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  1. The option to deploy my Jade Bot inside my guild hall so it can fly around and decorate remotely. That would be boss. Thanks.
  2. The ability to X things off of the "salvage all" preview window, so they don't get salvaged with the rest. Pretty please.
  3. It's probable that a "survival mode" would actually be shorter, with the difficulty increasing rapidly from round to round. That's how I'd like it to be, anyway. Maybe gift rewards would increase rabidly round to round, as well, if not being directly achievement-related (gosh, remember when we used to play games for fun and not "points"?) Anyhoo I'd prefer a system where it doesn't end til all the dolyaks are dead. Of course you'd have to make sure people can't cheese it.
  4. Oh dang I just started a thread about the same thing. Sorry, merge please.
  5. Where your group has to defend dolyaks against the toy onslaught as long as possible, as the waves keep coming bigger, faster, more ferocious, with multiple Toxx spawns until you can't defend anymore!??! Might be cool, huh? Idk I like this minigame but my bro and I went into party mode with just the 2 of us and it was still too easy.
  6. I wonder how it would work to bring back/include more "OP" effects by giving them additional drawbacks? Like, if the "Relic of the Golemancer" was also -100 vitality, or maybe when your golem falls apart it would explode and damage you? 🤔 It would certainly create some unusual-feeling builds. It would be wacky and volatile, unpredictable and fun. Just what us golemancers enjoy, and rightfully "deserve!"
  7. My golem character was "Lost in Space" cosplay with a twist. He's an asuran engi named "Dr Smiff" that resembles Dr. Smith, (he really does!) A golem that falls apart all the time fits better for the humorous theme than a dynamic mech would, tho I considered it as a replacement. I don't like mech anyway. Asurans have always been a play on "Lost in Space" ever since the golems in gw1 were shouting "DANGER! DANGER!" ☺️
  8. I suspect that they made relics soulbind just to increase incentive to get the inevitable legendary relic.
  9. I liked my golem a lot. And losing it did ruin one of my concept characters, and I'm still trying to find a new niche for him. I kinda understand why they took it out, in a balance sense, but they did take away basically ALL the fun effects from runes. The relics are so boring. The only fun effect they kept was the fireworks one, and they tied it to a completely different effect that is now meta for power builds, so I see fireworks going off everywhere and it's no longer weird or silly or unique. You get to be fun AND meta, and if you only wanted to be meta, well, you're fun too. Enjoy! I miss my mad king runes with the crows.....
  10. Reminds me of something my brother suggested once, that mages should be able to duel wield focuses for a weaponless "caster" feel, and just wave your arms to conjure spells. 🧙‍♂️😃
  11. Oh yeah. And some pants that match the 3-tier SAB cyber suit so we can go full Tron mode. I mean, we're only half dressed, y'know.
  12. How come we never get pants for annuals anyway? I'm expecting holo dragon pants for the next Dragon Bash, too, because that's the last piece of the set. And some beach shorts for Festival of the Four Winds would be stellar.
  13. I understand this. This design system doesn't bother me with festival weeklies so much as WvW weeklies, but the philosophy remains the same. As with dailies it's just another carrot-on-a-fishing-line, "do this much/this soon/or else you miss out" micro pressure. And the Grim Machine weps are way cool so if you miss a week because you have a life there's no other way to get them. When you can miss your chance for X rewards so quickly in a dozen different game modes it just results in a bad feeling in a game, because most people would rather not pound the pavement all at once, but they have this quota to reach. So this just makes you feel like "ooh, it's not that far off. Just a little more, just a little more" inching your way into a bad gaming experience.
  14. Thank you, anet! Just 1 thing, tho. I haven't tried it yet but the update text suggests the on/off toggle is a crossover between the griffon and skyscale, rather than being able to toggle them separately? Like, if I want to turn it off for griffon but leave it on for skyscale? Seems like that would be simpler to manage, imo. Nevertheless, a very welcome update.
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