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Posts posted by Lucio.4190

  1. On 8/14/2021 at 12:02 AM, Telgum.6071 said:

    Mad because a rock gazelle killed you?

    It was his own pet gazelle, it really needs to be nerfed.


    Or did I mistakenly assume he's playing a Ranger? Was it the other guy that was the Ranger?

  2. Everything will be a lot easier if you join a guild. That is my suggestion.

    PvP and other stuff will be better with a group that will take care of you and teach you the mechanics, to get you started. Some guilds plan all this and are very active, if you're lucky you'll get the gear in no time and you'll have lots of fun doing it.

    Also, you might get to know some new awesome people!

    • Like 1
  3. I see lots of suggestions and I would agree with "Only you decide what will make you love this game".


    There's a jungle of choices and trying to catch up everything will burn you out and make you lose interest. Let it take time and you'll see that everything will always be available as it is.

    The content is still there and if you need help during the game, there will always be players that answers your call. Sometimes we may be invisible, but we are with you.


    I was supposed to play this with my friends and we created a guild together. When I was level 9, they all abandoned the game and I lost interest too.. for almost 7 years. Then I started to play this again and continued with the same character. Caught up with my personal story and created like some bond with this character.


    No matter if you create a new or decide to keep your character, the skills and gear will be the same eventually. But don't delete it, it may be useful in other ways than just Birthday rewards.


    Core content doesn't require mount. It's very convenient for distant travels, but you also have Waypoints.

    Heart of Thorns is still good with the glider, with the Advanced gliding Mastery. That will save you lots of frustration. But not much has changed here... other than it's much easier now than it used to be (so I've heard).

    Path of Fire on the other hand... it requires the Raptor and the Springer, both levelled up to make long/high jumps. The Skimmer is nice to have at the branded parts of the maps, makes things easier.

    It took me a very long time until I decided to get the Jackal, but now it's my favourite mount. 😁


    Mukluk and MightyTeapot have some great videos on Youtube that will keep you updated and help you decide.

    AyinMaiden has great guides for the achievements and she's helped me along when I got stuck.

  4. 5 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

    For the dungeon runes that are account bound you use upgrade extractor item or black lion salvage kits.

    This is how I've done it.

    Black Lion Salvage Kit is possible to by with gems, but with a little patience you'll also get it from chest, loot or some other reward during the game.

    • Thanks 1
  5. I used to play a Mirage with Axe/Pistol for a while and that was a lot of fun. Recently switched to Power Chrono with Greatsword and 2 Swords, which is not as fun as the Mirage but it gets the job done.

    HoT was tough and I kind of had problem surviving more than 10 seconds until I rebuilt my character. It made a small difference and allowed me to actually start killing some mordrem and be a little useful in the metas. My guess is that everyone goes through that phase and recognise your situation. But this community is awesome and very helpful. Without the patience and help from everyone, I would probably still be struggling with some of the events and fractals. ❤


    Over time I learned to experiment, I read small pieces of information at a time about Condition or Power builds, how they are related to Expertise and Precision and the effects from other attributes.


    I now have two builds that I switch between. The choice of weapons and how I like to play (range, melee or combo) decides the build and then also the skills and specializations.

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  6. I've reading through this discussion and I feel it's a very interesting subject. I'm playing a Mesmer and it's not because they dominate, more like I'm having fun and enjoying in another way than competitive.But as this discussion has developed into "winning" some debate instead of finding a solution or answer to the original question, some arguments are being aggressive with hidden insults. I understand that the subject has been like poison to the community, when some are still certain that the class used to be overpowered while others think it wasn't. But, the aggressive tone is not helping.

    My experience now is that the lack of a second dodge makes it difficult. While enemies have 2 powerful attacks, I need to keep a distance after my first dodge and give my enemy time to reload.I don't get many hits, if I don't compensate by switching an attack skill for an extra evasive skill. The result of that is low dps and very long fights.How can I get a second dodge without ruining the current balance?

  7. I'd say you can buy small advantages with real money. Getting extra storage is helpful, until that storage is full again.Getting the farming equipment save some in-game gold and buying gems that are converted to gold can buy that legendary gear much faster.But if that is the definition of P2W, then yes. GW2 is P2W.

    But is it that easy? You buying a legendary gear will make you a winner? You will still need to learn the game, the mechanics, your build and you opponents build. Money can't buy that.Even if you wear a legendary suit, you'll still get hurt and the probability of losing is pretty high if you can't play that class.

    Spending $500 on a gear that can't guarantee victories in a game doesn't sound very healthy, in my opinion. But I would... maybe.. spend $500 on a Legendary Mankini. My Charr would love that.

