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  1. Oddly enough, I have been noticing in some places my music dips out and comes back lower volume, I thought it was some other players effect, but it just happened sat with just 3 other players who didnt use anything. This has happened mostly in Divinity's reach, but it just happened to me in a guild hall too.
  2. Guardian, Heel Crack and Hold the Line dont need ammo, they need something useful. Same with staff, endurance? We ooze endurance, give fury! Hold the line protection and regen for 20 second cooldown? Give it stability or a stun break or something, heel crack is literally a CC bar skill, which the elite is far better at, would rather have rolling light as a stunbreak and THEN a daze. Give heel crack quickness or mobility or something, even a spike damage? Even as ammo its still not getting anywhere near a toolbar. Still begging for a power quickness dragonhunter that doesnt so guardian can compete with herald and not compete with condi firebrand only. Quickness on trap hit or something I dunno. Maybe I want too much.
  3. I was in WvW last night commander taking a break, I was spamming guardian spear and jumping up and down, I might be dumb but have jumps always interrupted auto attacks or is it just spear, probably not related but reading this reminded me I found it odd
  4. They have awful mechanics, but they also need their aggro ranged reduced massively
  5. Please stop. I know you think you are helping by blind defending it because you have one niche usage for it, that is totally ok. But go back and look what happened to revs scepter, exactly the same. Spear is a copy of a few rev skills chucked onto a single weapon with the same idea as scepter that didnt work then. Peoples issues with it are just as valid as your single usage idea because it is not perfect, nothing ever can be. But if we just go "yeah so I arguably can use it for 9 seconds now and the in one game mode so its all good no changes needed" it ends up never used by the majority of players and not even that good for the one role you point out. Taking that damage over greatsword or longbow or that support over empower and blast/heal of staff I dont think is an option. But, having an option and change is always nice so your points valid.
  6. Hard agree, same happened to the Rev scepter. Power/support combos are very hard to pull off, it mostly just ends up bland not doing enough dps or support to be worth slotting over another weapon.
  7. Where do they get their info? Because I didnt see many people if any at all say it was good for large scale WvW. It was good in the hands of Willbender roaming becaused you could JI and instant CC someone then burst, but you also get 2 more mobility skills, the self support was bad and the damage too. Glad some of the things are being fixed, but they miss a glaring hole here, again, it was NOT good in mass scale WvW, because the skill 1 only has 3 targets.... It needs 5 or it wont be used for support or in many kits just like axe. I am still more in favour of a total rework into a quickness weapon, give firebrands a power alternative, give Dragonhunter a quickness spec maybe, that is something new, something Guardian doesnt have. Guardian already has power and support weapons, both of which are more pure for purpose and make more sense in 90% of kits over what we saw, and even a retuned version of what we saw. And its highly unlikely to be a healer firebrands choice as again 3 targets... And if not quickess, make it condition damage, its illuminattion based but no burns?! This would slot into Firebrands easy if it had burns, PvE for quickness condition and WvW for celestiall burn brand. Even some roaming builds. Thats 3 entire spec METAs rather than it probably not getting into many kits at all as it stands. tl;dr: IT MUST BE 5 TARGETS
  8. Can this get retuned a bit? Trying to get my amulet done and if the event doesnt have people defending, or people randomly tag down and dont bother, between no one defending pumps and if you get past that then oil isnt spawning at all, no matter what you do, you cant complete the event, then you have to wait 2 hours for it again. Just remove the defend parts and have one map wide oil collection rather than 3. Even at peak hours there is 10-20 people max trying to do it. Off peak its literally impossible.
  9. That feeling when you port to a player, they dodge/immune your burst and renewed focus is on CD
  10. I still think the biggest crime is it targets 3 enemies/allies on auto not 5. A big reason axe gets dropped from a lot of kits is that alone.
