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Danger Ferret.6342

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Posts posted by Danger Ferret.6342

  1. 42 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    Just goes to show:

    This game had challenging content during its vanilla time, yet somehow  players managed to complete the content (and not on juiced up elite specs from 2 expansions in).


    Hidden arcana is one of those cases where each mechanic is seperately introduced, explained via in game means and then combined for a final fight (absolutely manageable if players payed attention, I remeber having a ton of fun figuring this out).


    The achievements were challenging, at least 2 of them (for the entire season 2, at least I recall 2-3 challenging ones). 


    I actually enjoy the return to these old story steps. It really puts into perspective how rose tinted some glasses are in regards to difficulty of the base game, as well as unfortunately shine a bright light on how far this games player base has declined skill wise.

    I didn't find the mechanics difficult to understand. Took like three seconds. I just found it annoying. That's not the same as "challenging" content in my mind. And I've completed the episode I believe several times.


    But of course, everyone who doesn't like the episode is simply less talented than you. That must be it.

    • Like 4
  2. 4 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

    More importantly, dueling invites people to the game who want to duel. I'm sure most of them are fine, upstanding people but a percentage of them will be trolls. They'll annoy you. Jump up and down in front of you if you don't accept their dueling request or if you're not flagged for dueling. This has happened to me in multiple games.



    I sort of feel like these pro-dueling threads are a great example of that already. "The game would be better for everyone if I had my way, and the rest of the player base is just wrong about everything. Let's fight about it."


    No, let's not.

    • Like 3
  3. 5 minutes ago, Arnox.5128 said:


    We don't NEED anything. It's just nice to have and makes the world a little more alive and interactive.

    For you and those who agree with you. For you it's nice to have. For many of us, apparently, it isn't. Since you don't NEED it, why is this continually being pushed on people who obvious don't WANT it?


    Honestly, dueling in PVE areas would have me looking for a new game to play.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, BlueJin.4127 said:

    Not that I think Anet will ever change this, but I'm gonna post this anyways. While the mechanics are simple enough, some poor designs can really drag on this mission.


    Darkness encounter: The fragility shields respawn way too slowly and the boss requires too many hits from the Vortex Crystals. Reduce the number of hits required. Also, the boss regenerates HP when the player dies. Since something outside the player's control (such as lag) can get the player 1-shotted, the boss should not regenerate HP.


    The last boss: The DoT effect the boss casts on the ground should be removed. The boss repeatedly places the DoT directly under the fragility shields or the Vortex Crystals. If the player tries to rush through the mission by dodge rolling through the DoT, the player risks getting 1-shotted, which drags on the mission. If the player waits for a fragility shield or Vortex Crystal without the DoT under it, it drags on the mission. It's a lose-lose situation.

    Yep. One image continues to run through my mind: Sigourney Weaver in Galaxy Quest facing the chompers. "This episode was badly written!"

    • Haha 2
  5. 1 minute ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    The main problem with this instance is how long it is. With all those fights completely based not on standard combat engine, but on mechanics that were never seen before, and won't be seen again until the late part of LS 4, they really could have chopped it into smaller parts.

    Well, to be honest it is not exactly hard. What it is is extremely annoying. And way too long.

    I'm for renaming this chapter "Four Bad Ideas on Rocks".

    • Like 2
    • Haha 3
  6. 2 minutes ago, Aerinndis.2730 said:



    The final boss also is very buggy. He has a tendency to spawn the death circles on top of the fragility buff so you cannot get them at all. I ended up running him around until they disappeared and tried again but it took several tries before we could get into another phase so we could complete.  


    I don't really care about the meta event rewards, so I'm moving onto something that works and is enjoyable. Good luck folks! I hope EoD is fun 🙂

  7. 11 minutes ago, TristisOris.2165 said:

    Done it twice, nobody to talk when copter arrived. Only got a mail on exit.

    Other peoples got achi on alts who never done this mission before.

    Did you enter via the green map marker or the purple "retry" one? I haven't started on this week's chieves yet. Sort of waiting to see how much needs to be fixed before wading in, so I'm watching these threads closely.

  8. So sorry you're experiencing this level of pain. As someone who is also single and feels/felt particularly cutoff during quarantine, I know how important it is to have a pastime to occupy the mind and generally improve quality of life in these kinds of situations, and how they are felt even more deeply when you can't take advantage of them.