  8. I don't play WvW, but just looking at the suggestion I feel like the balance would completely turn over to the other side. Removing the buffs for defenders, but adding many for the attackers.

    Logically, I would say that defending your Camp should give you some buffs. Defending is always easier than attacking.But as a compromise, you could say that the buffs depend on some structure being intact.If the attackers can destroy those structures, that would even out the odds. Siege engines are tools that can destroy them easier.Not sure if that sounds more fair, but I hope it contributes to the discussion in some way.

  9. Enter your Hero specs and then click on the Achievements tab (to the left).In the bottom right corner, you should have a field showing your value for Luck.Click on some +10 Luck and watch that value, see if it changes.

    Your luck doesn't increase each time you click on a Luck +10, +100 or any of those. Your Luck will gather point, in the same way as you get Experience for your hero and advance in level. The higher Luck Level you reach, the more Luck you need to consume before you see a difference on your Level (%-value).Check the picture in this link: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Achievement

  10. Usual questions that I ask:

    1. Did the firewall/antivirus recently ask you to allow the connection and you accidently clicked No?
    2. Are you using a laptop or desktop computer?
    3. Are you connected to your home network with network cable or by wireless connection?
    4. When was the last time you restarted your computer?
    5. Have you received Windows updates recently, but haven't restarted the computer?
    6. Do you experience that it takes time to load a page or other sites don't work?

    These should be the basic questions asked before going to more advanced troubleshooting. Have I forgot something?

    What I assume is that internet works otherwise and that you posted this question from your gaming computer.Something must have happened recently or this is only temporary.Sometimes it's possible to have an internet connection but it breaks for half a second. The webbrowser can still show the information because it retries loading the page or information.Games are not that forgiving and often disconnect if they don't get the needed information.

  11. Doing some reading and research is unavoidable, but how much research is up to you.I played for a long time before my first wiki lookup, but that is individual and you decide what you need to learn about or what you want to improve.

    I focused a lot on the Story and Map Completion. But I also had a short break sometimes to join other groups and help in some events that needed people.That made the story take a little longer time, but I also got to meet some awesome people.

    When I arrived at Verdant Brink, I started to check on some build guides, tried to copy someone else from Youtube and later on Metabattle. That didn't work very well, because I played a little different than they did on the guide. But that made me understand a little more about how the attributes work and are related to each other.

    In my opinion, the guides were still useful but I needed a build that was adapted to how I play. I wasn't interested in adapting the way I play to someone elses build.After playing and experimenting I eventually found a weapon combination that I liked, that was perfect for my way of playing.That's when I started to experiment a little more with my attributes.

    Next thing I focused on was Crafting. Learning to make my own gear.Of course I didn't start with something easy as Jeweller or Tailor. I jumped headon to Armorsmith and that took a lot of time to complete. That hardened leather is pretty... hard.. to find.But I learned a lot and next thing was Artificer.

    My point is, I think we all should find out how we like to play the game. Do things the way we like it, find our own fun and let some things take the time it needs.This is something I learned that the game Guild Wars 2 supports and as we all know, it's not about reaching the end. It's about your journey there, how you got there.Have fun, enjoy the game and it's okay to climb the highest top sometimes and just relish the beautiful environment. The glider is a great tool that will help you do that, the Vista is another.

    The maps from Heart of Thorns are dangerous and horrible, at the same time it's a beautiful and magical place.

  12. @HATORI HANZO.9562 said:

    @HATORI HANZO.9562 said:The build site is a tad unintuitive...

    Not really. Everything has a name tag, so you instantly know what the field/button does. Just take the time to get into it, you will find out how useful it really is, I promise you. :)

    as I have no clue about quick links or chat links after spending about 40 minutes loading what I think I have only to find I can't get it quite right

    You enter all skills, traits and equipment, choose the upgrades and buff food, then select the game mode (PvE/PvP/WvW) in the upper right corner, then click on "Quick Link" at the bottom of the page to receive an URL that you can share with others
    bookmark for yourself (make sure to enter that URL in the browser's address bar first and press enter before you bookmark the page).

    So the process is building my character and then generating a link that I can post for others to see, as opposed to the crafting website where you use the API key specific to your game and stats in GW2 that you then "post" on the crafting website that can then tell you how much stuff you have and need to craft up to 400 as quickly and as cheaply as possible.

    This site doesn't have any connection to your account. It's more like a sandbox for you to experiment with different choices and builds, then you'll see what attributes you'll get and how the skills and runes will affect each other.This tool is very useful to get a better understanding of how skills, weapons and specializations are related to each other.

    Some skills get more effective from a specific attribute and you want to combine the runes and specializations in a way to max out that attribute.Of course, it's not that easy to add 2500 to Condition Damage and think that is enough. Expertise will both help out, but also limit how much effect you'll get. Knowing how the attributes are related will help a lot and there's some reading in the Wiki if you want to deep dive into the subject.Using the Build Editor and experimenting will give you a hint.