  11. Last expansion I tried to judge weapons by "what does this replace in my kits". I used to play rev in all modes, scepter didnt make it into a single kit, it was power and barrier, it didnt work. On top of that manging "if you use this ability you get this resources and then your weapon might actually do something" is not that fun, in fact its very unfun to me at least, happy to admit I could be wrong. When I saw the preview for spear I groaned because its almost scepter all over again, how they did not learn these try and do 2 things at once weapons dont work I have no idea. Probably part the boot lickers who shot down any criticsm for scepter. Anyway, spear and guardian. It has no identity or anything guardian needs other than one kit, roaming in WvW on willbender. 2 more movements, cleanse, a CC and a bit of burst damage, if you thought willy was strong before wait till after the spear comes out.... Thats it for me, I wont take it over anything on minstrel firebrand, the META now leans towards firebrands doing burning in WvW so its useless there. Open world its not got good enough damage to warrant replacing a power weapon but its also not got good enough support to replace one to compliment the other. Like sat on rev staff is rubbish but its good to mitigate damage as an emergency switch and the other weapon purely being damage. I dont play healing guardian in PvE but I might suggest it doesnt heal enough and one heal being a dash for it to come anywhere near replacing sheild or staff. Skill 1 is woeful, like how it made it to BETA even with a straight face. Its staff 1 pre nerf, and it was a nerf. But now it does bad damage, worse healing and only hits 3 allies/enemies........ Hotpatch that to 5 immediately if you have any shame. Skill 2. I am both not against and entirely against this. Healing is pointless lets start there, a dash heal, its willbender F2 but slower and longer. The biggest thing I suggest is allow us to select where the dash finishes, that is the be all and end all of what 2 needs. it is VERY important for lets say Firebrand to be in position, there is no good reason to dash off your team/commaander for a 2k heal.... Once the movement is fixed, maybe consider it giving something else, maybe remove healing and add superspeed for 5 allies. I do wonder about the wisdom of giving willbender another 2 dashes, that heal too.... Like I said, healing/damage hybrid doesnt work, this is going to take WB to another level and just result in nerfs in WvW/PvP no matter how weak you make it hit/heal. Skill 3, meh, ok damage, blind is useless so no real use illuminating it. This could be the single skill that puts this spear into several kits. Might is ok, but add resoultion and quickess when illuminated, pulse it on a light field that blinds. Goes from meh to purpose defining, again remove the healing at that point from 2. 4 is basically greatsword 5 on rev, but with worse damage and condi cleanse, no real complaint its good, looks amazing too. BUT. Again this weapon needs more purpose, with or whithout the above, when this weapon is illuminated, it also removes boons, or maybe specifically stability like renegade. Not sure this will be used to its cleansing ability even illuminated. Its not a big zerg cleanse, small scale there are better cleanses that dont sacrifcice your damage rotation. Its more of a "oh I also do this" skill. Might be worth upping the damage and removing the cleanse, putting it on 2 when illuminated. 5 is a nice CC no complaint, best source of annoying illumination, cooldown too high, think more shortbow 5 on rev but no range. Glad its a knockdown not knockback. As bad as it is, its also a bit clunky but I really want to say the art is superb, it looks AMAZING visually, the symbols and spears falling look gorgeous.
  12. Jose Mourinho - If I speak I'm in big trouble
  13. Its better, but I still think auto attack needs to affect allies outside of hitting enemies
  14. "The concept of charging the skills with your autoattack chain proved to be a mechanic that didn’t add much to the weapon’s gameplay. It was too easy in PvE, and it was too unrealistic in competitive modes. We’ve removed this mechanic and adjusted the skills accordingly. Unlike warrior’s Line Breaker, we felt ally targeting could improve revenant’s Blossoming Aura skill. You’ll now be able to place it on an ally, sacrificing the damage for guaranteed support." I just hope this means in situations where you cant hit enemies in any game mode, you can still give a good amount of barrier. And also that the thing isnt so busy, so I can use vindi skills or tablet and it actually be fun to use rather than
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