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Everything posted by zengara.8301

  1. oh wtf o.o A-Net on next lvl pranking >.<
  2. kk I had my fun, just let the topic die out 🤣
  3. that's why it's brilliant. Nobody expects it 😞
  4. Btw, if mods want to delete this, u more than welcome to xD
  5. It looks like that new SAB content have been revealed on twitter I of cause mean this link https://twitter.com/GuildWars2/status/1630627217427533825?cxt=HHwWgsDQ_ZK0k6EtAAAA Happy April Fools day 😮 Btw, can we burn down Rata Sum again?
  6. just for reference, I think OP talking about the new Fortnite feature that was presented, where you could turn the game completely different, into a cool MMORPG looking game (Asmongold) It looked cool, and super easy, but I really do not know how real it is, and how much of it is "movie magic" Like actually pre-recorded stuff EDIT: Unreal Engine 5.2 Looks super cool, and makes making game insanely easy....If what they say is true. But apparently the new fortnite feature can be used right now? Not a fortnite player
  7. Feels like people are just going back to "what do I want the game mode to be about?". But again, if you zoom out, it feels like the entire game mode (combat/PvP wise) can be sectioned into modes, where either clouding/ganking/big blobs are in focus or Guilds are in focus. Where making clouding a possibility (no retaliation, like when you would insta die as an ele everytime you thew a metoer, and people got asked to leave the border because guilds were the literal only way to kill another guild) and guilds are needed but not the end all be all, is where Gw2 should try to aim the game mode at? If they are ultra focussed on balance to this degree, no idea if they actually are. Since too much clouding/blobbing=boring, Vabbi/magumma. Too much guild=ppl being left out and boring when u don't want to be in guild. But having better guilds actually win against blobs, but no retaliation would be prefered, Again, making this game a cloud fiesta/ganking would just kill it like literally every other open world pvp game......Because it is boring. The game having coordination, in regards to different roles, needing to avoid bombs etc. Is what I think, is the only thing "keeping it alive". And game gets boring like now, when guilds feels like there is nothing to do, because an average blob can kill 15-20 of the best players in a guild. Or honestly, maybe they should just try different things in EU and in NA. NA does just seem far more, empower, veil, 1 push heavy and EU, more dmg/boons/heals so 1 push are not really viable in that region. Would also be more fun to transfer to either that way
  8. That is what kind of bothers me about the whole "remove boons" thing. Fact is DH got babygates, which is 5 cc field that core guardians in the start of the game only had 1 of each with hammer (5 times as many), and it was way slower. Same with Chrono double grave well. the strips the dmg etc etc. It is like people ultra fixated on boons, but forgets that gear stats, runes (dura etc) sigils and classes have completely changed, speed etc. The way people look at this entire thing, is like looking at a squad, and only understanding the role of a FB, not knowing cleanse, strips dmg, cc etc It is way too zoomed in, and does not solve the "issue" that people want more of a core experience If people want a "core week" that is fine, but they would have to completely change entire classes, before "removing boons" would makes sense, otherwise it would turn even more to a blob fiesta. Bigger blob wins, simply because there is less buttons to victory, or cloud fiesta. Since guilds have less of a chance against winning against blobs, no matter how good they are 1 extra person would suddenly matter a ton more.
  9. I am guessing you mean on discord when you write coordinated, rather than GvG group vs a random group on discord which makes me think you are NA? I am stating that the skill ceiling simply has been lowered which is boring? Well evidently less boons equals bigger group killing smaller groups easiere, as you see everywhere in wvw these days. Because the smaller group can not survive a half tried bomb, which they could before. And less dmg means they can not shred as many people from the enemy as before.. They have to, if you want it to be like before, CC adding dmg is a big part of that, and CC on dmg was very important
  10. Dude, I am going to be honest. played with some up there wvw guilds back then when squads did not exist etc in eu, and even though it is fun to try core fights in EOTM, it is kinda boring with banish, or heal ele core engi etc. Beyond that, it would require them to redo everything, not boon uptime, but add dmg to stuns again etc. Literally redo entire classes, feels weird to foxus on boons without looking at literally everything else that makes the game different than back then... It is not harder to kill coordinated groups, that is the issue? Sometimes I wonder if people play the game at all, right now the game is 50 kills 20 almost 100% of the time, before it was based on how good the guild was. The skill ceiling has simply been lowered