  13. @HATORI HANZO.9562 said:

    @HATORI HANZO.9562 said:some stuffThere may be a few things at work here. If you are interested, send me a message in game and we can take a look at what is going on.

    What's the easiest way to do that....plus I still looking for help with the quick links and or text links in order to use the "build" website.

    Do you mean saving the links or visiting the sites?When you press Get Quicklink, it's created. then you'll be able to click on the smaller grey button, Copy, just to the left. That will copy the link to your Clipboard.Maybe if you save that link to your Notepad or some file of your own, where you can keep notes?

  14. Before I start, I would like to mention that I'm not the expert here. But I will share some of what I've learned during my time in Tyria. If someone finds out that I'm a shameless liar, please correct me.I also don't want to forget an important advice: I strongly recommend that you don't try the Hero Challenges alone. These Champions are not on the same level as in Central Tyria, they require a strong group of at least three. Sometimes a lot more warriors. Feel free to ask people for help in /map (in the chat).Or you could try at least once, just to make sure I did not lie.

    Your lifelineThe Glider is your best friend in the jungle, keep it close. There will be lots of travelling on different map levels, especially at Verdant Brink. With map levels, I mean the layers you see in the lower right corner of the mini map.

    You'll start getting lots of Master Skill Points, if you haven't got some already. I would try maxing out the Glider first, at least getting the Advanced Glider mastery.This is when you open the Hero window, with all your skills, stats and story journal. Select the Star tab (on your left) and you'll see your Mastery Skills categorized on Central Tyria, Heart of Thorns, Path of Fire etc.Getting all Glider Masteries will allow you to glide a lot further and get a better control... or at least you'll fall gracefully. You'll be able to use the updraft winds to keep your self in the air.In particular the Advanced Glider will keep you in the air withouth losing Endurance, if you don't press on your Forward key.

    You'll also need the Mastery to be able to jump on the Mushrooms, that will also be required to advance in your story and that will make it easier to reach higher grounds, sometimes a lot higher than the mounts (from Path of Fire) will take you.

    Your gearYou've noticed there's different colors on your items. The armor and weapons. Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange.. and you will later get the Pink ones. The color shows how rare they are and how good bonus stats they have.The Blue and Green are useless, this is what you start with and try to get rid of early in the game.Yellow gear are okay during your first 30 levels and will give you fair bonus to your attributes, but you will try and get the Orange gear soon.

    When you have the Orange gear, you will start searching for "YOUR" preferred Orange gear.Look at your build. If you want to hit really hard quick, you focus on getting a higher value on Power.If you think the fights will last a little longer, it may be a good idea to build your Elemental on Condition Damage, like burning or bleeding etc. This will deliver more damage the longer the fight get.Power and Condition Damage will also get an extra buff from other attributes, such as Expertise, Concentration, Precision etc. For example, Precision will increase your chances for a critical hit and this will add to the damage done by Power.This is why your gear is very important. You will first try and get better protection with Orange Armor, but also better damage with Orange Weapon. Second priority is to find the Orange gear that gives you bonus to the attributes that you want to base your build on.

    Example: You want to build your Elemental on Power.You find the Orange (Exotic) Armor (and Weapon) that are based on the Berserker stats: Power, Precision, Ferocity.Someone else mentioned Viper: Power, Condition Damage, Precision, Expertise.

    If you get a full gear for your build, you will notice a drastic change on the damage you deliver and you will also survive a lot easier. Some gear will let you select your stats, but be aware that they will be permanent for that item after you have made your decision.And last, the Ascended gear (I'll leave Legendary for someone else to explain). The Pink gear will let you select your attributes... once. These stats are also based on "Viper", "Berserk", "Minstrel" etc. But the stats are much higher than Exotic.

    What about the salvaged items?Blue and Green are really good to salvage (using the Basic Salvage kit is enough, the others are a waste of money), or sell if you're not interested in crafting. I started salvaging very early and was glad I did when I started crafting.The salvaging will fill up your Inventory. Just right click on the crafting materials that shows up, Deposit everything. They will be moved to your Material Storage, which you will be able to Withdraw anytime you want when visiting the a crafting station.If it says Trophy, you will not be able to salvage it. Either you sell it or just throw it away. if it belongs to a Collection, some would like to save it and some will sell anyway.I tend to keep them, taking up space in my bank and inventory.. :anguished: ..until needed when crafting my Ascended gear.

    If you get Unidentified Gear, they are salvagable too. I always identify them first. Sometimes, a green unidentified can become Rare or Exotic after being identified. This can be very time consuming, but mostly it's worth it.

