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Posts posted by Lucio.4190

  1. As I understand, there's always two sides of every story and both have different purpose of playing Fractals, Raid or Dungeon.Also, both see the other side as toxic. Ruining their gaming experience.On one side, we have the casual player and the beginners. Lots of patience with other players and focus is on just "making it to the finish line".On the other side, we have the grinding party that needs to succeed on x amount of rounds before each update to max out the RoI.

    Am I missing out on something, or did I get it all wrong?

  2. I totally agree with you about the Axe. The Sword 4 will block and 5 will create a phantasm, two actions that will give you some extra seconds during the fight.I'm using the Axe and Pistol now, going for Deception skills. Used to have Condi gear, but it's been replaced by Power now. Berserker.Been playing around with new builds. Not there yet, but I'm looking at this now: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?Pi1AcqFlVwOYQsHmJOeP7vWA-zRRYBR3jNYBJMSJXGHE-e

    Axe 2 and 3 makes you move a lot, then using 8 will jump out of the fight and 9 will jump in again. 0 will teleport to a nearby area.The armor is still Exotic, but I'll work on that.Greatsword is okay, good range but don't get fooled. Some bosses will still one-shot you.I've managed to solo some Champions with this build, which I would say is okay... for a mesmer. When the damage on Axe 1 is above 1000 and the Axe makes 2500, I tend to be satisfied.

  3. @"Shadowmoon.7986" said:Something tells me that you are cherry picking the events of the story to get sympathy. It could be as simple as running around the cliff side room causes the boss to teleport everywhere, making everyone else have a harder time trying to dps the boss. Or doing the same thing with Mia Trin, again making the boss much harder for everyone. Or the end bosses in underground, not pulling the boss under the buckets, allowing the boss to regen. I would kick someone at 10% in all these cases to guarantee the kill for the group, and prevent a wipe which would waste everyones time. At some point you were more a liability than a asset for the groups success, that why you were kicked, not some mythical "these group were selling the fractal" excuse.

    Even if you're right about the reason, I don't agree that should be a reason to kick. In that opinion we will probably agree to disagree (I guess).If you have someone in the group that goes Down a couple of times, but still makes it and the group kills the boss, I'd say the fight was successful with room for improvement. Why should it be a problem if it takes 5-10 more minutes, as long as you're successful?

    Of course, a party could have some requirements and say "We have high demands in this group". I would personally avoid joining that party.But if the party don't say anything, at least please explain that "You need to think like this... There's potential in your build, but you can improve by doing this and move like that... and please, the boss needs to be kept in this area".How can there be improvement if you don't know what to improve?

    I don't play much Fractals and I will probably do some mistakes because I don't know the mechanics. Also, it gets more difficult later. If I was being kicked all the time, I would never learn and Fractals would never get new players either.If a player has exotic or ascended gear, they've probably played enough and knows how to fight, when they get used to the enemies they will also become a valuable asset to the team.

    I've been to a couple of fights where everyone was pretty new and we had at least 10 retries on the boss until we made it.Two minutes tactical meeting solved everything: "Okay, this will not do.. We need to work as a team and this is how we do it".Is that too much? Please, help me understand.

  4. Is there a feature in the Guild Hall to raise a statue of a member? It would be a great way to remember the guild's heroes of the past.Using the model of a certain character ID, capturing a movement and then convert into a static model. Then add a story to the description. Maybe giving all other members a section where they share their experiences and stories sorted in categories (following a template created by the guild?). It would also be a great way to add to the guild's history books.

    • Like 1
  5. @"Teratus.2859" said:I think your problem OP isn't so much about the balance of PvE but more your own play habits.i'm not saying that there isn't a balance problem, we all know that some classes perform better than others that's just the nature of games with options like that.

    But if you're playing the same build and you are "bored" then that says to me that you don't actually enjoy playing that build and probably do so because it's the "optimal" or "meta" for your class and that fault is really on you then.

