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  1. Do the math, than! If I'm missing something, why not actually quantify it instead of just saying "You're wrong because of this!" What are you afraid of about quantifying it? If it could actually help your argument further, why not? Because 12 + 8 yellow unids worth a varying degree of gold based largely on how long you've been playing the game and how much "luck" you've gone through prior to identifying and salvaging those yellow unids is too much effort? Now who's not willing to put in the effort.
  2. Now your pulling hairs. I popped about 20 yellow unids hoping for exotics during the boss rush while I had 288% magic find from various sources. I won't bore you with the details, but the majority of those didn't come from WB's. Total, I'd say around 22 of my unids were from WB's and the other 25 were from PoF events waiting for or doing the runes for the griffon. I should have clarified, yes, but frankly I'm more than a little tired and fairly annoyed at the number of times the same argument was repeated, again my own fault for making a suggestion in the hopes of maybe improving something I truly enjoy. (Yea yea, I know. "You're not suggesting improvement, you're suggesting utter CHAOS!") And yes, 15-25 gold PER HOUR vs a flat, consistent, 4 gold PER HOUR. IF you don't miss any of the world bosses, with an increase to 6 gold per hour for the first kill of each world boss, IF you hit every single WB's once and the 4 world bosses per hour are all different WB's from the ones you've already done. I don't care to do the math for per hour considering each hour has one starter map WB, with only 4 of those in game or the fact that 3 of those 12 bosses are HWB's and only happen once every 2 hours and sometimes actually fail and that they take up the time span 1 or 2 of normal the WB's depending on how many people are present, what the levels are like, etc
  3. I didn't ignore it, I addressed it several times, from unids to crafting mats. Also, are you considering the cost of salvaging all of the unids? Salvage kits? Time spent doing WB's that can't be spent doing optimizations? Forgetting my previous statement that after days of farming(4 or 5), I only have 27 yellow unids, and those didn't come from JUST WB's. I've been collecting griffon eggs/runes the last couple days just to tell myself that I could get the griffon if I actually thought it was worth the 250 gold. Collecting the runes alone got me around 15 of those yellow unids. My point isn't to say "Me me me!", it's that I play varied content and I know what the drops are like, at my magic find % at least. To put it another way, there are thousands of TP listings that are never going to be sold/filled because the price is just too high or the offered price just too low. I get it, that's capitalism, adapt or die, right? But 9/10ths of the market is the exchange of goods. Gold is just a "middle man" and it's subject to far more price dispersion than any commodity. The rarity and prevalence of commodities on the market is the deciding factor and by slightly increasing gold supply, primarily to players who don't have access to the absolute optimal farming methods, you're giving those players, with a tiny bit more gold per day, a chance to get into crafting/class building quicker while also filling out hundreds, if not thousands, of those buy/sell orders that get ignored, which increases the rarity of commodities on the market, stimulating not only the new player economy but the flow of gold to the "old guard", as it were. In fact, the only real failing to this suggestion, in my opinion, is the fact that this would ever so slightly decrease Anet's gem-to-gold profit.
  4. So, now you're calling me a Karen? With a smiley face and a wink to lessen the hostility or to increase your entertainment? I'm genuinely curious. Going to school for something doesn't mean you understand it. I can do basic trigonometry but I didn't learn that from school, but I don't remember all the presidents names despite them trying to drill that into me every year from 2nd grade to 12th. I'm not calling you stupid, to clarify. I'm just saying schooling doesn't really mean you understand something. Again, 518 views and your going to insinuate that no one supports me? Some of these topics have 8k + views with only 320 replies. You can probably guess which topic I took those stats from. lol Bottomline, in regards to the actual topic, we aren't talking about 1 person earning thousands of gold daily. We're talking about thousands of individuals earning 8 - 16 gold daily, unless they're serious about gold farming and decide to do 24 hours of world bosses. But if they're serious about gold farming, why wouldn't they be doing 15-25 gold per hour instead of, what was it? 94 gold per day? If you kill every single world boss every 15 minutes without breaks or sleeping in a 24 hour period? Individually, what those people can buy with 8-16 gold daily is primarily crafting resources/sigils/runes/stat gear and maybe a couple of mystic coins if they're feeling flush with cash. Frankly, the trade post is over saturated with people trying to sell mats/sigils/runes/stat gear already and that 8-16 gold per individual is going to be further divided amongst dozens of other players in the process.
  5. Vice versa. People who disagree are FAR more likely to comment. People who agree are less likely to comment simply on the merit that so many people have already disagreed or the fact that I've already stated so many arguments for. The biggest problem is, this isn't a poll with anonymity and most individuals won't want to get tangled in what, from my perspective, looks like a heated argument over the same thing said by multiple people over and over, echoing the same argument with differing phrasing. I know, I know. I may as well have asked for this in my OP. That was my mistake.