    Using the MapI will try not to say much about the map, but some things I've learned are when you hover over the map icons, on your top left corner. You'll see their locations flashing on the map for a second. If you're stuck and don't know where a Point of Interest or a Vista is, just hover over that particular icon on the top left corner and the map will tell you, within a flash.Another useful feature is that you can see which levels some of the maps are suited for, which also means which tier of crafting material you will be able to find there. Both as a reward for events and other drops. Some trophies are more valuable (Shiny Bauble) that others and if you need to collect some gold, I recommend you have a look at your map. It will tell you where the shinies are and where you'll be greatly rewarded for completing events.

    I hope my information will contribute to your adventures, Commander. We need more heroes fighting with us against the evil that lurks (no spoilers for you) and I hope to see you with us soon.

  15. @"Linken.6345" said:It is, but there is no reason to join some t1 fractal group and say, Hi Im new mind if I tag along?

    I cant see many begining player people saying no to that we are not talking about cm+t4 groups here mate

    I was kicked from a T1 party once, right before entering Snowblind.I don't know if the reason was that I asked (while the party was looking for a healer) "Is a healer really required at this level?", but it didn't take more than 2 seconds after that. Anyway, I didn't really care much. I had lots of fun with another party.When do you start using Agony Resistance?

  16. @Ashantara.8731 said:My advice: either do the instances solo or find a squad for a private instance. Never do the public version, it unnecessarily upscales the enemies and you never know how reliable your teammates are.

    I've always played the public version and it's actually okay. Took a little longer to kill the bosses, but at least 3 active players should be enough.

  17. Oh.. I remember when arriving to Tangled Depths. I went to sit by the merchant, rolled up like an Armadillo and with my back to a tree. Cried for a while and when I gathered up some courage and looked over the edge, it took only a couple of seconds before I sat down again.Then in the distance, I heard Survivor. I started to look at my gear, my specializations and skills. I needed to get faster, stronger and tougher.I started to climb the wall, did some pushups and jumped out to exercise my glider control. I could hear Flight of the Silverbird playing in the distance...

    Well.. something like that.I recommend that you play along with this Build Editor, it's helpful and very popular on this forum:http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/

    I played along a little, never build a Weaver and have no idea how to play one. You may want to replace the Ascended gear with Exotic, probably closer to what you have at the moment.http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGxAw2ZlZwuYSsEmJOKXpvKA-zRJYsRH/IIdA-e

  18. My experience from public DRM is that people don't talk to each other... much. Everyone just take for granted that we all know what to do and we will all do our part. That would make it easier and better organized, if you could ask "where's the action, where am I needed?" because I'm not sure that all players actually know what is expected from them. But if someone is just hiding behind a bush, waiting for all the action to end... Why play Guild Wars 2 in the first place? Or is that part of a roleplay I haven't seen yet?This is when you wish there was an integrated communication feature, talking makes things a lot easier. At least, if it works when you're member of a party.

  19. I forgot to mention that I used the Torch because of the Stealth skill, but if you select Focus instead you will have another skill (4) that will give you more Swiftness. You and your allies will run faster, enemies will be crippled if they cross that line.

  20. As a Mirage, I'm using the deception skills:(8) Sand through glass(9) Mirage Advance(0) Jaunt

    They give me lots of movement during the fights, I kind of jump a lot like a gummi bear (anyone remember those?) during the fights.Being fast with Jaunt allows me to teleport to a nearby spot. Also be aware that Mirage Advance jumps toward the target.I've wondered if I should use Illusionary Ambush instead of Mirage Advance instead, but that one seems pretty interesting too.

    I've experimented with a build for you, focusing only on Swiftness, using Nomad stats and Superior Rune of Speed on the armor. I gave the weapons Nomad stats with the Superior Sigil of Agility and Superior Sigil of Mischief. Of course, this build doesn't apply any Power or Condition Damage at all. It's been an all out Toughness, Vitality and Healing Power on Exotic Gear. Is that what you had in mind?http://gw2skills.net/editor/?Pi1Ac+FlVwOYQsHmJOePrveA-zxIYelubYiXhgIncqGdVZ3A-e

  21. In my experience the Chrono jumps and rolls a lot. It's faster and better when you need to evade some threats, but in my opinion you don't want to roll on jumping puzzles.The Mirage don't roll or jump, the evade is like a small step to the side. I prefer that on the jumping puzzles.I've accidently double pushed the key so many times and fell off the edge, I almost went Charr on my keyboard.But is it only the jumping puzzles you need help with?

    Signet of Inspiration increases your swiftness.Are you thinking about maxing out your mobility in fights too or just a template that has been adapted to fast movement where mounts are not allowed?

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