    I recommend watching this very recently uploaded video by Josh Strife Hayes, while the title is about game guides he actually gets into a lot about how games have fallen into a state of fun vs efficiency and how the more optimised you play the game the more fun you optimise out of the game which can be greatly applied to Gw2 and the meta culture that exists in this game which many people have often criticised and in some cases claimed is toxic or elitist.. this is especially prevalent in discussions surrounding raid content as anyone who's been in those kinds of threads has very likely seen very often in those discussions.

    As someone who has been an advocate in these forums for many years telling people to play Gw2 how they want to play and not how the meta culture tells them to play I have to agree with a lot of what he talks about in the video.

    So if you are bored OP.. then I strongly suggest you listen to people here who are advising you to change your build or try another class and make something that you enjoy playing instead of copying some build off some website that will let you hit the biggest numbers.The fun is in the journey not the ending and building your own builds is far far more enjoyable than just copying someone else's and playing it how they tell you to.Go with a build that is something unusual and different.. that alone will make you feel kinda unique from everyone else, trust me I've been doing this for years and it's one of the reasons I still enjoy playing Gw2 :)

    Great post and I totally agree.I've been reading some guides, but I've never copied them. I read the guides to get a better understanding on how different attributes contribute to the build. Then I try to modify that guide into a build that will suite me and my playstyle better. I also don't compete with anyone, I just try to do what I think is fun (which seems to be the point of the video you linked). I have a very casual and chill attitude when playing Guild Wars 2, even when I'm farming. At the moment, crafting 250 mithril axes for the Astralaria will require 1500 mithril ore and 1500 elder wood. Which means it will take time. So I will take my time, mining when there's an opportunity but I can ignore that mine for a couple of hours (or actually days!) if a friend is in need of help with another mission... or if someone asks in /map for help with something.Trying to enjoy the game and take the opportunities that appear to try out stuff that I usually don't think about, trying the experience and also take an hours just to /sit and make some jokes in /map. Sometimes we need to take the distance and have fun, which I believe that's why we play the games.Also, helping another player is helping that player to get a good experience of the game, having fun.

    When I play fractals and dungeons, so far I've had the luck to be in parties where everyone had lots of patience. See, my jumping is bad and I always need lots of tries before I manage to get to the end. I fall a lot and always end up being last there. I still laughed so hard when three party members stood at the end cheering me on and saying "Come one! You can do it!"That was "having fun". I loved them for it, and their patience.In another party when we played another dungeon and were fighting a dog/puppy. Someone made a joke and I noticed everyone just stopped fighting, it almost wiped out the entire party. My guess is, we all laughed and eventually we killed the puppy and we also had lots of fun doing it (no real animals were harmed, I promise).The same way, we need to be able to find a build or take a break from the daily farming/grinding and accept that it may take an extra day or two to reach the goal. When we forget about having fun, that's when we start asking if the game has become boring or if it's time to take a break from the game.

    But I believe that guides are okay, it's more about how you use them and adapt them to your build that will make the difference. Do you just copy it and implement as is, or do you get inspired and try to understand it before implementing your own version of it?

  6. @Astyrah.4015 said:

    @phokus.8934 said:If you die in Guild Wars, you die in real life.

    Yeah, that's not true. I've died a LOT in GW2 and I'm still here.

    I doubt that he meant that literally.

    Guild Wars 2 VRMMO version ---- but you can't log out.....

    The NerveGear! :#

    @Farohna.6247 said:Sylvari dry up and blow away like autumn leaves.

    They do not! They just moulder... gracefully. Then they're reborn as a beautiful flower. Or, so I've been told by a friend and he knows stuff.

  7. Interesting. I don't play much PvP (not at all), but why is this a problem?If it is only a thief and a mesmer, I'd say "well done". I think it's pretty cool that the thief can move to areas that others can't and the game doesn't need to be in total balance on everything. It is, in fact, a Thief?Or is there something special about this building that shouldn't make that possible?