  6. I HATE this term and the entire idea of generalizing a populace based on clear mental illness, but, explain Karens. If the social construct value of adulthood isn't important, explain why hundreds of millions(If not billions) of adults around the world act like children?
  7. Okay, let's address it! I've opened a stack of 100 yellows before with 280% magic find and got diddly squat. I'm sure it was just a crude roll of RNG, but that doesn't change the fact that because RNG favors you more often than not that it is a good way to dictate who gets what. Yes, Fractals are far more effort than WB's. This is why they're worth so much gold daily and why I suggest so little gold per WB. The Funniest part is, I was more than willing to adjust my numbers for balance, right up until it felt like the community members who were commenting were becoming hostile. Your third point is arguing against pure context that I was using to reinforce a separate but related point. I understand inflation, but how long do these players stay on this routine every day, at the start and before finishing? An hour on each end? So, 8 gold from WB's per day. We're also talking about, again, a community of 800,000. I'm not gonna pretend to know the player dispersion rate between servers, but are you telling me that a majority of that 800,000 starts and stops their daily routine with WB's? And even if they do, how long do they do it for? 2 to 4 hours per day? 8 - 16 gold per day? Each of those 800,000 players probably earns at least 2 - 5 gold per day already, that's just the newbs(New players, not noobs) that don't understand the game yet. A majority of that playerbase is at least partially established and earning, in my experience when I do go gold farming, 10-20 gold per day. And that's completely ignoring those 10's of thousands that dedicate weeks to gold farming, earning 50-100 gold per day. I don't remember any of that. I'm only a year or so old on this game. I remember similar experiences on ESO. I've personally lived through and dealt with those exact experiences on Warframe. I understand how economies work. c(: It's not logical that they would see the merit in my idea and take it as a precedent for further caving to community whining. A slippery slope fallacy does not mean nothing should ever change. Change is powerful instrument for good and the developers don't have some convoluted legal system they have to follow that dictates if they agree with me than they must agree with everyone. Just to clarify, my final point here is exactly why Lokh's argument was against a strawman and not me. At it's most basic, his argument is claiming that my suggestion is the same as setting a permanent precedent that the developers will forever be forced to adhere to.
  8. I'm only addressing a single point in this because you chose to pick apart individual segments without full context. Kiddo isn't an age, it's a mindset. Ever heard of "Kid at heart"? Age alone doesn't make someone an adult. "Adult" is a social construct, which is why different cultures have different opinions. If you want a "true and scientific" method for choosing, it would be age 26 or 27, when the brain starts to slow the myelination process. That's when grey matter becomes white matter. But I sincerely appreciate that you would reinforce a strawman argument simply because you don't agree with me, as we both know that if you had agreed with me, you would have reinforced my decision to call him a kiddo.
  9. Nice! Add to his strawman like I didn't address that it was the Devs decision! You're so smart! So wise!
  10. Let's not paint the developers as push overs. They rarely do something just because a portion of the community whines about it. The developers aren't stupid. And yes, at this point, I'm considering myself whining. But that doesn't lessen the fact that I'm right. lol In the end, it's up to the developers to decide if my idea holds real merit, on any of the idea's several levels, and frankly I honestly expect that if any of the idea is implemented at all, it'll only be the 50s per world boss per day for a total of 6 gold per day from world bosses. But that's not gonna stop me from asking for a tiny bit of convenience that won't even be a drop in the bucket that is 10's of thousands of gold coming and going into the economy daily from the whopping 800,000 daily average of players.
  11. Thanks for the concern. I toned it down as soon as someone reasonably rational mentioned it in an not insulting way. lol
  12. Signatures can be turned off, as another person stated. Most people don't seem to have a signature at all, so I just assumed most people turn them off.
  13. What? I edited the OP like 2 hours ago to reflect the greatly reduced gold influx.
  14. How so? Ecto is worth basically the same as yellow unidentified and the other materials are worth copper, generally speaking. "My 27 pieces of yellow gear(That huge number drop should tell you the rarity) is worth 5 gold 22 silver and 72 copper." Just checked and 27 pieces of ecto is worth 5 gold 54 silver and 85 copper. Yes, in greater amounts, ecto is worth FAR more. FAR FAR FAR MORE! But that's not the point in the first place! I honestly do understand the concept of a player economy. I do. But you can get 25 gold per day from fractal dailies. Just, poof, gold from nowhere. Is that not saturating the economy? How many people turn gold into gems? How often do they do it? Exchange fees? Listing fees? Waypoint fees? There are dozens of ways that gold entering the economy goes "POOF!" and dozens of ways for new gold to enter the economy with a "POOF!". In fact, given the playerbase I'd wager 10's of thousands of gold is introduced into the economy EVERY day, and 10's of thousands is just lost to TP fees, waypoint fees and gold-to-gems everyday. That's what an economy is, the constant change of supply and demand. Giving players that choose to do world bosses every day, a minority I'm sure, 4 gold per hour isn't gonna rupture the space time continuum.
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