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Everything posted by Discordian.9237

  1. I just ran into this today, is there any update on this? My fiance also ran into this.
  2. Raising trade limits won't cause inflation, inflation is caused by more gold entering the economy, this would cause more gold to exit. Raising the limits won't effect item values, short-term you might see some people press limits, but the market will normalize at value. Raising the drop-rate defeats the purpose of having a rare item. If you're afraid by high prices, gold sinks are needed to make those numbers smaller, but the value of the items will stay the same if you're just focusing on a USD:GW2 conversion. So fears of an item doubling in gold price ever (they wouldn't with a market limit increase...), don't mean anything in a real world value context as this would mean another factor caused a lot more gold to enter the economy. Literally all raising the limits would do long-term is remove some more gold from the economy and protect people who are willing to use the trading post (pay taxes). I don't see the harm here. Some people in here don't seem to understand economics, GW2 has an economy like anything else, economics apply. Easiest example I can think of is Diablo 3 which had a much higher dollar limit than gold, just because the cap was 200mil absolutely did not mean there weren't items worth more than that, arbitrary market limits have no effect on value, this is one of the reasons planned economies don't work...
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