  8. I like it when the game punishes the cheater.

    I think cheating is a growing problem in games and it requires resources to monitor and clean the game from cheaters (and bad behaviour).A good AI could be a useful tool in finding suspects, but I think real people has to do the dirty work. I don't trust AI to do the whole job.That is expensive, but it seems to me that we can't avoid it anymore.

    If there's a feature that identifies a mod or if a similar pattern is used, or if there's a way to compare how the keys are pressed (order, timing or pattern) and also log the reaction time to action from npc and other players. Maybe an AI could help with reporting the "maybe" cheaters that get caught in the net. Then someone at ANet can check that player to clear or punish, depending on if the rules were broken or not.

    That could also work on foul language and bad behaviour. Automatically comparing the words and names with a dictionary, reporting and then manually reviewing that little rascal.

  9. @Veprovina.4876 said:

    @Veprovina.4876 said:I'm not spending much time at Draconis Mons so maybe not yet oakheart. I don't have a skyscale though so i'll probably unlock it some time cause otherwise i probably can't get places.I found Oakheart's Reach to be helpful in Dragonfall when I went after my skyscale, but it isn't required. One can manage to get one's skyscale without it.@"Lucio.4190" said:Or... I could read and try to understand the question first before I post a reply.Sorry, forget what I posted. Deleting it.

    I didn't see the unedited post, what did you post?Just curious. :smile:And no worries, everyone makes mistakes, it's natural.Haha! Oh... You asked for specific Masteries, but I read "Itzel, Nuhoch or Oakheart?"So I thought "The Bouncing Mushroom! You got to have the Bouncing Mushroom!"I was a little tired. ?
  10. Fishing would be nice.If they do their studies on fish behaviour or hire an expert, it could very entertaining. I'd love to see different fishing tools and methods, from boat or beach etc. Finding your combination of reel and rod..Depending on tool, different skills shows up and you can release or reel the line.. It would definitely be a new mini game, maybe organize competitions?And then you cook that fish. I'm hungry...

  11. @Smoosh.2718 said:

    @Smoosh.2718 said:Sadly the rise in cheaters isnt exclusive to just Gw2. Realworld punishments should be put into the terms and conditions for the act of cheating tbh. This and only this will stop people from cheating. Make it financial. Get caught, get fined.

    All game companies go under the basis that you get caught, you get banned. The banned user creates a new account and cheats again. Nothing stops the cheater with this method.

    Or just perma ban acc, instead of 2 days LOL
    • my friend got forced namechange cuz inaprotiate char name (so anet does something about it)

    You see this is the issue. They are quick to act on anything that involves words. Call someone a F or a R and things blow up, instant action is taken. report someone for actually cheating and ruining the game, nothing is done for months and months on end.

    I think are equally bad for the game, same as shaming. Lots of people love this game for the experience with all the kind players here. We help each other and keep a good mood.Shaming feels like the opposite, even when we have evidence.

    I also want to believe that it's better to find undisputable proof that someone uses a bot or has hacked the game, instead of punishing all reported players because a screenshot says it all or "it's obvious". That would force us players to prove our innocence, which I think is wrong.

  12. @Axl.8924 said:

    @"Lucio.4190" said:An IP ban would only keep the user away as long as the IP lease will end. When the computer receives a new IP, or after a flush dns, the user will be back.Having the IP is not an exact method to identify a person either. Some times the lease information is not correct, and laws prevent a company to get an identity of an account owner. Otherwise it would be possible contact the isp and filter away ANet for that particular user.. but there are too many "if" and "but" to make it possible.

    Using IP ban is bad practise. Next month I might get that IP and be unable to play.There should be better methods.

    They can still ban the actual account even delete it to prevent it from ever being reused again.

    That they could. Ban the account or add a client id, if the first setup adds like a client id in a system file or in the registry, that client id could be traced to the user. Only way to get a new client id would be reinstalling the whole OS. Installing Windows, drivers and all the applications from scratch would be very time consuming.