    My wish for you is that you find an activity you enjoy to take up those free brain cycles until such time as you can make your way back to Tyria. I promise it will be there waiting for you.

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    • Confused 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

    They sort of are a direct customer of Digital River...at least when purchasing through ArenaNet. 


    Digital River, Inc. is the authorized reseller and merchant of the products and services offered within this store.


    And, yes, players have contacted Digital River regarding payment issues.

    Cool. It's good to know players can contact them directly about payment issues. Hopefully, between ANet and DR, the situation gets resolved soonest.

  10. 36 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    Oh absolutely, but if you actually delved a bit deeper you would soon realize that to actually prove "unfair methods of competition, etc." is not a simply "I said so thus it must true" affair. Especially against a company which interacts with millions of customers successfully (and you have to realize that you might not be privy to information they have as to why you were banned which could be later used against you which was not disclosed as to protect other customers and the company).


    Terms of service have been disputed in the past, and most importantly depending on where in the world you live, the ToS and EULA are not allowed to actually circumvent your law given consumer rights (at least that's how it is in the EU). Now you can take your chances in challenging these terms, which were likely written, updated and managed by actual legal experts, and in some cases this was successful. Or you can accept that fact that this immediate forum warrior approach to "oh this must be illegal" (or the just as often statement:"I'll sue!") is bogus and often unreasonable.


    That's without getting into the dozens of "innocent" players who just by accident had software running which they were not allowed to on the one hand, as well as developer mistakes on the other hand (both cases have happened in this game in the past).



    I never indicated an "I said so thus it must be true" affair was taking place, and it seems obvious that not all complaints have merit, which is a main reason why contract law is such a lucrative business. Sure, a company could have "the goods" on me, but it's hard for me to imagine a situation where they would know something about my behavior I don't, so I should already know what they could produce in discovery that might embarrass me or weaken my position.


    US law is similar to EU law in this respect. Any contract or clause of a contract that demands a signatory sign away their rights isn't legally binding, which is why contracts ask signatories to waive rights instead. But if they amount to the same thing then I believe the law treats the clause as also non-binding, though I can't swear to it.


    Surely, legal experts know more about the law than non-experts. One reason why I said "I'm not a lawyer" in my initial response. But I've disputed against attorneys on matters of contract law before and won, so being a legal expert doesn't make one's position necessarily right either. I'm sure you're aware some legal experts use the law to gain an advantage over others, rather than to apply the it fairly.


    In the US at least, lodging a complaint with the AGs office isn't instigating a lawsuit. It's simply stating: this happened to me, here is the evidence of it, and my position is that this was unlawful in some way. There is no backlash against the filer of the complaint, and in many cases, any backlash as the result of the complaint could itself be illegal if traceable. Everyone has the right to dispute resolution under the law; parties offended by complaints don't have the right to revenge. So really, filing a complaint isn't taking any sort of a chance at all, other than having the AG's office say, "You don't have a case." The only way anything would come out in court as the result of filing a complaint would be if the AG's office (in this particular hypothetical) were to find the complaint had enough merit that a suit was brought. And in THAT case, it's the state suing the offending business; not the individual.


    One thing I will add: it's unclear to me whether a customer of ANet can contact Digital River directly regarding their payments being blocked, since Anet's customer isn't a direct customer of Digital River as far as I know, but they might be able to. I've just never had a billing problem that made anything like that necessary. But hypothetically, deviating from what a company's customer service department advises a consumer to do to resolve the situation could result in a situation where - should dispute resolution ever be necessary - the company could just say, "Well, we tried to help the consumer, but they didn't follow our recommendations, so we were unable to resolve the issue."


    What seems to have sparked this conversation was the OP taking umbrage at being charged with acting insanely for doing what CS is asking them to do. BTW, "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" isn't the definition of insanity as another poster claimed; it's merely Einstein's definition and clever. The actual definition is: a state of mind which prevents normal perception, behavior, or social interaction; seriously mentally ill. Which is what I fear we'll do to the OP if we continue to drift off-topic (which is mostly my fault... so apologies).


    Again, just to be clear, not implying anything about ArenaNet or the OP in terms of guilt or innocence.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

    I still think they should create 1 portal tome which can hold all the portals.


