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Everything posted by angelica.7406

  1. Well, you see it that way, but I see it differently as a company, you must look further and reinvent yourself. Imagine that human beings have been prohibited and denied many things, and thanks to our stubbornness or however you see it, is how we have been able to advance in society. Why wait 10, 50 or 100 years for MMORPGs to become popular again. But I say that if you have the vision and the strategy, do it, life itself is a risk and if they want to do it, they have that freedom, just as we have that freedom to play it or not. And of course everyone has the right to express their disagreement with GW3. But what I don't like is that they hate him and complain that if they do that it will be a waste of time in GW2. And who says that a video game is a real life and a good investment for our lives. Whoever wants to invest time and money in a game is up to each person and they should not whine. If ANET really releases a GW3, of course I will play it and if I really like it as it is, I will continue playing it.
  2. So you're saying that ANET should stick to GW2 and not release any more sequels that aren't expansions. And people die and new people are born, everything is a cycle and everything is renewed, for example those who saw Star Wars are no longer the same ones who see it now, it is another generation. It's the same thing that the original GW played, many are no longer in GW2, some are still watching, but from what I see the majority are new and young people. Besides, if ANET decides to launch a GW3, we are nobody to prevent that from happening. They will have their own strategy and they will see how to make it generate money for them.
  3. You already said exactly, it is not an obligation to play if we do not want to, but we do not have the right to tell ANET not to release GW3. It's like if you had a business, you wouldn't want people telling you what to do or not do with your business if you want to do something new. It's good to listen to and read your customers' opinions, but in the end you decide as a company. And ANET rewarded us by giving us things through the Hall of Monuments reward system. I don't doubt that it will reward us if they release a GW3. But it's also not a rule or a signed contract that they have to do it.
  4. I understand that they may show some discontent or concern regarding GW3, even so ANET is free to do what they want or want. And as for you saying that I am not involved, of course I am a veteran who has played since the original GW, I am still active in both games, I buy a new expansion that comes out of 2. The reason is that I love the story of the game, the maps, its modality and etc. Even so, if a GW3 or GW4 came out, I would continue playing it since for me to start from scratch and rediscover those places we were in would be magical as it was to re-explore Ascalon or Kryta. Obviously I would love for ANET to maintain that quality. But you don't see me whining because GW3 will come out, and my things will go in the trash, I don't care. A game is not an investment, it is throwing your money in the trash, since what you buy or the time you spend is not remunerative. But I think I understand that we are all aware of that and everyone invests their money and time as we want. And it is not ANET's obligation to reward us, the veterans, and if it does well it would be a great gesture on its part.
  5. Well, it's not that you're in charge, and ANET won't do what you say. In the end, they don't care that much about veterans either. There will always be new people or young people who join.
  6. In truth, how they complain and cry as if GW2 had already ended, we are only on the fifth expansion and GW3 is not even announced and ANET has said absolutely nothing. And I doubt it will come out soon, that will take a couple of years. And everyone complains that they won't play GW3 for whatever reason, so don't play it, even because they don't quit once and for all and stop wasting their valuable time and better make the cure for can-cer or something revolutionary that will help the world. Understand, it is a simple game, this is not real, even if there was a war and the servers exploded all the time it would go to waste. Appreciate life and video games, videoegos are just a hobby, it's just to entertain for a while. Better help your parents, siblings, family, partner and children, instead of paying attention to a video game.
  7. Well, if I see a GW3 in the future, it's normal for ANET to want to squeeze more out of this game. I would love to see the world of Tyria in the future and see how it has changed, see a more prosperous Orr, see what will happen to the dragon mark, will it remain marked by Aurene's purifying magic or will it disappear. What will be the future of Elona and Cantha, perhaps the sea of jade will disappear due to the extraction of jade. There will come a time when we travel to the future and for that they need to release gw3, since in GW2 they cannot update the maps as such, since it would ruin the experience of the new ones. But in the meantime to still enjoy GW2, which still has life and things to get out of it.
  8. What are they complaining about? Don't all of you have the Revenant or why so much whining? If ANET doesn't include the revenant, it will be a matter of marketing and encouraging people to buy expansions, as if they didn't know what the consumer market is like. It's like Dragon Ball take out a transformation to sell more Goku figurines or someone of them. They seek to make money not lose. Besides ANET must innovate and bring new things, not the same of the same.
