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Posts posted by YtseJam.9784

  1. I think what ANET should do is provide an interface to read the data used by DPS meters directly through API calls like they do with MumbleLink for player and camera positioning so tools like GW2Taco can use. That way arcdps can call those directly and not have to rely on reverse engineering and reading memlocs that get changed with most updates. Another example is how Logitech keyboards that have an LCD can display character stats and map completion and supported in a similar way.

  2. chrono changes look good, a lot of us complained about the illusion requirement to shatter, and suggested exactly this behavior which is similar to scourge. sucks that it took a year for us to be heard but i'll take the changes! <3 you guys!

  3. I noticed about 2 weeks ago that if I play my game windowed, and I move it to one of my secondary monitors, and I maximize it there, there is some debug info on the bottom of the screen that is shown during cut scenes and only goes away if i change the size of the window. Also shows during character creation.


    Any ideas where's that coming from and how to make it go away?

  4. yeah targetting and autotargetting has been terrible since forever, like sometimes it targets stuff that is behind you or very far away, or even ambient creatures, but now it seems not to be working at all. . a good example is the 4 mobs in Uncategorized fractal, right at the beginning. Tab NEVER targets the Veteran, only cycles through the Champs. I remember a really really long time ago they did some "priority targetting" but it seems certain mobs never get targetted at all. A lot of the times there's something standing in front of you, attacking you and it decides to target something far away, sometimes even a non-aggressive creature and now you brought it into the fight cause the autotarget decided to pick the wrong thing... just to mention a few issues. Think targetting system is due a rework

  5. hmm i kinda noticed something weird last night but i thought it was the toggle, cause it always does what it wants and disables it. so I had to enable a key to toggle the autotarget lock on/off to fix it, but this is something that has been going on for years. and speaking of that, i was thinking that we should have some UI indicator that the autotarget is on or off, since using your toggle key doesnt show you if it's on or off, i have to target someone, hold down on one of my skills that locks to target and see if it's on or off, and then toggle if i need.

  6. necro minions disappear if you dismount and mount again real quick before their spawn animation finishes, if you wait like 2 seconds before mounting again and later dismounting, they stay behind, it's a known bug...

    that said, i feel a lot of things should stay behind when you mount, and dismount before they are supposed to disappear. in a similar note, necro's minions, mesmer clones, and i bet ele's elementals insta die when you get something that removes all the skills in your bar, like for example, getting turned into ice during Fraenir. 90% of the time it get's me when the fight starts cause someone rushes/blinks in and attacks while rest are walking. those things shouldn't kill your pets

  7. same thing just happened to me. did the pre, and you have like 10 sec to get to where the tower is, and by the time you get there, someone already destroyed it. and people just camp the tower and don't do the pre. should at least increase the timer so people can have a chance to get there, and make the tower not get destroyed in 1 shot

  8. @Kronos.3695 said:

    @YtseJam.9784 said:there's nothing to fix, you just have to go kill stuff in areas that your effective level is 10 or below until it drops

    Actually there is a real problem with the drop rate of the items once you got them once.If you read the comments, you'll see that there's not a prompt blocking you to delete the items like many collection related, so once you've done it, you'll have to literally spend hours to be able to get them.

    I missed 3 items when I started, now I miss one, but I've spent a total of 10 hours in different areas (to avoid DR) to be able to get them.

    Yeah I know about the problem, I was the one that started this whole thread because of it. I was being sarcastic with my comment because there hasn't been any action from ANET about this.

  9. You guys just changed the salvage kits behavior for masterwork materials, but like i suggested a long time ago, i really would like an option to disable the "and lower" for greens and blues. I normally salvage the greens with 1 kit, and the blues with another, and i would like to be able to salvage the greens without getting the blues salvaged as well because of costs.

    TBH idk why blues and greens have the "and lower" option and the yellows don't. It is not consistent and not that great user experience. An option to have them all have the "and lower" turned on/off would be nice.

    Also exotics are pretty worthless these days, so I don't see why we don't have a Salvage all Exotics option too. I know why it was no there in the first place, but exotic prices are about the same rares prices were when the "salvage all" options were added to the game.

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