which might also be one you already have).


    For a fairly small investment, you can unlock a good variety of dyes pretty much instantly.


    Inventory management in GW2 can be almost as much of a pain as in ESO. However, you don't need to have a subscription (indeed there aren't any) to use material storage. So most crafting items won't be taking up inventory or bank slots until you have more than your material storage can handle. There's a button in your inventory's top right where you can deposit all the materials in your inventory to your account bank's material storage all at once, or you can right-click each one and choose to deposit them individually. Like ESO, materials are available account-wide, and you don't need to bring them with you to the crafting stations (though you will need to have them in your inventory to throw them into the Mystic Forge).


    Bank slots are a good investment, and you can also increase the stack-size of your materials by spending gems. You can also craft bags of up to 32 spaces a piece to put into your slots, so if you're looking at 4, 5, and 8 slot bags, that's something you can change fairly quickly as well, and fairly cheaply. You can buy some bags, but you can also build up your crafting in some professions to make them. Also, some achievements award bags. I think you get 5 bag slots on a new character without purchasing more. You can increase your inventory up to 160 items without making one purchase from the gem store if you're patient enough.


    GW2 and ESO have very different feels. You do have to pursue achievements in GW2 rather than having them walk up and present themselves to you, though there ARE npcs who will do that. The hearts are a little annoying, but each heart npc becomes a merchant upon completion. It's well worth buying some of the odd looking items you find there, as they will unlock collections that lead to greater rewards and more interesting content. Also, when you get to lvl 80 maps, many of the hearts need to be completed each day you wish to make purchase from that merchant, so it's well worth purusing their inventories and buying what you can if you don't want to repeat them at a future date. Those hearts will have infinity icons on them on the map after you've completed them so they are easy to identify, and everything below lvl 80 map hearts (I believe) will remain unlocked forever upon one completion.


    I hope these tips help you with inventory and dyes. There are a lot of similarities between ESO and GW2. Sometimes, that makes it trickier for players coming to one from the other, because just when you think you understand what happens next, things are totally different.


    I hope you enjoy Tyria!


    OH! One more thing... Unlike ESO, GW2 changes DRASTICALLY after you reach lvl 80. The mastery point system kicks in and you can really start working on a lot of interesting things that ESO gives you right up front, but in its own fashion. GW2 is fun in the lower-level maps, but it really comes alive once you reach 80.

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  16. 27 minutes ago, Joote.4081 said:

    I log in every day and  I'm talking about when a bag of laurels drop.

    Now I'm confused. The only way I know of to get laurels is through log-in rewards. They don't drop from any farming or chest that I'm aware. There maybe achievements that reward laurels, but that wouldn't be a normal reward.


    The login rewards are the same for everybody, as we're all mentioning. If you aren't getting those rewards according to the schedule, there's a problem that would require you (probably) to file a ticket.

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  17. 30 minutes ago, Joote.4081 said:

    No, it a patch of futile soil a found in dry top. I am using the seed packets I have crafted and even took along some plant food and water (just in case). I haven't a clue how this growing thing works.  It's the first time I have tried it.

    That's why it isn't working. The seed packets you craft need to be planted in fertile soil *inside* your home instance. Fertile soil in the wild is for specific achievements. The wiki describes the mechanics of planting and harvesting fairly well, and fairly quickly.


    If you don't HAVE a garden plot in your home instance, you need to either purchase one from BL or unlock one through the Gourmet training achievement. This achievement isn't difficult, but it will require a significant amount of bloodstone dust/bricks to comlpete.

    • Like 2
  18. 2 hours ago, Joote.4081 said:

    I have my seeds and found fertile soil.  I press 'E' to interact or double click my seed packet and get the message that this item is in cool down, try again in a few seconds.  I tried for about 10 minutes 4 times that day and got the same message.

    Does anyone know what going wrong?

    That's a new one on me. I'm assuming these are varietal seed pouches and you're trying to plant them in your own home instance. I even tried Googling it and didn't find anything, just because I was curious. Did you do any harvesting of non-varietal plants in someone else's home instance garden plot? The wiki seems to indicate that would prevent harvesting your own non-varietals, but makes no mention of what effect it might have on planting. (I would assume none, but I'm just trying to think out loud.)

  19. 16 minutes ago, Peyanaca.1378 said:

    Same thing happens to me since today. From the looks of it, it is the same map -> Malchor´s Leap.

    There's another thread about problems in Orr where a handful of other people have posted about the game crashing on Malchor's Leap. No one is sure what's causing it, though some possibilities have been discussed. It does appear to be a problem with that map, for whatever reason.

  20. 1 hour ago, Joote.4081 said:

    Every one I've spoke with tells me their log-on bag of laurels number between 10 and 15.  Every bag I've received amounts to one. Yes, one kitten laurel.

    Come on dev's.  One needs laurels to progress and it's not as if they can be exploited.  The lowest drop should be at the very, very least five.

    You really need to stop starving your player base of items they need to go forward and enjoy the game.  It's not like it's money out of your own pocket.

    Next time you're in-world, press "H". Navigate to Achievements. You will see the log-in rewards that everyone gets. The laurel rewards happen once every 7 days you play in an increasing amount: 1, 2, 3, and 4 laurels. There are two larger bags of laurels: one for the 7th day of logging in. And one for the 21st day of logging in. These bags are 10 and 15 laurels respectively. There is another option for laurels in the Chest of Loyalty on the 28th day of logging in where you can opt for laurels.


    Anyone who has led you to believe all their bags of laurels are between 10-15 laurels a pop is feeding you a line.


    These are the same rewards for everyone, but not everyone has the 7th day of logging in on the same day. Laurels do make purchasing some things easier, but the only people getting more log-in rewards than you are people with multiple accounts.

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  21. 16 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

    To be fair, the CS policy is not to discuss any account-holder's case with another person.  It is a security issue.  I'm sure none of us would want our issues discussed with another person who could just be saying they are related.  Or, even if they were actually related, the CS Team has no idea what kind of relationship exists between the two.  Could be a vengeful ex-wife/husband/partner or, well, anything. 

    That's a sensible policy. Pretty much a standard for any company not to discuss a customer's private business with that company with anyone other than that customer. It just seems strange they would direct people to the forums on billing issues, since other than saying, "That happened to me too," or "I've never had that problem," it's something none of us could fix.

  22. Just now, JaconKin.5623 said:

    I literally just had it happen again a minute ago. I did submit a support ticket to see if it's an issue I can fix on my side. Yet, it only just started yesterday I believe. Now it's almost a constant thing taking place. 

    That's what made me consider it might be a cloud server issue. That's when the apparent "swath of cloud server" issue happened at first. But at any rate, I hope you get through it. Maybe I'll go flap around Orr and see if I have the same issues.

    • Thanks 1
  23. 1 minute ago, JaconKin.5623 said:

    I could see this being an issue, if I was having crashing in other places in the game. Yet, it is only taking place in Orr of all places. 

    I hear you, but if those Orr instance maps are clustered separately from other maps as far as servers go, it's entirely possible one cluster is down (or having problems) and the others remain active.

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