    Edit: Just got another idea, but I'm not sure if it's legal. If the setup will read the unique id from the Graphics adapter (in most cases, more expensive than the motherboard). Bind that ID to a client ID that is stored at ANet's database. In that case, it wouldn't matter how many times you reinstall the computer. The user will have to buy a new graphics adapter to be able to play again, hopefully the banned adapter is an RTX 3090 or something...Like @Assyr.3296 said.

  13. An IP ban would only keep the user away as long as the IP lease will end. When the computer receives a new IP, or after a flush dns, the user will be back.Having the IP is not an exact method to identify a person either. Some times the lease information is not correct, and laws prevent a company to get an identity of an account owner. Otherwise it would be possible contact the isp and filter away ANet for that particular user.. but there are too many "if" and "but" to make it possible.

    Using IP ban is bad practise. Next month I might get that IP and be unable to play.There should be better methods.

  14. Strip the main character of all clothes and throw off a bridge. Put all items on exclusive sale at Black Trading Post and send money to charity (Violated Mesmers Foundation or something).Then send an email to the account owner with a link to an anger management for offended young gamers.Maybe that will be enough?

  15. Okay.. the pattern in this thread. Before this turns into a discussion on PC/Windows vs Apple, the question isn't about which computer is the best. There's been lots of people almost starting a war about that.The question is however ANet will rewrite the whole Guild Wars 2 for a totally new architecture or not. If they rewrite the whole game for a new Apple architecture, why not building for PS, XBox or Nintento too? Lots of more consoles bought by gamers (duh..) than the Mac.The history of Apple isn't to their advantage either. They were built on a different architecture once, then about 20 years ago they decided to switch to Intel. Now they make a different turn again. How do we know they wont make a new strategic decision again, in maybe 10 years?

    While the x86 architecture is technically inferior, the PC market has sticked to this for a very long time and makes it more reliable. I totally support ANet on this decision and I totally understand why they made it. We have no idea if people will buy the M1 and if it will become a success for gamers. But if it is, then it's totally another situation and we could ask ANet to reconsider. As if now, with the cards we now have at hand, it would mean a great risk and a lot of money.I've learned with time that nothing is carved in stone, with other conditions everyone can change their mind.

    I would also like to add that ANet has actually asked if GeForce Now is an option, if Apple users are interested in that kind of solution AND offered to refund all gem purchases! This detail says a lot about how expensive it would be to rewrite the whole code to support the new Mac. It is much cheaper to refund all Mac users, than rewriting the game for a new architecture. Please, that is an important detail to keep in mind.

  16. No matter how good Mac will be with the M1, it will still be built on a new architecture, new type of instructions and just porting the current version to the new Mac architecture will require lots of hard work and still not be good enough. It will be like building a totally new game, like suddenly adding support to XBox, PS or Nintendo.Apple has good stuff, fast hardware, which makes it ideal for graphical work in high resolution. Still, there's a big difference in rendering animations and graphic material compared to playing a game. I'm only guessing, but it looks like Mac will not be focusing on making hardware for playing games.

    In comparison, Celeron CPU has a very high clock frequency and has for decades been said to be the king of overclocked CPUs, but I've heard the L2 cache is damaged and it shows on the bad performance in MMO or RTS games. How the M1 will handle those games is yet to be discovered. I read the following review at forbes:https://www.forbes.com/sites/patrickmoorhead/2020/12/26/apple-macbook-pro-13-m1-aaa-gaming-experience-good-performance-for-thin-and-lite-but-rough-experience-for-some-games/

    If Dota 2 can't get higher than 45-60 fps on average graphical settings at 1440x900, I wouldn't get to giggly about the M1. But Apple computers will be great tools when working with Photoshop.Do we really want ANet to spend lots of money and resources on rebuilding the game for an expensive M1 Mac and will people really spend $3000 on a new Mac to play Guild Wars 2?

  17. Awsome! I do have a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for creatures like chicken. If it was only the chicken in Bitterfrost, that would have been the end of it - I would not look for them, I would not have pursued them... but if there are some in Ebonhawke now, I will look for them, I will find them... and I will kick them.

    The rabbits are a bit worse, for them I will need a holy grenade.

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