    The current system puts me off getting even the ones which can go into tomes, because I've still got to find space for the tomes and for them to be useful that most likely means shared inventory slots. If I could put them all into one tome so they don't take up extra space I'd be much more likely to use them.

    Yes. A tome of tomes, where each current tome becomes a chapter, seems like a great idea. At 700 gems a pop, I'm not going to buy a shared inventory space just for an extra tome when I can keep them in the bank and swap them at will, but being able to carry around a master portal tome? Yeah... that's worth a shared inventory space for sure.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:


    You might want to read those terms of service now which you obviously skipped the first time around.

    I definitely appreciate your point here, but TOSes aren't the end all and be all of dispute resolution. Just because a company reserves the right to terminate service without notice or reason doesn't mean a paying customer has zero options but to accept it and move on.


    For example, Washington State's Office of the Attorney General has an entire consumer affairs department that operates based on one line in the Revised Code of Washington, which reads: "Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices in the conduct of any trade or commerce are hereby declared unlawful."


    If a user as a customer feels they are being treated unfairly, or being deceived, they can lodge a complaint with the AG's office even if that company reserves all rights. Just because something is written in a contract to which multiple parties agree doesn't necessarily mean those terms are legal. 


    Just to be clear, I'm not a lawyer, and I'm certainly not trying to imply that ArenaNet OR the OP has done anything that merits any sort of dispute resolution outside of the ANet/user agreement. I'm just saying that a company doesn't have the legal right to treat its customers however it wants just because it claims it does in the TOS.

    • Like 2
  13. 27 minutes ago, chook.2785 said:

    this is not the first time that i have seen people talking to me about the ranger melee. I'm going to go watch some videos because it's true that I put it aside without really knowing why. Surely the animal system.

    Thank you, yes I understand that each class can play either remotely or melee. I am indeed a beginner but with a lot of years on various mmo. So I think I have a quick curve to become an average player. The idea is not to have the easiest class to play either, at the risk of boring me.

    The combat mechanics of GW2 - at least as far as the end-user is concerned - are extremely simple compared to other MMOs (at least the ones I've played). The last MMO I obsessed over before GW2, for instance, I mained a magic user and had 10 toolbars filled with clickies to use in combat. 100 choices of spells, buffs, heals, etc. When I first started GW2, I thought I would get bored with these limited options, but not having to worry about holding down a modifier key to get to a spell buried 8 toolbars deep turns out to be really, really nice. 🙂


    I main a soulbeast now (greatsword / longbow). It's a very "easy" class to play in a game with stripped down combat mechanics and limited options, but I'm never bored playing it, as the environment gives me enough in the way of varied challenged to keep gameplay interesting. The great thing about the pets, which I find makes the Soulbeast specialization of Ranger so much fun, is that you can merge with your pet, thus giving you more and varied attacks (or heals, etc.), and these change depending on the pet you have.


    Another thing I'm really enjoying about GW2 is that many unlocks are account-wide rather than character-wide. Mounts, all masteries, etc. Having a dependable main can help other characters you work on unlock collection items other characters can make use of, but aren't yet robust enough to achieve on their own. So even if you find Soulbeast a little too simple for your tastes, it might be a useful character to have on your account to help you build up characters more to your liking.


    One final, slightly off-topic note: As a new player coming from MMOs that put very different value on non-combat activities, let me encourage you to not discount crafting and collections. Other games I've played, crafting was nice but not necessary. In GW2, there aren't really any class traits or ability scores tied directly to your character. It's all in the equipment. Crafting and collections in GW2 are really a vital part of the game if you want to build your accounts store of effective weapons and armor.


    Some things in GW2 really are simple, and some just seem simple. Whatever you choose, I hope you have fun.

    • Like 1
  14. 48 minutes ago, Botan Saro Pu.1085 said:

    I think I must be missing something. I'm working through the Return to Dragon's Reach achievements, but they stopped updating. For example, in Return to Dry Top 1, they completed until Return to Discovering Scarlet's Breakthrough and nothing after that has completed. I played through everything in episodes up to 3 of LS2, but most of them didn't complete. Do I need to complete the achievements for each episode? It doesn't say that, just that you need to play through them. It's very frustrating to do all this again in the first place, but to have to re-do a bunch will be even worse. What am I missing? 