  9. I found this page where it includes the Cantha map for the EoD expansion. Will it be original? The truth is that it looks like the maps that ANET makes. I leave you the page and the map, so that you can contemplate it
  10. Besides, ANet can rewrite anything if they really wanted. They could rewrite it so that Urgoz is actually a child of Primordus and Kralkatorrik. Not that such makes sense. But not everything needs to be (and definitely, not everything should be) related to the Elder Dragons. What makes you think that they don't move? Kralkatorrik was in the north and then he moved to the desert to end up in Elona, ​​why not Mordremoth?I literally explained it all in the paragraph you quoted. Mordremoth roots itself in place after waking up, in order to spread its vines.Mordremoth would need to go through enemy territory to move from Cantha to Tyria. Nor is it that bad, it is just speculation, and what I said was interesting to me, and well I just wanted to put a certain relationship to things, I am not saying that it is by forces that are from Modremorth, it is my speculation, a fantasy of myself. Just as there are many posts about tengu being a playable race, why can't I fantasize a bit? And okay maybe Modremorth never moved ever, but in Magumma Jungle there is a seed cave, someone just grabbed one, when he was traveling there and took it to Cantha on his ship. And over time, thanks to some kind of power, they turned into spirits, and they developed a power or a barrier that separated them from Modremorth's Influence or something like that. And you are wrong, you say that Urgoz cannot be corrupted, so how come the Jade Wind corrupted him? Well it is my speculation and I wanted to share it since it makes me interesting. I know it will never happen.
  11. You are wrong, nobody says what its origin is, it is a speculation that so far is not known with certainty https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Warden It only says that it is possible but not a fact. If it is said that Urgoz is a spirit of the Forest, however its origin is not very clear and it may have been somehow champion of Modremorth and was purified by someone, and when the Jade Wind occurred, it was corrupted by power. You never know, just as Glint was purified by the forgotten, Urgoz may have been purified as well, but when the Jade Wind occurred it could be corrupted. Even Urgoz could be what would come being similar to the Avatar of the Pale Tree but for the Warden Apart from much change the history of Glint from GW1 to GW2, they can still rewrite. What makes you think that they don't move? Kralkatorrik was in the north and then he moved to the desert to end up in Elona, ​​why not Mordremoth? And maybe Modremorth has never been to Cantha, but if he existed before the Dragon Empire before the arrival of humans, because it is not possible that someone like Ronan, someone different like that has found some seed afterwards and planted it in the Forest Aren't the elder dragons supposed to have had a presence around the world and caused destruction or is it only valid on the Tyrian continent? This is actually incorrect. You're mistaking the wardens with the juggernauts. The Wardens - if they have a home, this is debatable - would find home in the form of Urgoz's Warren and not the Eternal Grove. To restate: the wardens have no stated or hinted relation to the Eternal Grove. Maybe there if I was wrong, but it could have a certain relationship. You never know
  12. Well yesterday three conceptual arts about Shing Jea, the Echovald Forest and the Aetherblades were released, I leave you the images so you can observe For me this first image I liked, it looks so colorful. I guess it will be the Shing Jea Monastery This other image is about the Echovald Forest, the truth is that it also looks very good, that makes us think that the forest is no longer petrified. La última imagen si recuerdo correctamente es la Casa zu Heltzer que es o era la ciudad de los kurzick. La verdad es que este arte se ve muy bien y el Bosque Echovald ha vuelto a su estado natural, lleno de vida. Obvio sin perder el estilo gótico, que es algo que me fascina. And this last one because we will see the Aetherblades again, after a long time. The latter is a concept art of some character, perhaps important that we see in Cantha, possibly it helps us in the missions. It seems to me that she's an elementalist or something. Let's see if they tell us more about her. I am more and more excited. =)
  13. I have a slightly weird or crazy theory, whatever you want to call it. Remember the Wardens of the Echovald Forest? this in GW: Factions.in case you don't remember, they are: https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Warden First as everyone knows the Sylvari are a new and never seen race, and they were born from a Tree, which was a seed that Ronan planted a human. Well I have a theory that Guardians can be the same species as Sylvari, why do I say this? good question, these guardians their home is the Grove that is in the Forest of Echovald, and within this Grove there are three Eternal Trees, which could be like the Pale Tree. Since I know that these trees were used for ceremonies or rituals this to transform the Kurzick into Juggernaut, these creatures are a great mobile plant construction that the Kurzick create by binding the soul of a volunteer human with one of the Eternal Trees in the Awakening Ceremony. Well suppose that the Guardians being ancient and they are, they learned from the abilities of their three trees and saw that they could use it on humans and thus both the kurzick and the guardians became allies. And the Kurzicks took advantage of this to fight the luxons. I will give you a description so that you understand why I tell you this theory that I have. Well as such its origin is not known, it is mentioned that they were humans, druids, or something. I say they could be the "first pure sylvari" to call them that, without the influence of Modremorth. And that they merged with the spirits to become something different may be the explanation for why they have that horned appearance as seen in Factions. And this theory I was thinking since Sylvari and Guardians have a city with the same name, called "Grove", and that both have Trees, apart from the Guardians have an unknown origin and since the ancient Dragons have millennia and are ancient inhabitants of Tyria , It would not be so unreasonable for these Guardians to have a certain link with Modremorth and the Sylvari, they may be distant relatives. Besides that it would help the plot of the game and know things that we do not know yet about the Sylvari, their life limit time or other things. And it would be something that would surprise. What do you think? Do you think it could be true? Would you like it? Maybe it won't happen, but it's something I would like ANET to do, it would be cool.
