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Jack Redline.5379

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Posts posted by Jack Redline.5379

  1. @Arkantos.7460 said:as long as meta wiki exist, ppl will still think that meta builds are the only viable onesjust make a selfie build and play it .... you will earn so much hate from others ....

    that is the bad thing tho ppl hate on you cuz you are trying to play the game they way it is supposed to = the way you want.If you run selfie ppl shouldt be allowed to hate on you. 1st cuz it is your own choice and it is automatically okay since it is your game class build etc2nd cuz if you actually get results with it there is an actuall evidence it works so it should be acknowledged at best

  2. @Dadnir.5038 said:Took you quite a long time to realize it or, perhaps, to gather the will to write it.

    I simply got fed up after I was dueling with reves in 1v1 arena and they all be like dude swap to s/d it is Meta what you are running isnt meta and that it is cancer and wat not cuz i run condiBS i am not cancer they are simply unable to face me since they are not equpied for it

  3. @dominik.9721 said:meta builds are not only good against meta builds, like kitten do you even talk.meta builds faceroll any non meta builds, which is the reason they are meta - meta is what is the best / most effective.

    if you play meta you are able to compete with other meta builds, if you play non meta, you are in a disadvantage - simple as that.

    not true. Meta is a build that is focused on its role and is most effective in it in a certain manner. Which means they are 100 % effective in their field but if someone from outside of it comes = non meta they are going to face roll beat Meta

  4. Guys I have figured out what seems to be THE MAJOR issue not only here on forums but also inside of the game itself.

    An issue which's understanding is is absolutely crucial to the entire complex of the PVP as we know it.


    I am not being sarcastic or mean to anyone here right now but i need to debate on this matter with those of you who mind to comment on this matter since I respect majority of you guys and i think you might have insight into this as well. MAINLY THOSE OF YOU WHO WILL GET WHY I MEAN BY FOLLOWING LINES

    SO basically the thing is.META IS NOT the only right way to play this game. We have always been told GW2 is the game you can play whatever way you want and that you can be anything on any class.Yea not true I know but META is 1st going absolutely against this statement AND 2nd It is depriving your class from any other sort of combat you could possibly achieve with your class.META rn is full of bunkers since yea everything does so much dmg ppl have to play tanks.


    There is so few actuall condi cleansing builds out there that you could count them on the fingers of one hand. I can straight up name only 3 i srsly meet in game. Water triated Weaver, The condi transfering Engineer (dunno rn which specific elite it is maybe scrapper) and Scourge.These three classes are only 3 that srsly have builds that are meant to cleanse and swap condis to boons

    If you put a player who played Meta for a longer period of time and was winding up in Plat 3 all the time since Meta build carried him there thanks to the fact he fought mostly Meta based builds on the way against some dude from Gold 3 with out of the meta build based mainly on condi the Meta dude is going to get ran over like a combain not understanding what happened and the winds up here crying about it and classes get nerfed not cuz the skill actually is overperforming but because the Meta guy wasnt equiped to fight something like that.(inhales)

    IF i had a peny for each time I hear in duel Arena Spellbreaker or Herald or other Thief or even Rangers to tell me : "You are running Condi? Why that is not the meta. Swap to s/d." cuz i ran them over 5 times in a row on my condi build cuz they ran Meta build that is meant to deal with power dmg not condi dmg I would be a milionaire.Meta will get you to high ranks yes. It will since majority of ppl runs meta and so all you mostly face is Meta. But if you will face a team of ppl running off meta builds you will ger wrecked in the match.

    A lot of ppl runs meta yea. And all of them are in high plat and the non meta builds cant reach them up there because of those Meta players who are still in gold and are huring the non meta build demographics. But that doesnt make Meta good. Meta is only good against Meta it cant fight anything non meta based.And everyone is so certain about Meta being the gods will way to go that we will never be able to prove it wrong.So If you got a few minutes to talk about this or to try it out in the game. I would be happy to see or talk about it here.

