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Everything posted by Sindrela.1846

  1. yeh i just found it funny, as i was in an area for story 4, part 3 and what ever direction i looked there were necro bots farming. same as the area for skyclad mushrooms. as it stands though ive now found my class. loved engineer, but its master classes dont feel like an engineer anymore. mesmer was fun, but my little asura necro is having great time in PoF. was laughing yesterday as tried to do the hero challenge ontop of pillar, but i got knocked off and couldnt get back up due to minions, so i just stood at bottom while they did it for me.
  2. been doing some living story 4 and omg the amount of necros, sat in thier little spots as pets aoto kill. it was actualy quite funny as i stood on a hill and all i could see were bots. just started a necro, so it kinda made me laugh.. was plesantly surprised at the geat an 80 boost, necro gets as i wanted to plat condition while i collect hero points for reaper and the sets actualy usefull, unlike what it gave my engi or mesmer
  3. its worth it on a necro, as you actualy get an ok set of gear (rabid) compared to what other classes get lumped with. did one yesterday and my necro was happily running around silver wastes easily killing stuff and surviving way better than any other char did. rabid wil easily carry me now untill i fill my mastery skills :)
  4. slowely raiseing hol, but atm as a scrapper with a hammer, i oddly nolonger feel like an engineer, just a medium armour warrior
  5. all i hope is that they make a mastery that feels like Engineer. im running around with a hammer and i just feel like a warrior wanabe
  6. only part i hate on HoT is when i manage to get all the way up some tree/boat and it pops a champion and i know Nobody is going to randomly turn up and help... also when it says something is beneet you, but there is nothing down there as the Mastery point or hero challenge is actually about 100ft away from what map says. just got boing mushroom and i love the shrooms
  7. kinda wish they had a boost mastery to full, rather than lev 80.. takes way longer to find hero challenges than level up, especialy in maze of thorns
  8. well got most of crono, but none of other one yet. so running around pve with sceptre and pisol and loving it.. way more fun than just spamming GS :)
  9. so long ago, i used to play a Mesmer and absolutely loved Confusion.. just things like dropping a dome at keep gate and watching bunch of players kill themselves. it wsnt much good in pve as mobs rarely cast skills. but i notice they added different damege stat for player confusion or npc now. playing my engineer i noticed mobs absolutely spam skills and my pistol 3 is my favorite skill, but its no Mesmer. Is there a mesmer Confusion build still?
  10. thanks, back on my engineer, thief pew pew is fun, but i missed pressing all the buttons my engineer juggles
  11. second area there is one in town, on a post. ask a mesmer for a portal :)
  12. just start the story and it will give you a location in silver wastes to goto. then it will fly you over
  13. well found one that is hybrid so still use flamethrower and get to play with pistols. love pistol 3, it gives memories of confusion spam and mobs in hot and pof spam skills. atm though im on a thief, for pistol fun, while i raise points for rifle mastery.. its so sad how every classs that can use guns, does so, so much better than engi :(
  14. hi so i finished path of fire and am now running around heart of thorns (damn this place is a pain in the arse to navigate) got second glider skill and mushroom bounce. ive got all ranks in scrapper and running around easily killing groups with flamethrower (great to tag) but im bored now of power scrapper, so is there a fun condi build, that i can use while collecting hollosmith?
  15. got kicked in pof story just after killed the crystal golem... was like ohhh crap. then i logged in and was back at golem, had to kill it again, but least not from start of area
  16. i wish mesmer gets a master class thats all glammer... i miss the days of casting and watching someone spam skills and kill themselves.
  17. loving the pics, for some reason I keep getting dragged back to my engineer need to get some nice outfits and effects
  18. main difference I found = Pof all the mobs suddenly want to run right up next to you.. nolonger happily blasting stuff at range, just happy little hug squads
  19. i came back and got a 80 engi scrapper, 80 mesmer (collecting points for crono) and now my Guardian is 60.. made guardian as ALL the fights in pof, seem to equal multipul mobs right up in your face. im actualy loving Guardian
  20. i think the OP is going for a desktop though but yeah laptops are usually plagued by thermal issues so the solution is aggressive cooling, which almost always results in loud fans and what not. i mean if budget is an issue, i guess the old top of the line i5's and i7's would still deliver good gw2 performance. it would be helpful for the others trying to respond here if you post your current system specs so people can see what/which parts are recommended for upgrade H series is a desktop, part of there alienware .. suffers from lack of cooling on cpu and case is to small for airflow. just sent one back :)
  21. if you go dell, dont get a H series just tried one, it ran game beautifully, but omg the fans get loud and the little fans + small case = damn it gets hot
  22. so im supposed to ponder this big skull rock to make legendary hammer, i watched guide andd am stood where guy stood and nothing happens? how does this work
  23. atm i got access to chrono, going to run arround finding pof hero challenges, im rotating between the mesmer and engineer. can see i need to get so much stuff, got 500 tailor, but looked at what i need to make my first piece of pink (assended) armour and wow... but now i know why some folk are simply swatting mobs that take me a good fight.
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