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  1. why no counter possible? ranger has unblockable only every what 40+ secs and nearly no ranger will oneshot you like other classes can do much more easy
  2. so with this you just wanted to say no ranger should be allowed to kill opponents from safe positions instead "from range" huh?
  3. oh realy has nothing to do with reflec when thiefs/deadeyes can kill from safe positions even before they can use their reflecs?
  4. thats a joke right? Noone should be allowed to kill someone from range within a few seconds in a "safety" position? Than why is a thief allowed to perma stealth (safety ) kill someone in a sec and go back to stealth (safety) is this fine for you?
  5. Did you even read your own post man? At some point you say heavy armors are frontliners and meduim/light backliners and still dont get the point that they force us to use melee very logical no? And your last part first of all i said nearly no other class need to swap weapons and not no other class and a thief doesnt realy need to swap to shortbow or whatever because of their perma stealth so they can just run/move away.....i would love to see they complety remove stealth from thiefs/deadeyes so they can go melee with their paper armors and getting killed in 2 hits
  6. lol yeah and now show me a ranger kills someone like guardian with heavy armor just with a single rapid fire xD
  7. The last part is very funny 🙂 now we could say the same like use your brain and dont bring melee weapon to avoid all those ground aoe dots etc.
  8. funny thing is you never see a ranger going full melee against like warriors or guardians because they would die in few secs and still peoples want rangers to go melee.....
  9. yeah i know but the guy said "other classes" are same hard hitted with all this reflects as rangers are which is absolutly not true
  10. Like a DE need to be scared of reflects....he just can go perma stealth when some comes close and turn on reflects but yeah he is punished same hard as like rangers are
  11. isnt it allways the same? guilds perma transfer arround week after week
  12. and i mean for real why is it nearly only the ranger who needs perma change weapons to do something? mesmer can use all time just greatsword or other range weapon without a need to perma switch dragon hunter dont need to perma switch he can just use all time longbow deadeye never need to switch he can use rifle all time and i bet more classes never need to switch to be able to do something
  13. give range players a melee reflec shield than we can see how they cry everywhere when we can make all their weapon specs useless like it is now with range weapons
  14. A perma stealth healer thief which can heal every1 in radius of 1200 range to full hp every 5 seconds would fit the already absurd OP class no?
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