  5. I want 1v1 thief too but i would love to avoid FFXII happening to Thief right under my eyes if you catch my meaning xD

    Well ye at least I think I do, but Thief with Gs doesn't necessarily
    (or at all)
    means it has to happen. Devs just need not to do it that way =D

    Relying on Devs xD OOF! My goodness I am going to fetch my rabbit foot this will be hell of a ride xD

  6. @Alatar.7364 said:

    Option is for the Espec not to focus on sneakiness just as DD didn't.By saying I don't want Thief to have torch I meant that I don't want it, definitely didn't mean by it that its wrong that others want it. =D

    why dont you want torch for thief :(

  7. @Taylan.2187 said:Hard pass on Exordium. I hate all the flashy stuff in the game. Wish the overall graphic design was the opposite. My thief wields two Aurete Dirks and wears a brown freaking Studded Armor with no gauntlets or pauldrons.

    Switched recently from Claws of the Desert and a full Sneakthief outfit. The plainer the better, LOL. Bonus: people think you're a noob so you can surprise them. Assuming they don't have standardized models turned on.

    This is a Thief of culture. Thief isnt supposed to flash at you like a freshly waxed Lamborghini you are supposed to see a Thief on 2 occasions when you are dying as he stabbed you through out of nowhere or when you are paying him for doing it to some of your enemies.

  8. @derd.6413 said:@Alatar.7364Okay he was trying to be non forward due to spoilers but i cant simply recieve any more notes that i was mentioned here cuz of someone arguing about bs.Kralk fell to the ocean and we kiled him there if you remember correctly when you kill elder dragon its magic spreads out like and yes even tho Aurene eat almost all of it it as was mentioned before no dragon can absorb as much magic so part of it had to go somewhere. And since we are at ocean and water dragon is in ocean the magic outburst might awakened him like it did with Zaithan at very first episode. That is why I said it that is why he said it and that is why 50 ppl was disscussing it yesterday on Dragonfall map. I hope it was clear enough this time.

  9. @"Oldgrimm.8521" said:I am envious of Exordium's special animations,every attack and skills were changed in all GS wielding Classes

    i do not care if GS does not fit thief archetype

    i just want to be flashy

    play ranger

  10. Some people simply want to see this game burn. so many ppl asking for gs that if Anet sees this their marvelous D dep. is going to think thieves rly want Gs and we can right away pack our bags and go ESO cuz Thief at its very base will be gone dead and burried. Funniest will be it will be the Thieves who killed Thief

  11. @saerni.2584 said:Now for some additional trait changes:

    • Improvisation: This skill now allows two stolen skill uses and reduces the recharge of one random equipped utility (heal, utility or elite) by 50%.
    • Last Refuge: This trait now removes reveal before using Lesser Blinding Powder.
    • Concealed Defeat: This trait now uses the updated version of Smoke Screen.
    • Lesser Smoke Screen: This trait now creates the same ring as Smoke Screen. Deception skills have 20% reduced recharge (same effect)
    • Shadow Protector: This trait now applies Aegis in addition to its original effects.
    • Rending Shade: This trait no longer reduces damage taken from targets without boons. Rending Shade now applies weakness for 5 seconds in addition to stealing boons.
    • Thrill of the Crime: This trait now applies a total of 5 stacks of might for 10 seconds.
    • Quick Pockets: This trait now restores 6 initiative on weapon swap in combat.
    • Preparedness: This trait now increases maximum initiative by 2. Base initiative pool has been increased by 1.

