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Everything posted by Vikn.2975

  1. Did my comment get censored to "kitten me off"? My God their choice of replacement is cruel and unusual treatment ?... Having anyone think I earnestly said "kitten me off" is a draconian punishment unfit for the civilized world. It's so devious that I'd call it brilliant. That or I somehow typed "p---ed off" so wrong it autocorrected to "kitten".
  2. It doesn't piss me off as much as the pirate one tbh. I kinda like it, but the final boss seems to be pretty mirage friendly. I didnt know this was a new fractal as I started playing in early septemper, but my best fractal memory is on T2 when the group wiped aside from me with the boss on 10-15% hp, but being a mirage with jaunt and a pistol I managed to finish her off alone. It was hard of course but fun hard, really didn't feel cheap like some of parts of other fractals. She 1-2 hits me but the mirage's mobility really compliments the fight. Accidently joined a t4 100 cm group couple hours ago cuz I didn't know what CM meant (thought it was another abbreviation for build, HP, Ala, etc) but we managed to win somehow, but I was so uninformed I thought it was over when she originally fell lol. It becomes pretty absurd after that, felt slightly more on the cheap side then. Largely because the spells are so bright it literally made me unable to see where I was goin. To the OP's point I can imagine the fights being way harder with most classes that aren't as mobile. The pirate one with certain instabilities is still the hardest and cheapest in my experience but perhaps that one is easier using something other than a mirage.
  3. Personally, Timberlaine Falls is an area that comes immediately to mind. I'm a returning player from 2014-15 and back then I had a cheap Macbook laptop that was able to run GW2 on lower settings. The areas that stood out despite the low graphics were largely the human zones (queens-timberlaine). I don't think any MMO has done that area archetype better than GW2. To be fair, I just began the expansions so I haven't seen much outside Verdant. From screenshots the desert looks pretty amazing, so I am psyched for that. This time I can play with everything maxxed out over 60 fps, aside from Lion's Arch...my PC runs most everything maxxed over 60fps but for whatever reason the slowdown there is brutal.
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