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MedievalThings.5417's Achievements

  1. You need to be in a guild with them AND choose that guild to represent as your wvw guild. But, the timer on that closed 2 days ago. Joining a guild with them and submitting a ticket is likely the only way until the next reshuffle next month.
  2. It's more like 98% of my gameplay, and I'm over 18k hours. Finished my tickets every week, and then just did other things. Map completion twice, not just core but every single map. Played a few other games, which I haven't done since launch. None of the changes have been good for the game mode. The scoring system change may make a tiny dent in things, but the entire system is just bad. The algorithm keeps creating a stacked world, a medium world, and a "just kill me quick" world...and then puts one of each of those in each tier. It takes weeks before it even remotely starts to even out, and even then it's rare because map que guilds throw matches to stay in lower tiers. 1 up 1 down is just crap and always has been.
  3. Which is why you see some guilds just not defending. Chat - hey guys can you bring your 30 from Overlook, we have 25 taking our T3 keep? Nope, guilds would rather PvDoor and take the keep they are on and then backcap their own keep, because it's worth more for them to do it that way. And, it doesn't matter to them because when they are done ktraining what they want, they all log out anyway. They have changed what was people playing for server pride to people only playing for bags or ranks, essentially everyone just playing for themselves. I wish they would do the same things with boons. Might as well just reshuffle every week.
  4. The siege changes were clearly made with SMC in mind. How to make it so the superstacked server can defend it more easily. It has NOT benefitted defenders in the least. It's not balancing attacking and defending. It isn't making defense/defenders "feel better". All that changed is we get fewer defense events at keeps.
  5. Honestly, I had thoughts this might be a good change, but in practice it just seems like another stealth nerf to defending under the guise of "making things feel good" (for who, /shrug). Because there are a LOT fewer defense events even happening, and it was buggy getting credit before. Even the siege changes seem to still favor attackers. Sure, rams die faster, but that doesn't matter much when blobs are trebbing most things down from range, using even less supply than before. Multiple waypoints for ewp sounds nice, but never matters cause if we had an equal comp to defend, we wouldn't need the tactic to begin with. The mode has become increasingly unbalanced in favor of map ques standing on top of each other fighting npcs and a few pugs, like the numbers weren't enough of an advantage.
  6. I see plenty of, and play, the axe build, both as condition and power. It's more like the thief version of willbender, kills people who don't know what it is, but not skilled players. There is a reason you don't see most good thieves switching to it, cause they don't need to.
  7. It allows attackers to actually have siege built AND doing damage before the enemy knows something is up. Instead of "the guard sneezed, waypoint contested, someone checks just in case" we have now. So, it benefits attackers as they can kill guards, drop siege and already be doing damage before anyone realized something is under attack. Note of major importance, you can flip a T3 tower from siege drop to lord dead in 25 seconds (keep in 45), and it takes 30 seconds for a contest to appear. Attackers now have even more time to setup before something shows as contested. With regards to keeps/waypoints, now attackers can't just walk by a guard to stop a fight from happening. Ride by a guard, move to the tower nearby, so they can fight doors and NPC's. The new system will still let people waypoint to keep to fight back.
  8. Even with the state of the game now thief is still the only class that is low risk high reward. You can make more mistakes, especially daredevil, and still just safely exit the fight than any other class/spec. The mobility creep has cut into that some, but thief is still the top of the food chain by a considerable margin when played well, most of the time regardless of the enemy skill level.
  9. Despite the trolling, I would love to see a weekend of this.
  10. And while walls no longer work, siege does. So, you can just juggle your stealth skills and C&D on siege/players to avoid being visi.
  11. The number of diamond rank players I see flying, walking through walls, leaping over walls, teleporting (in a single move) from SMC outer walls to sentry points near towers is absurd. I hit a guy with a melee skill and he skipped away like a rock on water faster than the rollerbeetle boost makes you move. Anet really doesn't care.
  12. To answer the OP, no. If you can get video evidence of multiple instances of someone using a third party tool, the offender might get up to an 8 day ban. They don't permaban.
  13. So, you're saying it was meant for willbender who has everything else already?
  14. Yeah, I'm on Sorrow's Furnace now apparently (in that same match). Guessing patch related somehow.
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