  14. I wonder when they will release the next chapter. They came out every 2 months and now nothing.
  15. Hello everyone, I am writing again to give an opinion There are those who consider that the Lunar Year is not possible in Cantha, since it leaves the players at a disadvantage, if they worry so much there will also be players at a disadvantage because they cannot or do not have money when buying EoD, this is In the case of HoT, those who do not have cannot be create the profession of revenant, nor can they be scribes. It is an opinion that I think about the answer that perhaps several believe is not possible. And to apologize for those who did not understand my question about the clan halls, I was referring to the guild halls, in Spanish guild is clan or guild. (from question 9)From question 10 I mean the guild halls. ?
  16. Now I'll answer my own questions :o ;)Sorry if I have spelling mistakes, I'm still learning english.
  17. Hi everyone, I've been playing GW2 for a long time and it's my first time creating a forum thread. I am Mexican, I would like to be a series of questions, and excuse me if my English is not very good. I'll make a list of questions to make it fun, entertaining, and so let's see how much they think and how excited they are.The purpose of this is only to speculate about what is coming, get opinions, discuss about the new expansion and in this way they can let themselves be fantasized. We start with the questions ... 1- What do you expect from EoD, in general?2- What date do you think EoD will be launched? and why do you think that?3- What kind of content or PvP or MvM system do you think they will add or what you would like to see?4- Do you think there are water fights? (It depends if your answer is yes or no comment why you think that)5- Will there be new kinds of mounts?6- Will there be new functions of the mounts that already exist? (example: what they added to dive with the stingray, but in this case with the others)7- Will there be new specializations? (answer because you believe that)8- What kind of specializations would you like to see?9- Will there be clan halls?10- Will there be new improvements for the room? (It depends on your answer, comment why and if positive, comment which ones)11- New crafts? (It depends on your answer, comment why and if positive, comment which ones)12- Do you think they add or improve the crafts we have? (comment why)13- What kind of armor sets would you like or think you can see? (be it for crafts, karma, even new cultures or etc.)14- Will there be new raids, fractals, attack missions or dungeons?15- What kind of events would you like to see? (example Tequatl, the Shatter, similar to that)16- How do you think the story will turn?17- What would you expect from Cantha?18- If we go to Cantha, do you think we will pass or see the War Islands? or are they mentioned?19- Who do you think was the voice of the trailer with whom Kuunavang spoke?20- What role do you suppose Kuunavang plays in the story?21- What places would you like to visit or see again in Cantha? and because?22- Do you think we will see the Jade Sea and the Ecvoland Forest in their natural state? (before the Jade Wind)23- Will there be new races and species? (I do NOT mean playable races, I mean new races or species such as the Longs or quaggans)24- If your answer to the previous question is YES, what kind of race or species would you like to see? (be creative)25- What do you think happened to the Nagas, Yetis, Guardians and other species that inhabited Cantha?24- What new function or new thing do you think it would be possible to add that is not in GW2? (example: mounts as in PoF, or gliders in HoT)25- Do you think that in EoD we will fight with the Sea Dragon or what kind of threat we could face?26- Will we see a Lunar New Year in Cantha or do you think it will not happen? (comment why)27- Do you think there are new main characters? (apart from Braham, Kasmeer and the others)28- If your previous answer was yes, what kind of character or main would you like to see?29- Will we see the Tengu and their city?30- Finally write something that has not been asked and would like to mention
  18. End 2021 around. Why? Because : Episode 5 october 2020Episode 6 december 2020Episode 7 february 2020Episode 8 : April 2020Expansion : September 2021 But I didn't include any Vision Past or delay... it's very optimized^^ @Fueki.4753 said: That's a very optimistic view. I'd say we get the vision we are allegedly getting next at the end of Septembre and then an episode every three months.That'd place episode 8 somewhere in Autumn 2021.If we get not epilogue, the expansion got launch in time for the Yule festivities in Decembre 2021.If we get an epilogue, the expansion would launch two to three months into 2022 (possibly overlapping with Chinese New Year in February). And I hope they take the time to make it good instead of the low quality of Season 5. It makes me sad to know your answers, but okay, it's your speculation, i hope it is not in autumn, it would be a long wait. I would like them to launch it at the beginning of the year, however I prefer that they do a good job.
  19. When do you think EoD will come out? I would like it to come out for the Chinese New Year which is February 11, 2021, it would be great to celebrate it with the Lunar New Year in the Monastery as well as in Linde. Or what are your speculations?
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