  11. I still don't get this. There are a million of different "world pvp" game modes out there, that dies out. Just because the lack of interesting composition/gameplay that just result in ganking. The way Gw2 unintentionally have made Gw2 WvW into group fighting content, where everyone is needed and it is nessecary for 10-20-50 people to press each skills to win vs massive blobs and move quickly around, is simply not presented in any other game. Why does it seem like specifically the forums want the game just to turn into another dead ganking game mode o.o They have already stripped boons so much that it is almost not worth playing together, numbers simply overwhelm cordination/skills at this point, while before a good 20 man guild could instantly kill 20+ instead of barely 10 these days, out of the enemy blob with the higher dmg and a good guild could survive a bomb with the boons/cleanse, which is almost impossible these days. Genuinely just seem more boring
  12. Yeah, probably was their intentions
  13. What if Sylvari evolved like pokemons and u instantly lvl 80 o.o
  14. In WvW look at GvG discord. Or usually mid sized servers are perfect to begin with, rather than jump into GvG this early, they usually have good explanation if you want to try something harder, and can be found on websites. Gw2 is a lot about mechanics, I have spent embarrassingly little gems in the 10 years of gameplay, and still right now feel like changing gold to gems, they do shower you with everything you need in this game. You just need to learn the mechanics, both in pve and wvw. After you learn what each thing does, it is pretty easy. But yeah, learn your class, what you are "there for" (group/squad etc), the reaction of enemy guild/blob Boss/mobs etc and ur golden
  15. Dont disrespect us like that 😞 Magumma<any 50 man blob. Literally any, if you got blob with 50 ppl, you win. I don't know, the exact updates for the builds, but they have been rather weird, it is almost like Gw2 encourages this kind of gameplay, rather than fighting group wise. Like a year or 2 back, a good guild could easily kill a blob, now it is impossible, longer dps cd and less heals/boons + overall less skill/cordination (because even if you get the best players to press the exact skills necessary, you still can not "survive" a bomb, unless if it is an extremely bad bomb. And you can not dmg as highly as before, counter a blob with skill, because your CD is now longer, in other words, less survival and less dmg. Which is only good for guilds that are not that good, but just big). Untop of that, they make it impossible to "avoid" (boons/skills etc) a bomb, so a blob can run you over harder now than before, before if you played extremely well, and every party member pressed their skills/dodges. In other words, you were in a very good guild, you could easily get out of blob bomb meanwhile 20 people take down 80 people. Now it is impossible, unless if the 80 people is literally not pressing their skills. I just think the updates have been ultimately rather bad for WvW. Maybe this is better for massive guilds though.
  16. Just a quick reminder that I want my skills back 😞
  17. Oh o.o Well redo time A-Net, because it sucks in WvW and probably PvP too 😮
  18. Do the changed actually do anything for PvE? Because for me in WvW, it makes it worse o.o
  19. in EU I genuinely do not understand. Some massive region swap people, or are we getting new peoples? Not sure what is going on, but the amount of players that have no idea what they are doing is wild. Is there system made so 3-4 new players gets grouped up with 1-2 old players?
  20. I understand that, but I meant the comments before, where it just feels like people are kinda try hard commenting on all 4 as being bad. Just because they are bothered by 4, instead of just either commenting that 4 is bad, or leaving a dislike without a comment
  21. EDIT: yeaah, feels like people are just bothered by 4 and being all weird about it, instead of saying what they like and don't like individually
  22. 1: Not really against it, think only people that are, are really bothered by your number 4. 2: not changing skill slots, the whole game innovation was the whole "Having 2 different weapons means 3 is different" kind of thing. but specific keybounds on specific characters is fine. Tbf I play a lot of wvw, and have different settings for different classes that I always have to change around...... 3: LFG has always been a problem tbh, most people would have loved just an instant join thing, way back to dungeon days, first year of the game. Instead of "every character have to be full dps" Which was boring. LFG is a good tool for high level play, but for just joining randoms with a chill run, it is pretty bad. And most likely pushed the skill level of this game insanely quickly up in PvE and probably WvW/PvP as well. 4: Nah. If people want to give build, they can. But this entire game you get end gear quick, and can easily see if people are doing their job through Arc Dps in PvE/WvW. However since all end game gear is easy to get, what matters is skill/build. And if everyone can easily snap a build from someone else, that kinda ruins that part of the game. in WoW and other games like WoW I get it, you grind a million years to get higher ilvl, so the exact build doesn't matter that much. And they really dont have a wvw, mainly PvP....Even their wvw turns into PvE rather quickly, only 1 time I did it where we all clashed in the middle Personally I think dueling in pve should be a thing, but people complain that LA will just turn into a massive duel orgie......which I still dont get how that would work out, just a small improvement kind of thing, rather than complete overhaul of everything
  23. Either way, forgot they did deathmatch, maybe this game just does not work with deathmatch, kinda sad
  24. oh ye I remember that, lasted like a week. I actually liked it. Wasnt the only complain the map?
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