    Someone else had this problem in another thread and a suggested scenario was that the user was entering instances via the purple "replay" map point, rather than the green one.

    I didn't have to complete all the achievements for each episode, just the episode itself, though the game oddly kept wanting to skip me to the final chapter of each, and I had to restart them via the story menu to pick up the chapters I'd missed.

    • Like 1
  15. 2 minutes ago, MinionSmoka.7824 said:

    The dev's mention it will be fixed in a patch this week. Does that mean we will get credit for completing the event after its over?

    The event ends, but the ability to complete the collections never does. This has been mentioned in the release notes for the event and multiple times in this conversation, for those that still may have missed it. There's no need to rush or worry about a bug preventing completion. The meta event just moves from the Bonus Events category to the Side Stories category. You can verify this by finding the first meta event there.


    Just to prevent people from being frustrated at seeing the clock running out when it really isn't.

  16. 3 hours ago, Petrie.1749 said:

    When I was in the process of working on may Griffon. I noticed that I had too many collection items in my bag after I had received the achievement. I deleted 1 item to see what would happen. Looked up my achievement and it showed incomplete. This has to be a bug, now I have my bag and bank full of collections.  This ridiculous. Help.  Arenanet suggested I go to Forums and try to resolve it before submitting a ticket. Help.

    This seems unlikely as it would require some sort of transactional database rollback to un-mark the achievement, I would think. Is it at all possible you had simply completed a tier of the achievement, and mistook the tier status updating flashing by as finishing the achievement?


    I don't have any reason to doubt what you're saying, but outside of anyone possibly offering a set of alternative circumstances that turns out to be the case, I don't see how anyone but customer service could help.

  17. 10 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

    Evidently ArenaNet does have the means to know all accounts that are associated to one player, as they will often ban all accounts belonging to said player if warranted.

    I would assume something in Anet's code captures MAC addresses. Though I suppose those could be faked.

  18. 1 hour ago, Grytpype.9813 said:

    I posted about this the other day in another thread. From being completely without issue, since last friday (for me at least) GW2 has had small input delay, huge lag spikes and d/cs.

    What I've noticed about the input delay issue, at least in my case, is that everything around me seems to still be running smoothly, including updated player positions, hit bars, etc. So if this is a network issue, it appears to be oddly one-way. I'm running on a machine with decent specs, updated drivers, wired network connections and input devices. (if anyone feels a hardware issue might be the culprit, I can offer more details than "decent specs").


    Other latent behaviors I have noticed recently - but never experienced before - are mount skins reverting to default for a lengthy period of time on new maps, and going to soulbeast mode occasionally causes the game to freeze up for just a second or so.


    I don't know if anyone else has experienced the last two.

  19. On 5/6/2021 at 11:09 AM, Gudradain.3892 said:

    Describe how you would implement "easy mode" in raiding.

    For the sake of this discussion, please refrain to comment if all you want to say is that you are against "easy mode" in general. I'm aware that many raiders are opposed to an "easy mode" in raiding, myself included depending how it's implemented, but it's a request that is often coming back and it would be interesting to discuss what would be the best way to do it.

    Instead, if you don't like a particular suggestion, describe why you feel that this particular suggestion would be a bad idea.

    Thank you

    The only experience I've had with a game that had different modes of difficulty for Raids based it on the level of the character. The level 6 RAID had mobs of level 6 opponents. You could select one mode easier and perhaps get mobs of level 5 opponents instead. Whatever a good solution for an easy mode Raid in GW2 turns out to be, I'm for it. As a newer player, it's kind of sad to drift past the entrance to dungeons and think to myself, "That looks like it used to be fun," or past Raid entrances because it's difficult to find a group who wants to Raid with you if you don't already know what you're doing.


    An easy mode would be a great way to give us noobs a way to get up to speed and not be a burden on more experienced groups of players looking for new members. Someone suggested something like a single-player walkthrough mode as being a better alternative to watching YouTube videos to get down the mechanics. I don't know the Raids in GW2, but I'm not sure a single player could get Raid mechanics just by themselves, but some sort of heavily nerfed version with heavily nerfed rewards so it doesn't become an exploit seems like a good idea.


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