    If you want to change improvisation i would go with this

    Improvisation : All equpiped utilities and elite recharged by 65 % (remove 2 stolen skills have just one)

    Preparednes : Incraese base initiative increased by 3 and this trait increases max ini by 2 (just for lols)

  12. Hmm. Interesting.I usually don't like bluri or you just for the fact ppl praise you to the very heaven for being Thief gods but these are actually well thought through changes. Maybe i was rly wrong and you are that good.BUTI also have something to say to that

    These changes are good but would require a lot of work which is something you cant except from Anet like Body shot applying knockback if a traget is imobilizedthat is a lot of if coding and when Anet If codes we gonna get so many bugs that it is gonna end up like when they made DE Shadow Flare and you could finish off 4m life bot in training room in 4 seconds xDInstead i would go for combo effects. You see we have tons of fields in our hands and we dont rly use them so I would give aditional changes to our Combo finishers.It might seem weird but hear me out

    We have access to These fieldsDarkPoisonSmokeEthernalWater(Pain - I will get to this in a second)

    And we have these finishers

    Blast = Cluster bomb, Blinding powder, Trait - Last refuge ==> I would suggest that a Thief's blast finishers would apply knockback inside of a Dark or Smoke field. Imagine it like enemy is inside of a smoke and suddenly something blasts around him ofc it throws him on the floor. Very good for Ambushing imo.

    Leap = Heartseeker, Vault, Death's retreat, Bound Dodge, ==> I say lets give a Leap abbility to grant vulnerability if it is done on Pain field = And here i get to it. We have Caltrops and Traitable Lesser Caltrops, They cause bleeding, but arent really a field even tho they srsly are a field. Lets make Caltrops a Pain field and if you Leap over Clatrops you cause Vulnerability Lets be generous and go with 2 Stacks each 1 sec.

    Projectile = Black Powder, Body Shot, Unload, Reaper, AA on sb, AA on pistol, Disabling shot, Shadow shot, Shadow strike, Sneak Attack, Vital Shot, Dancing dagger, Trick Shot, Headshot, Scorpion Wire, And all Rifle Attacks except for Deaths Retreat and Kneel (all stolen skills from Pets) ==> As you may see there is tons of those so I would definitelly give Projectile finisher an ability to heal you for 100 life and grant regeneration and vigor to you for 3 seconds if you shoot it in a water field. (I couldnt rly give it a damaging effect since there is so many of them it would be OP within 0,5 second)

    Whirl = Death's Blossom, Punishing Strikes, Weakening Charge, Whirling Axe, Trait Lotus Training ,and cursed Dagger storm :D ==> If this would be cast in Poison Field it would apply Tornment and Bleed stack per each hit as well as it does apply 1 stack of poison rn

    I agree with what you are saying mate but those are rly complicated changes in terms of what we can expect from Anet. If you dont agree with me on this it is okay. I would rly like your idea but we cant rly hope for that. This on the other hand could 1st be done since those are small changes Anet could afford to do 2nd Gamestyle would be more fun since you would use Field + finisher effects that have been forgotten for so long AND it wouldn't make thief too OP. We dont need to change Swipe if we get this. Since we will want them to be up close to us. Swipe will be just an interrupt skill so they dont run away from the Fields. We will be brawlers as they wished us to be but in a different way.Thx if you got all the way down here. GL

  13. It might sound strange but I would love to have an elite specc that:They are agile and tricks using fighters. Experts in 1v1 combat and Stelthy ambushes. They can use traps and tricks to gain advantage in combat and don't put morales in first place when they go after their target. They can use Steal to..

    Oh I just realized I main Thief

  14. Okay I am sorry if i overreacted but i just came from that game set and i was still angry. 3 out of 5 ppl here commenting already disproved me so i took it as you troll. Sorry.Anyway if this kind of bullying needs to be solved not put aside. I am not the only one who hates this. If someone does something bad he needs to be punished and i understand you need to prove a dude is bullying you. Making videos and screenshoting is not a good way to do it. I can imagine majority of ppl dont even know how to do it. I am talking globally not only for myself. It is a problem that needs to be solved that is why i created the thread. Maybe we could get a Targetting option when you want to submit report And if you do report someone for Targeting. His/hers gameplay for let say next 3 minutes will be recorded.We are playing on servers it cant be hard to tape it for server owner on a contrary to a player.

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